Gr. 5 Name: Database comparison worksheet Video Game Database: Which fields did this database have on each record? Search: Pong How many records showed up? What year did Pong appear on American shelves? What game system did it appear on? How many other countries have Pong? Search for your favorite video game: Title of game: How many records showed up? What year did it appear on American shelves? What game system did it appear on? How many other countries have it? RF Generation: Which fields did this database have on each record? Search: Pong How many records showed up? What year did Pong appear on American shelves? What game system did it appear on? How many other countries have Pong? Search for your favorite video game: Title of game: How many records showed up? What year did it appear on American shelves? What game system did it appear on? How many other countries have it? Which database do you think gave you better information and why?