Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Ecology Expert Event Leader Instructions This is a station event. Please print station in color. There are 10 stations. If you have more than 10 teams, print a second set of stations. If you only need a couple more stations, place a couple of rest stations in between stations. Station 2 includes pictures that need to be cut apart and labeled A –G for the students. Station 5 includes a Leech and a shell with Barnacles, if you have a model, set it out, but there are pictures in the test as well. Station 10 Has tadpole/frog models and some oyster shells, if you have them, please set them out, if not, there are pictures in the test. Set up the room to accommodate a rotation. Teams will have 4 minutes per station. Tiebreakers are as follows, the first team to get an answer right wins the tie: 7, 42, 11, 48, 19, 10, 33 Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 1 Use the diagram above to answer the following questions. 1. Name a producer in this ecosystem. 2. Name a decomposer in this ecosystem. 3. The Arctic hare is very important to this ecosystem. Name 2 animals that rely on it for food. 4. How many top-level consumers are in this food web? Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 2 5. Look at the pictures at this station. Which of these things belongs in an estuary? Write all the letters for things that belong on your answer sheet. 6. Do estuaries have a higher or lower salinity than the ocean? 7. Which of these is NOT a function of an estuary? a. Nursery for marine animals b. Habitat for plants and animals. c. Good place for dumping pollution d. Good source of fishing Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 2 pictures A B C D Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO E F G Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 3 The picture below shows a climograph for arctic tundra. The right y-axis is average temperature and is graphed with the white line. The left y-axis is average rainfall and is graphed with the bar graph. The bottom x-axis shows the months of the year. 8. Which month(s) is(are) the wettest? 9. Which month has the lowest average temperature? 10. What was the monthly temperature for November? Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 4 – page 1 11. In which state would you find an example of an arctic tundra? A: South Dakota B: Washington C: Alaska D. Maine 12. Which ecosystem is most like an arctic tundra concerning average annual precipitation? A: rainforest B: desert C: prairie D: swamp Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 4 – page 2 13. What is the name of the layer above the permafrost that thaws during the summer? A: B: C: D: E: Sub-permafrost Tempafrost Loam Humus Active layer 14. If you were to dig down through the snow in Antarctica, would you eventually hit land or sea water? 15. If you were to dig down through the snow at the North pole, would you eventually hit land or sea water? Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 5 – page 1 Match the type of symbiosis with the correct picture or description below. Write the letter only on your answer sheet. A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism 16. Barnacles adhere to the shell of a mollusk. The barnacle is transported by the mollusk to new sources of food and the presence of barnacle populations does not appear to hamper or enhance the survival of the animals carrying them. 17. Mistletoe relies on the Silver Birch tree mainly for the water and the mineral nutrients it carries. It can eventually prove fatal to the Birch where infestation is heavy, though damage more commonly only results in growth reduction. 18. Bees fly from flower to flower gathering nectar, which they make into food. When they land in a flower, the bees get some pollen on their hairy bodies, and when they land in the next flower, some of the pollen from the first one rubs off, pollinating the plant. Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 5 – page 2 Match the type of symbiosis with the correct picture or below. Write the letter only on your answer sheet. A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism A cleaning station on a coral reef where fish and other marine life congregate each morning to be cleaned of parasites, dead skin cells, and bacteria by smaller fish. 19. The Freshwater Leech feeds on the blood of fish, frogs, turtles, and mammals. 20. 21. The caribou digs into the ground snow looking for food, it digs up the soil and brings closer to the surface some of the mammals living underground, then the arctic fox follows it and digs deeper and eats these mammals. Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 6 – page 1 The following is a list of adaptations that land animals need to survive in the Arctic. Write a sentence explaining the benefit this adaptation provides to the Arctic animal. 