TOWN OF WEST POINT 608-592-7059 FAX-608-592-7069 N2114 Rausch Lodi, WI 53555-9362 WEST POINT AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MINUTES DATE: January 4, 2005 TIME: Immediately following the Commission meeting, about 7:30 PM. PLACE: West Point Town Hall Discuss and take action on the following agenda items. 1. Call to order Joan called the meeting to order at 7: 46 PM. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve minutes from November 16, 2004 MOTION: KARON HAMILTON/ED JACOBSEN to approve minutes of the November 16, 2004 meeting. Motion carried. 4. Treasurer’s Report At the end of October there was a balance of $584.25. At the end of November there was a balance of $630.75. MOTION: MARY ANN JOHNSON/ KARON HAMILTON to approve treasurer’s report. Report approved. 5. Correspondence Wisconsin Historical Society has workshops available for genealogy classes. Patti also mentioned another workshop that she will email information. 6. Public input for future agendas None 7. Pat Pulvermacher-“THE MORE WE KNOW, THE MORE WE GROW” Sharing ideas on need for a society library. Pat is a local historian for Roxbury, secretary for Sauk Prairie Area Historical Society, and a member of the Plain & Sauk County Historical Society. Pat has given all of her family historical materials to her cousin who is putting these together. Pat suggests that individuals as well as the Society as a whole could do some of the Following to set up a library: Find out if there are stories written in old newspapers about “your” family members. Be careful about identity theft (no living people should be included.) Keep taking pictures of old buildings before demolition or new buildings that are replacing the old. Keep track of people moving out or into the community. Hang onto old phone books. Be careful of copyright laws (1923 cut-off date) Check with people with old post cards. Find books by local authors. 8. Historical Society website report Carol has a CD with material to go on the Web site. She has started working on the obituaries. Chris is physically collecting obituaries. 9. Video camera purchase. There are tapes available for viewing, and some have been given to some of the participants. The Society has purchased a camera with onscreen controls. We need to invest in a new tripod; Chris’ is using her camera tripod. This camera has the capability to hook up to TV and transfer to VHS tape. We need a policy on tape usage. Chris also taped a PBS program that included a story about the Treinen Corn Maze. We should be giving a copy of the tapes to original storyteller. 10.Next meeting February 1, 2005 11.Adjourn Motion: PATTI SCHUKNECHT/ED JACOBSEN to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM. Submitted for approval, Mary Ann Johnson, Recording Secretary APPROVED: February 1, 2005