

6 th Grade Theme: CHANGE UNIT 6-IVa

Unit Question: How Does Earth’s Surface Change?

Focus Question: What is the composition of Earth?

GLCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level


Compare and contrast the formation of rock types (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) and demonstrate the similarities and differences using the rock cycle model. (2)

Key Concepts igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, rock cycle, sediment, deposition, lithification, erosion, weathering, crystallization

ELA: Writing Explanations; Open Court – Taking a Stand

Cross Curricular Connections:

Career Pathways: Geologist, Mineralogist, Volcanologist, archeologist


Weeks 19-26



Determine prior knowledge/student understanding of GLCE. (Pre-Assessment Item(s))


Identify characteristics used to classify igneous rocks

Text : Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth pp. 148-151; Discover Activity: How Do Igneous Rocks Form?

All In One Teacher Resource: Igneous Rocks ( Section Summary) p. 316, (Review and Reinforce) p. 321.

Science Explorer Video Explorations : Rocks (Field Trip)


Describe how sedimentary rocks form

Text : Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth pp. 152-156; Discover Activity: How Does Pressure Affect Particles of Rock?

All In One Teacher Resource: Sedimentary Rocks (Section Summary) p.324, (Review and Reinforce) p.330.


Describe condition under which metamorphic rocks form

Text : Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth pp. 160-162; Skills Lab: Mystery Rocks

All In One Teacher Resource: Metamorphic Rocks (Section Summary and Review and Reinforce) pp 340 and 344.


Demonstrate the similarities and differences between rock types using the rock cycle model

Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth pp. 164 – 166.

All In One Teacher Resource: The Rock Cycle (Section Summary) p. 350, (Review and Reinforce) p.353


Explain how igneous rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Explain how sedimentary rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Explain how metamorphic rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Describe the processes of the rock cycle.

Would you be less likely to find fossils in metamorphic rocks than in sedimentary rocks?

Explain your answer.

In the rock cycle, what forces could cause a metamorphic rock to become magma?

What step of the rock cycle creates sediment from which sedimentary rock is formed?

Book assessments

Create a poster illustrating and describing the rock cycle

CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal)

All In One Teacher Resource: The Rock Cycle

(Enrich) page 354

Thinking Map: Brace Map

Compare and contrast the formation of rock types

Demonstrate similarities and differences using the rock cycle


Explain how igneous rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Explain how sedimentary rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Explain how metamorphic rocks form. Give two supporting details.

Describe the processes of the rock cycle.

Would you be less likely to find fossils in metamorphic rocks than in sedimentary rocks? Explain your answer.

In the rock cycle, what forces could cause a metamorphic rock to become magma?

What step of the rock cycle creates sediment from which sedimentary rock is formed?


Book assessments

Create a poster illustrating and describing the rock cycle

CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal)

All In One Teacher Resource: The Rock Cycle (Enrich) page


Thinking Map: Brace Map

Compare and contrast the formation of rock types

Demonstrate similarities and differences using the rock cycle


6 th Grade Theme: CHANGE UNIT 6-IVb

Unit Question: How does Earth’s Surface change?

Focus Question: What are the properties of magnetic Earth?

GLCE and Depth of Knowledge Level (DOK)


Describe the Earth as a magnet and compare the magnetic properties of the Earth to that of a natural or man-made magnet.(2)


Explain how a compass works using the magnetic field of the

Earth, and how a compass is used for navigation on land and sea.(1)

Key Concepts compass, magnetic, magnetic pole, navigation, magnetic field, longitude, latitude

Cross Curricular Connections:

ELA: Writing Explanations; Open Court – Taking a Stand

Social Studies: Week 1 – Use traditional and electronic means…to make maps, graphs and tables.

Math: graphing, degrees

Career Pathways: Astronomy, Astronaut, Geologist, Navigation


Weeks 19-26



How is Earth like a bar magnet.

Presentation Express: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Magnetism and Electricity (What is Magnetism?), (Inside Magnets),

(Magnetic Earth)

Science Explorer Video Explorations: Magnetism (Field Trip)

Optional Resource: PHSchool .

com Log in on Success Net Login Pull up text Magnetism and Electricity

Lab Zone: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Magnetism and Electricity: Discover Activity: What Do All Magnets Have in

Common?, Skills Activity – Measuring, Try This Activity: Spinning in Circles

All In One Teacher Resource: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Magnetism and Electricity: Magnetic Earth (Section Summary), (

Review and Reinforce), and Magnetic Earth (Enrich)

Web Site: For More on Earth’s magnetic field visit: Web Code: cgd-4013


Determine how a compass works

Lab Zone: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Magnetism and Electricity: Discover Activity: “Can You Use a Needle to Make a



Explain the properties of a magnet.

