Chapter 8 Models for Probabilistic Network Analysis P. Caramia, P. Verde, P. Varilone and G. Carpinelli In this chapter, some models for the probabilistic network analysis of transmission and distribution power systems in presence of harmonics are dealt with. The models considered derive from the classical models for deterministic analysis: direct method, Harmonic Power Flow and Iterative Harmonic Analysis. The chapter is organized so that for each method the theoretical aspects are presented first, then numerical examples on transmission and distribution test power systems follow to illustrate the methods. All models described assume deterministic values for network impedances. 8.1 Introduction The probabilistic harmonic modeling presented in the previous Sections are concerned with the characterization of injected current harmonics at a given busbar by one or several non-linear loads. In recent International Standards, however, the interest is devoted not only to current but also to voltage harmonic probability density functions, and in particular to their percentiles and maximum value evaluation [1],[2]: the IEC 1000-3-6 in the assessment procedure refers to 95% probability daily value and to maximum weekly value of voltage and current harmonics while in the European Standard EN 50160 the 95% probability weekly value should not exceed the specified limit. Moreover, probabilistic aspects are also included in the recent draft revision of the IEEE 519 [3],[4]. On the other hand, knowledge of the voltage probability density functions is mandatory when the problem of the effects of distortions on electrical components is dealt with [5], [6]. The probabilistic network analysis of transmission and distribution power systems in presence of harmonics can be effected: 1 by direct methods, in which the probabilistic evaluation of the voltage harmonics at system busbars is effected neglecting the interactions between the supply voltage distortion and the non linear load current harmonics; by integrated methods, in which the probabilistic evaluation of the voltage and current harmonics are calculated together, properly taking into account the above mentioned interactions. Only two deterministic integrated methods have been extended in the probabilistic field: the harmonic power flow and the iterative harmonic analysis. 8.2 Probabilistic direct method for network analysis In the deterministic field, the Direct Method for network analysis consists in two steps [7]. The method starts with the evaluation of the converter current waveform assuming that the voltage at converter terminal is an ideal pure sinusoid; the waveforms are obtained by time domain simulation or with closed form relations. Then, the Fourier analysis is effected and the current harmonics are obtained. This process is repeated for all converters present in the system. The second step consists in the evaluation of the voltage harmonics at system busbars; the following network harmonic relations are applied: N V1h Z 1hj I hj j 1 ......... , ......... N VNh Z hNjI hj j 1 Equation 8.1 h where Z ij is the (i,j)-term of the harmonic impedance matrix and I hj , Vjh are the current harmonic of order h injected into the network at bus j and the voltage harmonic of the same order at the same bus, respectively. The current harmonic I hj can be due to the presence of either one or more converters at the same bus j. The 0 are N sum of N phasors and they correspond to the following 2N sum of 2N scalar quantities: N ViRh I hj R ijh cos(hj ) X ijh sin(hj ) j1 N ViIh I hj R ijh sin(hj ) X ijh cos(hj ) , j1 2 i 1,....., N Equation 8.2 h h R h jX h and I h I h h . jVjIh , Z being Vjh VjR ij ij ij j j j In the probabilistic field, the input data and output variables of Direct Methods are random variables and therefore they must be characterized by probability functions, in particular probability density functions (pdf’s), either joint or marginal. The Probabilistic Direct Methods require two steps to be performed. The pdf’s of the current harmonics injected into the network busbars are evaluated first, for fixed pdf’s of the input data and employing proper harmonic current models (0). The voltage harmonic pdf’s at system busses are then evaluated by assuming the harmonic current pdf’s of step 1 as input data and