Microsatellite genotype datafile General 1. Data is in Genepop format (genepop.curtin.edu.au/) 2. Alleles are described by three digits. 3. Missing alleles are represented by ‘000’. 4. Total sample size (n) was 97. 5. Citation for data is Blower, D. C., Pandolfi, J. M., Gomez-Cabrera, M. d. C., Bruce, B. D. & Ovenden, J. R. (In press - April 2012). Population genetics of Australian white sharks reveals fine-scale spatial structure, transoceanic dispersal events and low effective population sizes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Specific 1. The first line consists of title of file, including species name. 2. The next six lines contain the names of the microsatellite loci. 3. Data for the first population (New South Wales, NSW; Queensland, Qld; South Australia, SA; Tasmania, Tas and Unknown, U) begins after the ‘POP’ line. Each subsequent population is separated by ‘POP’. 4. The next line and following lines consist of the genotype for each animal, and described by sample code name (followed by a comma and space) and allelic determinations for six microsatellite loci. 5. The sample codes can be interpreted as follows: for sample code = 1010F19941NSW, 1 = State: 1-NSW, 2-QLD, 3-SA, 4-WA, 5-TAS, 6-Unknown, 010 = Sample number, F = gender: FFemale, M-Male, 1994 = Year of collection: 0000 – Unknown, 1 = Released alive: 1=No, 2=Yes 6. Collection locations are shown in Figure 1 of Blower, D. C., Pandolfi, J. M., Gomez-Cabrera, M. d. C., Bruce, B. D. & Ovenden, J. R. (In press - April 2012). Population genetics of Australian white sharks reveals fine-scale spatial structure, transoceanic dispersal events and low effective population sizes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 7. Alleles (two per locus) are described by the size in nucleotide base pairs (eg 182192 = two alleles, 182bp and 192bp). Australian white shark (Carcharodon Locus_Ccar1 Locus_Ccar13 Locus_Ccar19 Locus_Ccar6-27x Locus_Ccar9 Locus_Iox10 POP 1010F19941NSW, 182192 312314 232234 1034F20082NSW, 182192 310318 232234 1035F20082NSW, 190190 310314 234240 1036F20082NSW, 190192 296314 232232 1037F20082NSW, 182182 308314 232232 1038M20072NSW, 192192 296314 232232 1039F20072NSW, 182194 296314 232232 1040M20072NSW, 182192 308314 234240 1041M20072NSW, 190192 314318 232232 1042F20072NSW, 182190 296314 234234 1043F20072NSW, 182190 314314 234240 1044F20072NSW, 184190 314314 232232 1045M20072NSW, 182190 312314 234234 1046F20072NSW, 182190 302314 232232 carcharias) microsatellite genotypes 193193 193197 193197 193193 193201 193193 193197 193193 193193 193197 197201 193201 193193 193197 243255 243245 245245 243261 243245 247259 237243 239257 243249 239245 243243 243261 239245 245257 147147 147149 149151 147147 149151 143149 147149 149149 143149 147149 143149 149149 149151 147153 1047F20072NSW, 1056M20092NSW, 1057M20092NSW, 1058F20092NSW, 1059M20092NSW, 1060F20092NSW, 1061F20092NSW, 1062F20092NSW, 1085M20031NSW, 1086F20031NSW, 1087U20061NSW, 1090F20031NSW, 1092M20051NSW, 1100F20021NSW, 1101F20051NSW, 1102M20051NSW, 1103U20051NSW, 1104M20051NSW, 1105F20061NSW, 1106M20071NSW, 1107M20071NSW, 1108M20071NSW, 1109M20071NSW, 1110M20071NSW, 1111F20071NSW, 1112M20091NSW, 1113F20091NSW, 1114F20091NSW, 1115M20091NSW, POP 2065U20091QLD, 2066M20011QLD, 2067F20011QLD, 2068M20021QLD, 2069F20021QLD, 2070U20061QLD, 2071F20091QLD, 2073F20091QLD, 2074F20091QLD, 2075F20091QLD, 2079F20091QLD, 2081F20091QLD, 2082F20091QLD, 2094F20031QLD, POP 3001F19891SA, 3004F19921SA, 3005M19931SA, 3006U19901SA, 3008M19891SA, 3009M20021SA, 3011F19981SA, 3012F19941SA, 3014M19921SA, 3016M20001SA, 3017F19931SA, 3019F19961SA, 3021F19901SA, 184190 182182 182182 192192 190192 182192 182182 182182 182192 182184 176182 190190 182182 182182 190192 182182 000000 