22. wide, pad-like feet. The picture is an example of caribou(reindeer) feet - 23. blubber, or layers of brown fat - 24. white feathers or fur. The picture is an example of winter and summer fur in an Arctic fox. 25. hibernation - Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 7 - page 1 Identify which type of environment is best described by each of the following statements: (write the correct letter on the answer sheet). A. Coral Reef B. Estuary C. Swamp D. Arctic Ocean E. Arctic Tundra 26. The temperature ranges from 20°C to 28°C 27. Treeless region dominated by cold, windy, dry climate 28. Formed by living stony polyps and red and green algae 29. Place were freshwater flows into a sea 30. Known for great biodiversity 31. Wetland dominated by woody plants 32. Protected from ocean waves, winds and storms by reefs, barrier islands, etc. 33. Located in light yellow highlighted areas of this map: Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 7 - page 2 Identify which type of environment is best described by each of the following statements: (write the correct letter on the answer sheet). A. Coral Reef B. Estuary C. Swamp D. Arctic Ocean E. Arctic Tundra 34. Located in the red highlighted areas of this map: 35. Located in the red highlighted areas of this map: Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 8 Match the predator with the correct prey for its biome 36. Whitetip Sharks a. krill 37. Arctic Fox b. reef fish 38. Humpback Whale c. ringed seal 39. Polar Bear d. lemming Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 9 1 2 3 4 This is a diagram for an ocean biome. Use this picture to help answer the questions on this page (use numbers instead of organism names when necessary). 40. Which species have a predator-prey relationship? 41. Which species are the biggest? 42. The zooplankton (3) are _________________. A. herbivores 43. B. carnivores C. omnivores If you were to count each organism in the ocean, which level above would have the highest number of organisms? Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 10 – page 1 Answer this station’s questions about the provided specimen. 44. What is the name of this organism? 45. Which ecosystem does this specimen live in: marine, freshwater or arctic? 46. List an abiotic factor within its environment that this organism must deal with to survive. 47. Is this organism a producer, consumer or decomposer? Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 10 – page 2 48. Which ecosystem does these specimens live in: marine, freshwater or arctic? 49. Are these organisms producers, consumers, or decomposers? 50. List a biotic factor that these specimens must adapt to. Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Ecology Expert 2014 School Name ___________________________________ V JV JV1 JV2 JV3 Student Names ____________________________________________________ Station 1 Station 4 1. ________________ 11. _____ 2. ________________ 12. _____ 3. A. _________________ 13. _____ B. _________________ 4. _______ 14. ___________ 15. ___________ Station 2 5. ______________________ Station 5 6. _______________ 16. _____ 7. ______ 17. _____ Station 3 18. _____ 8. _____________________ 19. _____ 9. _____________________ 20. _____ 10. ____________________ 21. _____ Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 6 22. ____________________________________________________________ 23. ____________________________________________________________ 24. ____________________________________________________________ 25. ____________________________________________________________ Station 7 Station 8 Station 10 26. _____ 36. _______ 44. ____________________ 27. _____ 37. _______ 45. ___________________ 28. _____ 38. _______ 46. ___________________ 29. _____ 39. _______ 47. ___________________ 30. _____ 48. ___________________ 31. _____ Station 9 49. ___________________ 32. _____ 40. _______ 50. ___________________ 33. _____ 41. _______ 34. _____ 42. _______ 35. _____ 43. _______ Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Ecology Expert 2014 School Name _______KEY_________ V JV JV1 JV2 JV3 Student Names _______EACH ANSWER WORTH 1 POINT__________________ Station 1 Station 4 1. GRASS/SEDGE/SAXIFRAGE/WILLOW 11. C__ (ANY 1) 12. __B__ 2. _BLOWFLIES__ 13. _E__ 3. ANY 2 IN ANY ORDER: 14. __LAND____ A. HAWK/GYRFALCON/OWL 15. _SEAWATER___ B.WOLF/FOX/ERMINE/FLEAS 4. _4___ Station 5 Station 2 16. _C__ 5. ANY ORDER: A,B,D,F,G 17. _B__ 6. _LOWER___ 18. _A__ 7. _C__ 19. _A__ Station 3 20. _B__ 8. _JULY & AUGUST___ 21. _C__ 9. _JANUARY________ 10. __-10OF__________ Ecology Expert 2014 Elementary NCSO Station 6 22. LARGE FEET ARE GOOD FOR TRACTION IN THE ICE & SNOW 23. HELPS KEEP ANIMALS WARM & PROVIDE ENERGY 24. CAMOFLAGUE HELPS THEM HIDE FROM PREDATORS AND PREY 25. SLOWS DOWN METABOLISM DURING MONTHS WITH LITTLE FOOD Station 7 Station 8 Station 10 26. _B OR C__ 36. __B___ 44. _TADPOLE OR FROG___ 27. _E__ 37. __D___ 45. _FRESHWATER___ 28. _A__ 38. __A___ 29. _B__ 39. __C___ 46. ANY ONE: TEMP, LIGHT, WATER, POLLUTION 47. _CONSUMER__ 30. _A__ 31. _C__ Station 9 32. _B__ 40. 1&2 OR 2&3 33. _D__ 41. _1__ 34. _B__ 42. _A___ 35. _A__ 43. _4___ 48. _MARINE____ 49. __CONSUMERS_____ 50. _PREDATORS, OR FOOD SOURCE