using the relations (1) as harmonic voltage model. Harmonic Current Models Input pdf’s Harmonic Voltage Model Current pdf’s 1st step Voltage pdf’s 2nd step Figure 8.1. Probabilistic Direct Method 8.2.1 Theoretical Aspects The harmonic current models and the probabilistic techniques to perform the evaluation of the current harmonics pdf’s (step 1, 0) are shown in details in the previous Sections and in [8], which deal with the representation of a random harmonic phasor (only one converter is present at the same bus) or of a sum of random harmonic phasors (more converters are present at the same bus). Generally, the rectangular components or x-y proiections are chosen for phasor representation, because of the convenience they offer when adding phasors; in such cases, once the pdf’s of sum of x-y proiections are known, the pdf of magnitude of sum is obtained. To obtain pdf’s, analytical expressions, approximate solutions, the convolution approach, the Monte Carlo simulation or the Central Limit Theorem are applied. With reference to the evaluation of the voltage harmonic pdf’s (step 2, 0), the analysis of 0 clearly shows that each voltage harmonic phasor of order h at system busbars can be obtained as a sum of random phasors, each one being the product of a harmonic current phasor times a 3 harmonic impedance matrix term. In practice, to obtain the voltage harmonic pdf’s, the evaluation of the pdf’s of a sum of phasors must be effected once again, as in the case of current harmonic evaluation. Hence, the probabilistic techniques of the first step (analytical expressions, approximate solutions, the Monte Carlo simulation, the Central Limit Theorem and so on) can be utilized to derive the voltage harmonic pdf’s too. 8.2.2 Numerical Applications For illustration purposes, follows the probabilistic Direct Method applied to the 18-bus distribution test system of 0 [9]. The values of electrical parameters of system components are reported in [10]. The aim is the evaluation of the 5th harmonic voltage probability density functions caused by the presence of one or more static converters at different busbars. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 17 18 9 10 11 12 16 15 13 14 Figure 8.2. 18-bus distribution test system [9] The following cases will be presented: 1 static converter at bus 14; 8 static converters of the same power at different busbars; 8 static converters at different busbars with one of them of dominant power. In all cases, for the evaluation of the pdf’s of the fifth harmonic current amplitude and argument we used the following very simple ac/dc six pulse static converter model [11]: 18 2V cos 5 2 R h 5 , I5 4 Equation 8.3 being V the RMS of the converter voltage, the converter firing angle, R the dc converter resistance. Assuming the firing angle as the only input random variable [11] with an uniform pdf, the fifth harmonic amplitude pdf is shown in 0 a)1; the pdf of the harmonic current argument is a uniform pdf, as clearly indicated by 0. fI5 fV 14 5 j 3 7 2.5 6 V1 j=1 5 2 V11 j=11 4 1.5 V14 j=14 3 1 2 0.5 1 0 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 I145 (%) 3.35 3.4 0 3.45 1. 4 1.6 1.8 2 2. 2 5 Vj (a) 2.4 2.6 2.8 (%) (b) Figure 8.3. 5th harmonic current (a) and voltage (b)amplitude probability density functions f Re( V 5 ) f Im(V j 5 j fV ) 5 j 5 2 1.2 j=1 j=14 4 1 1.5 3 0.8 1 0.6 j=14 0.5 j=14 j=1 2 j=1 0.4 1 0.2 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 5 j Re(V ) (%) (a) 0 0.5 0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 5 Im(Vj ) (%) (b) 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 V j5 (%) (c) Figure 8.4. 5th harmonic voltage probability density functions without dominant converters: real component (a), imaginary component (b), amplitude (c) 1 All the pdf’s of 0, 0 and 0 have been estimated with a Monte Carlo simulation procedure. 5 1.8 f Re(V 5 j f Im(V ) 7 fV 5 6 5 1.6 j ) j 1.4 2 j=1 j=14 1.2 1.5 5 1 4 3 1 0.6 j=14 0.5 0 -2 j=1 j=1 0.8 0.4 2 0.2 1 0 -2.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Re( V j5 ) (a) 0.5 (%) 1 1.5 -2 -1.5 -1 V [%] 5 Im(V j5 ) (b) -0.5 0 0.5 0 j=14 1 1.5 2 V (%) 5 j 2.5 (%) (c) Figure 8.5. 