184194 182190 192192 176192 182182 192192 176184 190190 182184 182190 182182 182182 312314 314314 310312 310320 314316 308314 302314 296302 312312 314314 310314 304310 312318 312316 312314 310312 312314 312314 310312 000000 314314 314314 308314 308314 308314 312314 000000 308314 314314 234234 234234 232232 232232 232234 232234 232234 234234 232232 232232 232234 232232 232232 232232 232232 232234 232232 232234 232234 232234 232234 232232 232232 232232 232234 232234 232234 232232 232232 193201 193201 193193 193193 000000 193197 193197 193201 193197 193201 193193 193193 193193 193197 193197 193201 000000 000000 197201 000000 193193 197201 193201 193193 197201 197201 197197 193201 197201 255261 243261 243245 243257 243245 239245 243257 243245 235247 000000 243261 245257 243247 245247 237243 237237 243269 243257 245255 243257 245257 239249 237243 245259 237247 239257 243259 243247 243257 149149 149149 147149 147147 149151 149149 147149 147149 149149 147151 149149 143149 147149 149149 143147 149149 143151 147149 143147 147149 149153 149153 149149 149149 147149 143147 147149 151153 149149 182182 192192 184192 184190 182184 182190 190192 190192 184192 182190 190190 182182 182190 000000 296296 000000 000000 296302 296312 302304 314314 000000 308312 000000 312314 310312 314320 312314 234234 232232 232232 232234 234234 234234 232234 232240 234234 232232 234234 232240 232234 232232 193197 193193 193201 193193 193201 193197 193193 193197 193201 193201 193201 193193 193201 193193 237257 239245 245247 237247 243243 239239 243243 239257 239247 243261 247247 237247 237243 245257 143149 143151 147149 147151 149149 149149 147149 149151 149153 149153 147151 149151 143149 149149 000000 182192 182182 182190 182192 182182 176192 184184 184192 184192 184190 182182 192192 296316 296296 000000 308318 296312 312314 308310 296314 314314 302314 312316 314314 296302 000000 232240 234240 232232 232232 234234 232232 232234 232232 232234 232234 232234 232232 193197 193197 193193 193201 193197 193195 193193 193193 193197 193193 193193 193193 193193 237239 243261 243243 237255 243265 253255 243245 239257 259261 243247 235245 245247 243243 149153 143147 143147 149149 143147 147149 143147 143151 147149 143151 143149 143149 143149 3022M19941SA, 3023M19941SA, 3025F20001SA, 3026U19941SA, 3027M20072SA, 3028M20072SA, 3029M20082SA, 3031M20072SA, 3032M20082SA, 3048M20072SA, 3049M20052SA, 3050M20062SA, 3051F20062SA, 3054F20072SA, 3055U20072SA, 3063M20092SA, 3064M20092SA, POP 5002F19931TAS, 5003F19921TAS, 5013M19931TAS, 5015F20001TAS, 5020U20001TAS, POP 4007M19921WA, 4052M20072WA, POP 6053U00002U, 6088U00001U, 6095U20071U, 184190 182192 182182 182190 182184 182192 182184 182192 182182 182182 182182 182192 182184 192194 184184 184192 182194 314314 314316 314314 314314 308318 314318 296314 296316 296314 312314 304314 310314 296304 296320 000000 312314 314318 232234 234234 232240 232232 232234 234234 232232 232234 232234 232234 234234 232232 232232 232232 000000 232234 234234 193193 193201 193193 193193 193193 193201 193201 193201 193201 197201 201201 193201 193193 193193 000000 193193 193193 237261 255259 243243 239243 243255 243261 243247 243257 243245 239243 237243 000000 245249 243247 245247 237251 000000 147149 147149 151151 143147 147153 147149 147149 151153 147149 147149 149149 143151 149151 149149 143147 143149 147147 182184 182190 182184 184192 182182 318320 312318 302314 000000 304314 232240 232234 232234 232232 234234 193201 193201 193193 193193 193197 243247 243245 239243 237245 239245 149151 149149 147149 149149 149153 192192 304314 000000 193193 237249 143151 182184 312314 232232 193201 247257 147151 182184 000000 232234 193193 237257 147149 182192 314314 232232 000000 247257 147149 000000 302310 232234 193201 259261 149153