Ch 10-Genetics Vocabulary

Ch 10-Genetics Vocabulary
1. Genetics- the study of heredity.
2. Heredity-the passing of traits from parent to offspring.
3. Allele-one of two or more slightly different molecular forms of a gene that arise through mutation
and that code for different versions of the same trait.
4. Heterozygous-having a pair of nonidentical alleles at a gen locus.
5. Homozygous dominant-having a pair of dominant alleles at a gene locus.
6. Homozygous recessive-having a pair of recessive alleles at a gene locus.
7. Monohybrid cross-experimental cross between two parents that are homozygous for different
versions of the same trait.
8. Probability-the chance that each outcome of a given event will occur is proportional to the number
of ways the outcome can be reached.
9. Genotype-genetic constitution of an individual.
10. Phenotype-observable trait or traits of an individual that arise from gene interactions and geneenvironment interactions.
11. Punnett square method-construction of a diagram of a genetic cross that is a simple way to predict
the probable outcomes.
12. Dihybrid cross-experimental cross between true-breeding parents that differ in two traits.
13. Law of Independent Assortment-Mendelian theory that by the end of meiosis, each pair of
homologous chromosomes are sorted out and shipped to gametes without effecting other pairs.
14. Incomplete dominance-condition in which one allele of a pair is not fully dominant over the other.
15. Codominance-in heterozygotes, simultaneous expression of a pair of nonidentical alleles that
specify different phenotypes.
16. Multiple allele system-three or more slightly different molecular forms of a gene that occur among
individuals of a population.