5th harmonic voltage probability density functions with a dominant converter: real component (a), imaginary component (b), amplitude (c) With reference to Case (i), in 0b) the pdf’s of the fifth harmonic voltage amplitude at busses j = 1, j = 11 and j = 14 are shown. From the analysis of 0 b) it can be deduced that the mean values and variances are increasing when the converter bus 14 is approached. This result could be forecasted analytically by recalling that the harmonic impedance matrix term modulus increases as the converter bus is approached with obvious consequences on mean values and variances. With reference to Case (ii), in 0 the pdf’s of the real component, imaginary component and amplitude of the 5th harmonic voltage at busbars j = 1 and j = 14 are shown, assuming that eight converters are placed at busbars 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16. From the analysis of 0 it clearly appears that no contribution to real or imaginary components of the harmonic voltage is dominant so that these components tend to approach a normal distribution, as suggested by the Central Limit Theorem application. This is confirmed by the inspection of all the pdf’s (not shown in the figures) of terms of the sum on the right hand of 0; for example, the pdf’s of the eight terms on the right hand of the real or imaginary component of the voltage phasor at busbar 14 have similar minimum and maximum values. With reference to Case (iii), in 0 the pdf’s of the real component, imaginary component and amplitude of the 5th harmonic voltage at busbars j = 1 and j = 14 are shown, assuming that one power prevailing MW converter is placed at bus 14 and seven lower power converters are placed at busbars 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15 and 16. From the analysis of 0 it clearly appears that one contribution to real or imaginary components of the harmonic voltage is dominant and, then, the real and imaginary components of the voltage harmonic are far from the normal distribution. This is confirmed by the inspection of all the pdf’s of terms of the sum on the right hand of 0: for example, the pdf’s of 7 terms on the 6 right hand of the real or imaginary component of the voltage amplitude at busbar 14 have similar minimum and maximum values, all included in the interval [-0.15, 0.1], while the eighth term has minimum and maximum values included in the interval [-1.5, 1]. 8.3 Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow The Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow (PHPF) represents the natural extension to the probabilistic field of the Harmonic Power Flow firstly proposed by Heydth et alii [12]. 8.3.1 Theoretical Aspects The Harmonic Power Flow model here considered is expressed by the following equations: ( P1 ) sp P1 U 1 , Φ1 l 1 ( Q ) Q U , Φ1 1 sp 1 1 1 1 Equation 8.4 U , Φ ( Pnl ) sp Pnl U , Φ (S nl ) sp S nl Equation 8.5 P sp 1 gen (U 1 sp gen ) 1 Pgen U 1 , Φ1 U 1 gen Equation 8.6 0 I r U, Φ 0 I x U, Φ Equation 8.7 0 g r ( U,Φ, X ) 0 g x ( U,Φ, X ) Equation 8.8 0 RU, Φ, X , Equation 8.9 where in the case of probabilistic harmonic power flow: 7 P , Q 1 sp 1 1 sp 1 input random vectors of active and reactive powers specified at fundamental for each linear load busbar, P , S sp sp nl nl input random vectors of total active and apparent powers specified for each non linear load busbar, P sp 1 gen input random vector of active power specified at fundamental for each generator busbar without the slack, U sp 1 gen input random vector of voltage magnitude at fundamental specified for each generator busbar, U, X input random vectors of voltage magnitude and argument at all harmonics and at fundamental, of angles of commutation and of the auxiliary parameters i and i, U1, 1 input random vectors of voltage magnitude and argument at the fundamental. The 0 and 0 represent the power balance equations (active, reactive and apparent) at linear and non linear load busbars, the 0 represent the active power and voltage regulation balance equations at generator busbars, the 0 represent the harmonic current balance equations at linear load busbars, the 0 represent the harmonic and fundamental current balance equations at non linear load busbars and, finally, the 0 represent the commutation angle equations at non linear load busbars. From 0 to 0 it was assumed that in the converter busbars the firing angle i and the dc load auxiliary parameter i (i.e. the resistance R in case of dc passive load and the voltage E in case of active load) are unknown and that total active and apparent powers are specified 2. From 0 to 0 can be expressed in a compact form as: g s ( N ) Tb Equation 8.10 where Tb is the input random vector including active, reactive and apparent powers, total or at fundamental, and N is the state random vector including amplitude and arguments of voltages, at fundamental and at harmonic orders. 