Term 5 Literacy MTP

Literacy Medium Term Plan
Year 2 - Owls
Term 5
Teacher: Mr. N. Bailey
Duration 7 weeks
This medium term plan is based on an analysis of strengths and weaknesses in the class at the end of term 4.
It does not necessarily follow the literacy framework units as the progression is topic based, following the
theme of “Castles”.
Key Text
George and the Dragon
(Chris Wormell)
A range of non-fiction texts
(Rigby Star)
Knee High Nigel
(Laurence Anholt)
Pupils will…
 Listen to the story and discuss focused recall and inference
comprehension questions with a talk partner.
 Use the audio version of the text in conjunction with the book.
 Explore the characters in the story including incidental
characters like the king and queen (inference skills required).
Use role play to consider how they would talk , and what they
would say.
 Consider the characters in the story and what they might be
thinking, feeling and saying. Use this to (LA) write clear
sentences with capital letters and full stops (MA) write
extended sentences correctly demarcated with more
adventurous vocabulary and punctuation (HA) write a diary
recount including thoughts and feelings
In topic lessons this week pupils will explore castle life through role
play and talk about the roles of different people in the castle.
 Read a non-fiction text independently to find specific
information about castles.
 Recall information that they have read.
 Act like a detective and ask relevant questions about castles.
 Write labels and captions for the parts of a castle, and their
 “Up-level” sentences for themselves and a partner.
 Present their findings in writing and orally to the group.
In topic lessons this week pupils will label images of castles and
learn about the inside of a castle.
 Listen to the story and discuss focused recall and inference
comprehension questions with a talk partner.
 Use a series of picture prompts to plan an adventure story with
a beginning, characters, problem, resolution and ending (story
 Write the start of the story.
 Write the end of the story.
 Write an extended adventure story using appropriate language
and phrases. Use the beginnings and endings already written.
In topic lessons this week pupils will make 3D castle with
battlements, drawbridge, using cardboard & paper maché, then
Key Text
“I read” stories” – The King of
Cold Soup
(Pie Corbett)
Arthur and the knights of the
round table.
(Marcia Williams)
Caldicot information leaflet
“I read” poems – Crazy Castles
Castle Poems
(John Foster)
Pupils will…
 Use the interactive programme “I-read” – Year 2 – Castles.
 Read sections of the text out loud to the whole class, which will
be revisited daily.
 (Focus 1) Orally retell the story.
 (Focus 2) Discuss and choose synonyms for “said”.
 (Focus 3) Edit and correct sentences.
 (Focus 5) Innovate the story orally and rewrite.
In topic lessons this week pupils will sketch a castle in pencil, in
detail, drawing for a sustained period of time.
 Repeat the structure of week 3 with the intention of improving
adventure story writing technique and outcome.
 Listen to the story and discuss focused recall and inference
comprehension questions with a talk partner.
 Use a series of picture prompts to plan an adventure story with
a beginning, characters, problem, resolution and ending (story
 Write the start of the story.
 Write the end of the story.
 Write an extended adventure story using appropriate language
and phrases. Use the beginnings and endings already written.
Innovate and extend the story
In topic lessons this week pupils will play an ICT adventure game.
They will make shield and sword – domed with a handle – using pva
and tin foil for a metalic effect.
 Read for purpose to plan elements of the school trip.
 Written comprehension – reading for purpose and answering in
full sentences, cloze procedure.
In topic lessons this week pupils will record video clips on the trip
using flip-cams.
 Use the interactive programme “I-read” – Year 2 – Castles.
 Read and perform poems out loud to the whole class, which will
be revisited daily, focusing on using the voice as an expressive
 (Focus 1) Use phonics to complete a spelling test using words
from the poem.
 (Focus 2) Explore and create similes.
 (Focus 3) Explore rhyming words.
 (Focus 5) Innovate to create own poetry.
 Create a class poem by writing a stanza each in groups.
In topic lessons this week pupils will use K-Nex to make
contraptions for a castle siege – such as ladders, catapults, etc.