 How does a magnet’s north pole behave when brought near another north pole? Near a magnet’s south pole?

How are Earth and a bar magnet similar?

How are Earth and a bar magnet different?

 How can scientists tell that Earth’s magnetic field sometimes reverses direction?

What is an aurora and how is it formed?

Explain what a magnetic field is? Give at least two details that support your answer.


Performance Assessment (Groups or individual)

 Research paper on Earth’s magnetic field (solar winds and magnetosphere , aurora, Van Allen belts)

CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal)

Thinking Map: Double Bubble Map

Writing Explanations – Can Earth’s magnetic properties cause problems?

Writing Explanations – How did early explorers navigate over the seas or across the land? (describe two methods of navigation)


6 th Grade Theme: CHANGE UNIT 6-IVc

Unit Question: How does Earth change?

Focus Question: What contributes to changes in Earth’s surface?

GLCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level


Explain how physical and chemical weathering lead to erosion and the formation of soils and sediments. (1)


Explain how waves, wind, water, and glacier movement, shape and reshape the land surface of the Earth by eroding rock in some areas and depositing sediments in other areas. ( 1)


Describe how soil is a mixture, made up of weather eroded rock and decomposed organic material. (1)


Compare different soil samples based on particle size and texture.(2)

Key Concepts physical weathering, chemical weathering, erosion, sediment, soil, erosion, deposition, glaciers, waves, wind, ice, humus, silt, loam

Cross Curricular Connections:

ELA: Writing Explanations; Open Court – Taking a Stand

Social Studies: Week 3/6/26/38 - Locate major ecosystems, describe their characteristics, and explain the process that created them.

Career Pathways: Agriculture, geologist


Weeks 19-26



Explain how erosion (physical weathering & chemical weathering) affect Earth’s surface

Text : Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing Surface pp.38-47, Discover Activity p. 38, Teacher Demo p.40, Skills Lab pp.


Web Site : More on weathering, Active Art - visit; web code cfd-2021

All In One Teacher Resource : Rocks and Weathering (Guided Reading and Study) p. 111, (Section Summary)p. 110, (Review and

Reinforce) p.115


Describe the composition of soil, how it forms, and the roles of plants and animals in soil formation.

Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing Surface pp. 48-50, Discover Activity p. 48

All In One Teacher Resource: How Soil Forms (Section Summary) p.121, (Guided Reading and Study) p.122, (Review and

Reinforce) p.126


Explain how scientists classify soils.

Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing Surface pp. 37, 51-55, Try This Activity p. 51 or as a demo, Build Inquiry p.

53TE, Chapter Project p. 37 OR Consumer Lab p. 55

Science Explorer Video Explorations: Weathering and Soil Formation (Preview, Field Trip)


Describe the processes that wear down Earth’s surface, specifically erosion and deposition.

Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing Surface pp. 66-103, Discover Activity p. 72, Try This Activity p. 74, Skills

Lab pp. 82-83, Math Analyzing Data p. 89, Discover Activity p.91, Discover Activity p. 101

All In One Teacher Resource: Changing Earth’s Surface (Section Summary) p.166, (Guided Reading and Study) p. 167-168; Water

Erosion (Section Summary) p. 174, (Guided Reading and Study) p.175-178, (Review and Reinforce) p. 179; The Force of Moving

Water (Section Summary) p.185, (Guided Reading)

FOSS : Landforms: Activities #2 “Stream Table” and # 3 “Go With the Flow”

Science Explorer Video Explorations: Erosion and Deposition (Preview, Field Trip)


Determine mastery of GLCE (post assessment item(s)).


Text: Prentice Hall: Earth’s Changing Surface, Math

Analyzing Data p.44

Compare and contrast physical and chemical weathering

What is the relationship between erosion and the formation of soils and sediments?

Where does soil come from?

 What types of things can shape and reshape the Earth’s land surface?

Have different soil samples in containers on the student tables. Label the containers, and have the students make observations on the soil and try to determine if they are from the same sample areas or not and what is in the soil.

Students should pay attention to such observations as color, particle size and texture. Teacher should have a variety of samples.


Text: Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth’s Changing

Surface, Assessments p.45, p. 54, 69, 81, 90, 95, 100, 103,147.

Lab Conclusion for Skills Lab pp. 82-83

CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal)

Design and conduct a scientific investigation that demonstrates a deep understanding of how surface features change or how maps help us understand Earth’s changing surface.

Write an explanation: Is there a relationship between erosion and soil formation? OR Does weathering affect the earth’s surface?

Thinking Map: Describing Qualities

Write an explanation as to how soil is formed. Why are there different types of soil?

All in One Teacher Resource: Different Soils for Different

Climates (Enrich) p.127