2 As well known, the specifications for the converter busbars are of various type depending on the nature of the dc side that the six pulse converter feeds and on the data available. When the firing angle i and the dc load auxiliary parameter i are not specified in advance, equations which involve active and reactive powers at fundamental (P1, Q1) or total active and apparent powers (P, S), are usually considered. 8 Several probabilistic techniques have been applied to the non linear system of 0 in order to obtain the pdf’s of the state random vector starting from the knowledge of the pdf’s of the input random vector [13]-[16]. They are: Non Linear Monte Carlo simulation; Linear Monte Carlo simulation; Convolution Process approach; Approximate Distribution approach. Non linear Monte Carlo Simulation The Monte Carlo (MC) procedure requires the knowledge of probability density functions (pdf’s) of the input variables; for each random input datum, a value is generated according to its proper probability density function. According to the generated input values, the operating steady-state conditions of the harmonic power flow system are evaluated solving the non-linear system of 0 by means of an iterative numerical method. Once the convergence is achieved, the state of the multiconvertor power system is completely known and the values of all the variables of interest are stored. The preceding procedure is repeated a sufficient number L of times to obtain a good estimate of the probability density functions of the output variables according to stated accuracy [17][20]. A useful stopping criterion to be adopted can be based on the use of a coefficient of variation tolerance, as proposed in [21]. Linear Monte Carlo Simulation If the vector (Tb) is the expected values of Tb and a deterministic harmonic power flow is calculated using (Tb) as input data, the solution of 0 will give the state vector N0 such that: gS(N0) = ( Tb). Equation 8.11 Linearizing 0 around the point N0 and recalling 0, it results: N N0 + A Tb = N’0 + A Tb Equation 8.12 where: Tb = Tb- ( Tb) 9 N’0 = N0 - A ( Tb), being the matrix A the inverse of the Jacobian matrix evaluated in N0. The linear 0 can be included in a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain approximate probability density functions of the output N vector components starting from the pdf’s of the input Tb vector components. It should be noted that the use of the linear MC simulation allows a drastic reduction of computational efforts in comparison to non linear MC. However, it should also be noted that since the harmonic power flow equations are linearized around an expected value region, any movement away from this region produces an error. The errors can grow with the variance of the input random vector components, with entity linked to the non linear behavior of the equation system. Convolution process approach The convolution process can be applied to 0 in the form: f(Ni) = N0i + [f(yi1) * f(yi2) * ……*f(yin)] Equation 8.13 where: f represents the probability density function; * represents the convolution; N0i represents the ith term of the vector N0; yij represents the (i-j) term Aij[Tbj – (Tbj)]; Aij represents the (i-j) terms of the matrix A; Tbj represents the jth term of the vector Tb. The 0 can be applied using numerical methods based on Laplace transforms or, more efficiently in term of execution time and precision, transforming the equations into the frequency-domain using Fast Fourier Transform. The computational efforts depend on the number of input data normally distributed; in fact, as well known, all normally distributed functions can be easily grouped in one unique normal 10 equivalent since only the expected value and covariance matrix are required to define this function. 