references - Aberystwyth University Users Site

References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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Johnstone, E., 2004. River response to late Quaternary environmental change: the Dyfi
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References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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intensity of United Kingdom precipitation. International Journal of Climatology, 20, 347-364.
References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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variation in UK floods. International Journal of Climatology, 18, 165-182.
Robson, A.J. and Reed, D.W., 1999. Flood Estimation Handbook Volume 3: Statistical
procedures for flood frequency estimation. Institute of Hydrology: Wallingford.
Rumsby, B.T. and Macklin, M.G., 1994. Channel and floodplain response to recent abrupt
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Landforms, 19, 499-515.
Schofield, D I, Davies, J R, Waters, R A, Williams, M, & Wilson, D., 2004. Geology of the
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Resources Research, 39, Art. No. 1376.
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Sun, T., Meakin, P. and Jøssang, T., 2001. A computer model for meandering rivers with
multiple bedload sediment sizes. 1. Theory. Water Resources Research, 37, 2227-2241.
Svensson, C. and Jones, D.A., 2004. Dependence between sea surge, river flow and
precipitation in south and west Britain. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8, 973-992.
TAN 15, 2004. Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk. Planning Policy
Wales, Welsh Assembly Government, 44pp.
Taylor, M.P. and Lewin, J., 1996. River behaviour and Holocene alluviation: the River
Severn at Welshpool, mid-Wales, UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2, 77-91.
Thomas, R. and Nicholas, A.P., 2002. Simulation of braided flow using a new cellular
routing scheme. Geomorphology, 43, 179-195.
References (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
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Van de Wiel, M.J., Coulthard, T.J., Macklin, M.G. and Lewin J., in prep. Numerical
modelling of alluvial landscape evolution. Quaternary Science Review.
Van de Wiel, M.J., Coulthard, T.J., Macklin, M.G. and Lewin J., in press. Embedding reachscale fluvial dynamics within the CAESAR cellular automation landscape evolution model.
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flooding and heavy rainfalls in the Swansea Valley since 1875. Cambria, 9, 36-60.
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sediment. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 129, 120-128.
Willgoose, G., 2005. Mathematical modelling of whole landscape evolution. Annual review
of Earth and Planetary Science, 33, 433-459.