RSPSoc2008 NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility Aquatic Instrument Demonstration 28 November 2008 John Hedley1, Alasdair MacArthur2, Tim Malthus2 1. School of Biosciences, University of Exeter. E-mail: 2. NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility, University of Edinburgh. E-mail: Introduction This report is a summary of the results obtained during the field demonstration of the NERC Field Spectroscopy Facilities aquatic optical sampling equipment, at Stithians Lake in September 2008, as part of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Society conference. A combination of equipment was demonstrated, a WETLabs AC-S and ECO-BB3 for measuring optical properties of the water itself, known as “Inherent Optical Properties“ (IOPs), in conjunction with Satlantic HyperOCR sensors for measuring the actual light field in the water – from which “Apparent Optical Properties” (AOPs) can be derived. AOPs include parameters such as the spectral diffuse attenuation of downwelling irradiance, kd(λ), and are derived from an actual measured light field so their extrapolation to other situations is only approximate, since for example the calculated values may depend on the position of the sun or the directional nature of the radiance field. IOPs on the other hand represent the physical optical characteristics of the water itself, measured independently from any actual light field. To estimate actual light fields or AOPs from IOPs numerical modelling is required to propagate the incident above-water radiance distribution from the sky through the water column. This report also introduces PlanarRad - a free software tool written by Dr. John Hedley that will be available from the FSF in early 2009 (Fig. 1). PlanarRad is an opensource C++ implementation of the Invariant Imbedded method for radiative transfer in plane-parallel waters as detailed in Curt Mobley’s book Light and Water (Mobley, 1994). In this report we demonstrate a simple model closure experiment – where we compare of actual light fields and measured AOPs at Stithians Lake with those predicted from modelling with the concurrently collected IOP data. Methods IOPs - Beam attenuation and absorption were measured using a WetLABS AC-S in 84 bands from 400 nm to 760 nm. Temperature, depth and salinity were measured with a SBE19 CTD and backscatter coefficients at 117º at 470 nm, 532 nm and 660 nm were measured using WetLABS ECO-BB3 backscatterometer. All IOP data was post-processed and corrected according to the manufacturers protocols, and the backscatter data was used to model Fournier-Forand phase functions describing the angular distribution of scattering, as required for input to the PlanarRad model (Mobley et al. 2002). Fig. 1. PlanarRad open-source C++ software for modelling plane-parallel radiative transfer in natural waters. The software was specifically designed to be integrated with the FSF instrumentation suite. AOPs – downwelling planar irradiance and upwelling radiance were measured using Satlantic HyperOCR sensors with 182 bands (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2. Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) at Stithians Lake from 350 nm to 950 nm. The above-water incident radiance directional distribution was estimated by using an additional air-calibrated Satlantic HyperOCR sensor to take a total downwelling irradiance reading and a shaded reading (for separating the direct and diffuse sky irradiance components). From this data the PlanarRad software builds as input a directional sky radiance model based on the empirical sky parameterisation of Grant et al. (1996). PlanarRad was then used to model the in-water light field based on a total depth of 3 m and an assumed Lambertian substrate reflectance of 0.03. The visualisation tools of PlanarRad allowed for immediate investigation of model closure, since the measured and modelled data can be plotted overlayed, and updated interactively as the depth of interest is adjusted (Fig. 1). Results and Discussion IOPs - Fig. 2a shows the depth averaged spectral beam attenuation and absorption measured by the WetLABS AC-S, note this data includes absorption by pure water itself. Features to note are that CDOM (Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter) absorption is significant – this is the steep exponential shape to the curve from 400 nm to 570 nm and gave the water its brown colour. Absorption in the Near-Infra Red (NIR) is also significant and is due to the NIR absorption by pure water itself. A detailed plot (Fig. 2b) shows three spectral absorption features at approximately 583 nm, 640 nm, and 690 nm, the latter two are features consistent with the pattern of specific spectral absorptions published for some species of phytoplankton (690 nm feature is due to Chlorophyll, Mobley, 1994). Fig. 2c shows the depth-averaged Fournier-Forand phase functions estimated from the backscatter coefficients, note there is very little spectral variability in angular nature of scattering although backscatter in the green wavelength (532 nm) is slight lower than red and blue. AOPs - Fig. 3 (left panel) shows downwelling spectral planar irradiance, Ed, as measured at 0.5 m and 1.0 m compared to the PlanarRad model output based on the IOPs and modelled sky radiance input. The spectral fit between modelled and measured irradiance is quite good, but the model outputs result in an underestimation of the attenuation of irradiance. Fig, 3 (right panel) shows modelled and measured upwelling radiance, Lu, at 1.0 and 1.5 m. Model closure is good from 400 nm to 600 nm, but in this case the model underestimates upwelling radiance at greater depths and longer wavelengths, and spectral features are more prominent in the measured data. Fig. 3 also shows upward and downward looking hemispherical projections of the directional radiance from the PlanarRad model at the same depths as the spectral plots. Model Closure - There are several possible reasons for the observed deviations between the measured light levels and the model predictions: 1) The available depth at the site was inadequate for this kind of experiment – since the instrumentation frame itself is about 1 m high only a very small sampling depth range was possible. Relating data at depths differing by only 0.5 m will be subject to large potential errors due to fluctuations in the light field Upward-looking hemispherical radiance projections 0.5 m 1.0 m Down-looking hemispherical radiance projections 1.0 m 1.5 m Fig 3. Measured and modelled downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance. Hemispherical radiance projections are a visualisation output from PlanarRad to indicate the directional distribution of radiance at different depths in the water column (the final version of PlanarRad will provide a scale for these plots). 2) The reflectance of the substrate was not measured, but was assumed to be 0.03 and spectrally flat. 3) Recent work has shown that the standard data correction protocol for the AC-S can lead to underestimations of absorption (McKee et al. 2008). This may be an area of future research interest for the Field Spectroscopy Facility. In conclusion, given the limited time available and restrictions of collecting only a single data set, the results from the AOP and IOP data are quite consistent. Model closure experiments and issues surrounding uncertainty in IOP measurements and the propagation of uncertainty through models are currently hot topics in hydrological optics. The combination of AOP and IOP profiling sensors available from the FSF, together with the soon to be available open-source PlanarRad software make an excellent test bed for investigating these issues, and for building a reliable understanding the nature of underwater light field. Acknowledgments The authors extend thanks to Ian Walsh of WETLabs, the RSPSoc2008 organising committee and the attendees at the field demonstration. References Grant, R. H., Hiesler, G. M., and Gao, W. (1996). Photosynthetically-active radiation: sky radiance distributions under clear and overcast conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 82, 267-292. McKee, D., Piskozub, J., and Brown, I. (2008). Scattering error corrections for in situ absorption and attenuation measurements. Optics Express, 16, 19480-19492. Mobley, C. D. (1994). Light and Water. Academic Press, San Diego. Mobley, C. D., Sundman, L. K., and Boss, E. (2002). Phase function effects on oceanic light fields. Applied Optics, 41,10351050.