0 contains discrete or other pdf’s and this normal equivalent, with obvious computational advantages. The accuracy of the method is strongly linked to the degree of dependence among the not normal random variables to be summed. As the dependence increases, the errors can increase accordingly. Approximate Distribution Approach The approximate distribution approach consists in approximating the true pdf’s of the voltage and current harmonics with pdf’s whose analytical expressions are univocally determined once only a finite number of moments of the true pdf’s are known. In this way, the problem of defining the whole pdf’s is confined to the evaluation of these moments. It is obvious that this approach makes sense if the moments of the true pdf’s are available or can be estimated with accuracy and reduced computational efforts. Several classical approaches [20], [22] have been tested to find the best in the field of current and voltage harmonics. They are: Gram-Charlier’s approach; Edgenworth’s approach; Pearson’s approach; Johnson’s approach. They all require very reduced computational efforts. Strictly summarizing, Edgenworth and Gram-Charlier’s approaches approximate the true pdfs with a series in the derivative of the normal pdf. The biggest problem in these approaches is linked to the choice of the most appropriate number of the series terms to be employed. The Pearson approach is based on a particular family of pdfs (called a system of distributions) which represents a large number of observed distributions and which are used to approximate the true pdfs. The Johnson’s approach is based on the choice of a proper transformation to convert a given pdf into another known form. This approach requires to know only the first four moments of the pdf to be approximated. 11 All the above approaches have been tested with several current and voltage pdfs, considering all voltage levels and uni-modal and multi-modal pdfs [23]. They were compared on the basis of the 95, 99 and maximum values of the pdfs; the approach that showed the best behavior was the Pearson approach. Therefore, the Pearson approach has been applied as probabilistic technique for Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow. 8.3.2 Numerical Applications The probabilistic techniques above analyzed to perform PHPF have been applied to evaluate the voltage and current harmonics of the multiconvertor transmission test system in 0. The busbar 3 is a linear load busbar and the busbars 4 and 5 are non linear load busbars. To provide an acid test, the non linear loads are six-pulse bridge converters of high power, therefore producing very high distortion levels. The values of electrical parameters of generators, transformers and lines are reported in [16]. The following cases are discussed hereinafter: Case A: reference case; Case B: the case in which the standard deviation of active and reactive powers is increased by 200%. Figure 8.6. 5-bus transmission test system In the reference case the standard deviations of non linear load powers range between 15-20% while the standard deviations of linear load powers are about 10%. 12 To compare all the above mentioned probabilistic techniques, besides the probability density functions of voltage and current harmonics, the following statistical measures have been calculated: expected value; 95 % percentile; 99,9% percentile, assumed as maximum value. With reference to Case A, 0 and 0 show the mean errors on the expected value, 95% and 99.9% percentiles of voltage and current harmonics calculated with all the considered methods and for the harmonics of order 5, 7, 11 and 13. The mean errors are defined as: N SM NLMC,i SM L,i i 1 SM NLMC,i (SM) N Equation 8.14 where SM NLMC,i , SM L,i are the value of the generic Statistical Measure (SM = expected value, percentile, etc.) of each voltage and current harmonic calculated via non linear Monte Carlo simulation (assumed as exact value) and via one of the other methods, respectively; N is the number of system busbars. From the analysis of the 0 and 0 it follows that: both voltage and current harmonics calculated by the linear Monte Carlo and by the Pearson approaches are affected by not heavy errors; voltage harmonics calculated by convolution process are affected by not negligible errors; the errors are generally growing with percentile value; there is not a correlation between errors and harmonic order. The not negligible errors on the voltage harmonics calculated by convolution process are due to the presence of significant values of correlation factors between the powers of non linear loads. 