Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Final Lincoln-Douglas Debate Constructive Speech
Your typed manuscript should be double spaced. Labels in bold should be included. Do not type “say.”
Gain Attention (The content of your published quote should reflect the value of your case and/ or your
position in the debate. You must be able to identify the speaker of the quote by name and position.)
(Name), (position), once said, “____________________________________________”
Transition to Resolve Statement (Limit is two sentences.)
Resolve Statement
___Therefore, I stand resolved that (for aff)
or Say: ___Therefore, I negate the resolution (neg)
(You must use the official wording of the resolution without any changes.________)
Definitions (key terms in the resolution, as well as your value and value criterion)
Say: I offer the following definitions in support of my (our) case
1. term ________________________-- definition _____________________________
(source in parenthesis after definition; don’t give unless asked)
2. ____________________________-3. ____________________________-4. ____________________________-Say: My value for this round is ______________________________, which is
important because _____________________________________________________.
My value criterion is ___________________________________. This criterion is
important because _____________________________________________________.
(If not included in definitions list, follow each with a definition and source.)
All the labels and items in bold must be done so in your manuscript.
Don’t forget to double space throughout.
Final Lincoln-Douglas Debate Constructive Speech
Your typed manuscript should be double spaced. Labels in bold should be included. Do not type “say.”
(This page is for affirmatives only.)
My first contention is
*This is a claim which means it is the argument you are making
Provide explanation.
*Your sub point is a warrant. Warrants should reveal why your contention (claim) is true.
Provide evidence. (Give at least two examples—published or hypothetical.)
Link the evidence to the sub point.
Give impacts.
*Include the reason why your claim matters in the debate. Answer the question “So what?”
**This contention establishes the validity of the value criterion. Do not discuss the
resolution in this section. Speak of general circumstances and instances other than
those affected by the situation in the resolution.
All the labels and items in bold must be done so in your manuscript.
Don’t forget to double space throughout.
Final Lincoln-Douglas Debate Constructive Speech
Your typed manuscript should be double spaced. Labels in bold should be included. Do not type “say.”
*Use this page for affirmative’s 2nd and 3rd contentions and negative’s 1st and 2nd contentions.
Say: My ___ contention is
*This is a claim which means it is the argument you are making.
Provide brief explanation.
Say: Sub point A:
*Your sub point is a warrant. Warrants should reveal why your contention (claim) is true.
Provide an explanation of the sub point.
Provide evidence. (Give publication title and date.)
*Published evidence is better than hypothetical examples. “Evidence” means the same as “data.”
Link the evidence to the sub point.
Give impacts.
*Include the reason why your sub point matters in the debate. Try to connect to the value and/or criterion.
Say: Sub point B:
Follow the same format as you did for sub point “A.” Continue to follow this format for each contention
and sub point. Evidence must be included in at least one of the sub points for each contention.
Include realistic hypothetical examples where there is not published evidence.
All the labels and items in bold must be done so in your manuscript.
Don’t forget to double space throughout.
Final Lincoln-Douglas Debate Constructive Speech
Your typed manuscript should be double spaced. Labels in bold should be included. Do not type “say.”
*Limit this part of the speech to 30 seconds.
(The negative speaker can postpone this part if she or he is going to present the case first and then
attack. In this instance, present a statement of closure when you complete the attacks on the
affirmative’s case.)
Signpost and Summarize the Arguments
In conclusion, __________________________________________________________
Reinforce Importance of Value
Restate Position in Debate and Resolution
Begin by saying:
“Therefore, I stand resolved” or “Therefore I negate the resolution”
Stand for Cross-Examination
Say: I stand for cross examination.
All the labels and items in bold must be done so in your manuscript.
Don’t forget to double space throughout.