Microwaves101.com Electronic Symbols.doc Revision 20 Last modified July 6, 2011 You wouldn’t believe how many engineers download this free Word file each month! This Word document contains some schematic symbols for use in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel files for reports and presentations. If you happen to have Agilent ADS or AutoCAD, you may find these tools more convenient for creating schematics. If you are a microwave cheapskate, you may have created these symbols yourself a hundred times. Using this downloadable file, now you won’t have to! Did you find some useful schematic symbol(s) missing? Drop a line to techwriter@microwaves101.com and we’ll see if we can add it! The Microsoft Word Drawings are pasted into tables to keep them “anchored” within the text. Just double-click on a figure to edit it. When you are editing a figure, remember that everything started out on a 0.05 inch grid. You may have to turn off the grid snap to get things to align properly. Around the pictures (inside the Microsoft Word Drawings) are invisible boxes with clear filling. These are used to define the outside edges of the pictures. Microsoft software does some peculiar things if you try to scale the pictures. We recommend that if your picture is too big, you should work on decreasing the size of the elements inside the picture rather than squeezing the entire picture down to size. Once you shrink any of the schematic elements, all bets are off as to whether they will look aligned when you connect them up. It is very simple to copy from one picture to another. You need to double-click the picture you are copying from, then click and control C the element you want to copy, then exit the picture, click into the second picture and hit control V. Good luck! Microwaves101.com Jumpers and dots Capacitors Ground symbols Resistors Inductors Resistors, capacitors and inductors FB Coax, ferrite bead MOSFETs MESFET NMOS BJT NPN PMOS BJT NPN FETS and transistors Microwaves101.com Port 2 Port 1 Port 1 Pi attenuator Port 3 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Tee attenuator Circulators and isolators Attenuators, circulators and isolators RF IF LO Microwaves101.com RF IF LO Double-balanced mixers Microwaves101.com Inside only Outside only Inside/outside DC Blocks RF only RF & DC RF IF LO Bias tee DC only Mixer Diodes Variable attenuator Zener Phase shifter Diodes, DC blocks, mixer, phase shifter/attenuator Microwaves101.com HPF F BPF LPF BSF Lumped element filters Flow Flow Fmed Fhigh Fhigh Diplexer Triplexer Filters and multiplexers Microwaves101.com Lumped element filters LP Pi HP Pi LP Tee HP Tee Lumped Filters SPDT SPST SP3T Switches Microwaves101.com Single box hybrid 0.707 Z0 Vin (port 1) 0.707 Vin<-90 (port 2) Z0 isolated port (port 4) Z0 0.707 Vin<180 (port 3) 0.707 Z0 all arms are in length Double box hybrid Z0 Z0 0.707 Vin<180 (port 2) Vin (port 1) 2.414 Z0 1.414 Z0 Z0 isolated port (port 4) 2.414 Z0 0.707 Vin<-90 (port 3) Z0 all arms are in length Unequal-split hybrid power divider Z0A VIN (port 1) PA (port 2) Z0B isolated port (port 4) Z0B Z0A PB (port 3) all arms are in length Branchline hybrid couplers Microwaves101.com PIN PB PA isolated port Unequal split rat race coupler 0.707 Vin<90 (port 2) Vin (port 1) 0.707 Vin<-90 (port 4) isolated port (port 3) Equal-split rat race coupler Rat race coupler Microwaves101.com 2 Z0, /4 Port 2 Port 1 2Z0 2 Z0, /4 Port 3 Basic 3 dB Wilkinson splitter Port 2 (50 ) /4 Port 1 (50 ) 59.4 100 59.4 /4 42 Port 3 (50 ) /4 Wilkinson with input transformer (Z0=50 /4 /4 Port 1 (50 ) 56.3 66.0 /4 39.8 Port 2 (50 ) 66.6 /4 93.7 155.5 56.3 Port 3 (50 ) /4 Two stage Wilkinson with input transformer /4 /4 PIN (port 1) Z0C PA (port 2) Z0 /4 RW Z0D /4 PB (port 3) Unequal split Wilkinson power divider Wilkinson power splitters Microwaves101.com N-section Wilkinson ZN-1 Z1 Z2 Port 2 ZN Port 1 ZN RN RN-1 ZN-1 R2 Z2 R1 Z1 Port 3 N-section Wilkinson - odd mode ZN ZN-1 Z2 Z1 Port 2 Zin,odd odd 0 ohms 0.5xRN 0.5xRN-1 0.5xR2 0.5xR1 N-section Wilkinson - even mode ZN ZN-1 Z2 Z1 Port 2 Zin,even odd 2xZ0 N-section Wilkinson, Even/odd modes Microwaves101.com High-pass/low-pass Switched filter - High-pass SW1 SW1 Bypass state C1 L1 Hi-pass state C1 L1 L1 L1 SW2 SW2 Q1 Q1 Q1 L1 L1 Q2 L2 L1 L1 C1 Q2 L2 C1 L1 L1 Q2 L2 Microwaves101.com Phase shifters Port 2 /4 Port 2 Port 1 Port 1 /4 Port 3 Port 3 Series SPDT switch Shunt SPDT switch /4 Port 2 Port 2 Port 1 Port 1 /4 Port 3 Port 3 Series-shunt SPDT switch Series-shunt-shunt SPDT switch /4 Port 2 /4 Port 1 /4 /4 Port 3 Shunt-shunt SPDT switch Switch configurations Microwaves101.com 3 Z0, /4 Port 2 Z0 Port 1 3 Z0, /4 3 Z0, /4 Port 3 Z0 Z0 Port 4 Three-way Wilkinson splitter, star resistors 3 Z0, /4 Port 1 3 Z0, /4 Port 2 Port 3 3Z0 3Z0 3 Z0, /4 3Z0 Port 4 Three-way Wilkinson splitter, delta resistors Three-way Wilkinsons Z0/3 Port 2 Z0/3 Port 3 Z0/3 Port 1 Y-type 6 dB resistive splitter Z0 Port 2 Z0 Port 1 Z0 Port 3 Delta-type 6 dB resistive splitter Resistive splitters Microwaves101.com R1 Z1 Z2 R2 L-pad matching network (Z1>Z2) L-Pad R1 Port 2 R2 Z0 Port 1 Z0 R3 Port 3 R4 Owen resistive splitter Z0 Microwaves101.com 0.707 Vin<-90 (port 2) all arms are in length isolated port (port 4) Z3 R=Z0 Z2 Z4 Z2 Z4 Z1 Vin (port 1) R=Z0 Z3 Equal-split Gysel isolated port (port 5) 0.707 Vin<-90 (port 3) Gysel power splitter Detector diode RF In Input matching network Video out RF choke Bypass cap Basic detector Detector circuits Microwaves101.com + - + Cell - + + + - + - + - Multiple cells (as in a flashlight) Battery Multiple batteries (ganged for more current) - - + - + - Multiple batteries (ganged for more voltage) Meters, power supplies and batteries Series resonance L Parallel resonance C C R Resonant circuits L R Microwaves101.com D TSC427 G S S N-channel D G G D S P-channel P-channel MOSFETs and Drivers AND OR Logic NAND NOR NOT XOR XNOR Microwaves101.com Mixer IF RF RF Input pad IF output LO LNA IF amp LO Input Receivers Microwave Capacitor model C LS CP Capacitor model ESR Microwaves101.com Current source Lossless transmission line model General transmission line model DC Voltage source AC Voltage source L' L' R' C' G' C' + - Voltage and current sources, transmission line model Capacitive switch Three-terminal Ohmic switch Four-terminal Ohmic switch VA VA VA1 MEMS switches VA2 Microwaves101.com Coupled port Input port Input port Direct port Isolated port Output port Balanced amp Lange couplers. balanced amp Carrier amplifier 0.707 Z0 Z0 Z0 Input port Z0 Z0 0.707 Z0 0.707 Z0 Peaking amplifier Doherty amp Doherty amp Output port Microwaves101.com Driver amp Power amp SW2 Circulator To antenna Attenuator Phase shifter SW1 To manifold Commonleg amp LNA Limiter Isolator Driver amp Power amp SW3 Phase shifter To manifold Attenuator SW1 Pre-amp TR modules LNA Limiter SW2 To antenna Microwaves101.com The FET images below came from James. Thanks!! Depletion mode MOSFET Enhancement Mode MOSFET Microwaves101.com p Channel JFET n-channel JFET