Shoreham Port Masterplan Comments Sheet Do You: A 1. Live in the area (Postcode)?..................... 2. Run a business within the Port? 3. Work on the Port? 4. Other (Please specify)? What do you think the top three priorities for Shoreham Port should be?: B 1. Continue to grow as a modern UK port 2. Create local employment opportunities 3. Protect amenities areas, such as beaches, lighthouse and fort 4. Develop a lower carbon port, e.g. by increased use of renewable energy 5. Accommodate some new housing 6. Ensure footpaths and cycleways within the Port (e.g. to Southwick beach) are protected & enhanced 7. Improve vehicular access within the port 8. Other (Please state) 9. 10. C What do you think about the draft Masterplan proposals in relation to: Support No Opinion Disagree 1. Consolidation of port operators at South Quayside 2. Aldrington Basin to be redeveloped: (a) to accommodate new port related activities (b) for new employment (non-port related) activities (c) for new housing and commercial uses 3. North Quayside to be developed as a new port operational area, including a new / improved access road 4. Southwick Waterfront to be redeveloped for leisure purposes, increased marina berths and restaurants / public waterfront 5. Shoreham Fort and Kingston Beach to be improved as local amenity areas 6. 6. Western Arm/River Adur to be redeveloped as residential, leisure and commercial uses in the longer term The comments sheet is also available online at – and should be returned to: Shoreham Port Authority, Nautilus House, 90-100 Albion Street, Southwick, Brighton, BN42 4ED Please use the space available on the back of this form to write any other comments you have.