13 With reference to the execution time, assuming the non linear Monte Carlo simulation time equal to 1 p.u., using a PC Pentium III 800 MHz, it resulted that the time taken: for the linear Monte Carlo was 0.0091 p.u.; for the convolution process approach was 0.004 p.u.; for the Pearson approach was 0.0003 p.u.. It should be stressed that the above time must be considered with care because the algorithms and the software have not been optimized for computational speed. In 0 and 0 the errors on mean values and percentiles of both current and voltage harmonics are reported for Case B. To simplify the comparison, the errors reported in these tables are obtained extending the 0 to all the harmonics (the sum includes all the system busbars and all the considered harmonics); moreover, as reference, also Case A data are reported. From the analysis of 0 and 0, it arises that there is a no negligible influence of variance, mainly on voltage harmonics. It should be noted that the performance of linear models is acceptable within a range of uncertainty of random variation of the input data lower than the range which characterizes the behavior of the probabilistic load flow at fundamental. This is presumably due to the significant nonlinear behavior of the harmonic power flow equations. Finally, also the case of multi-modal distribution for voltage and current harmonics was considered. The multi-modal distribution was obtained forcing the non linear loads powers to be discrete distributions. As an example, 0 shows the probability density functions of the 5th harmonic voltage at busbar 4. Table 8.1 Case A: Errors on voltage harmonics of order 5th, 7th , 11th and 13th Voltage Harmonic Mean Errors H Linear Monte Carlo pc 5 1.201 7 1.550 14 Convolution process Pearson approach pc pc pc pc pc 0.878 0.824 1.201 2.476 4.762 1.201 1.380 3.910 5.115 7.027 1.550 8.2200 13.18 1.550 4.620 9.140 11 0.416 1.326 1.475 0.417 38.35 58.40 0.416 1.540 13 0.436 0.994 4.335 0.436 6.755 11.10 0.436 1.650 3.440 2.380 Table 8.2 Case A: Errors on current harmonics of order 5th, 7th , 11th and 13th CURRENT HARMONIC MEAN ERRORS Linear Monte Carlo Convolution process Pearson approach H pc 5 0.855 7 11 13 pc pc pc pc pc 0.987 12.28 0.885 10.520 14.559 1.029 0.370 0.690 5.765 7.095 5.821 1.814 9.530 12.654 1.770 4.410 8.800 2.976 3.060 3.509 0.676 8.155 11.649 0.675 1.850 4.080 5.541 5.757 5.421 0.976 2.305 3.1093 0.957 2.310 6.030 Table 8.3 Cases A, B : Errors on all the voltage harmonics Voltage Harmonic Mean Errors CASE Linear Monte Carlo Convolution process Pearson approach pc95 pc pc pc pc pc A 0.901 2.078 3.415 0.901 13.950 21.860 0.901 2.298 4.718 B 2.132 8.270 14.690 2.132 19.350 31.950 2.132 8.358 17.393 Table 8.4 Cases A, B : Errors on all the current harmonics CURRENT HARMONIC MEAN ERRORS 15 Linear Monte Carlo Convolution process pc95 A 3.784 B 4.290 CASE Pearson approach pc pc 4.225 6.759 1.108 6.014 8.904 1.477 fV 5 pc pc pc 7.627 10.490 1.108 2.235 4.900 5.499 6.513 1.502 3.925 8.083 25 4 20 15 10 5 0 0.050 0.100 0.150 NLMC 0.200 0.250 LMC 0.300 0.350 V 5 4 0.400 [ p .u .] Figure 8.7 Probability density functions of the 5th harmonic voltage at busbar 4 in case of multi-modal distribution. 8.4 Probabilistic Iterative Harmonic Analysis The Probabilistic Iterative Harmonic Analysis (PIHA) can be considered the extension of the well known Iterative Harmonic Analysis proposed by Yacamini, Arrillaga et alii [24]-[25]. In the deterministic field, the Iterative Method is based on a procedure in which the converter as well as the network equations are solved in a successive manner. In solving the converter equations, the current harmonics injected into the network are estimated by assuming the voltage supply at each converter busbar to be fixed. When the network model is solved, the busbar voltage harmonics are evaluated by assuming that the current harmonics injected by converters are fixed. The evaluation of the current harmonics is effected as making use of one of the available converter models; the voltage harmonics at the network busbars can be calculated by means of 0. The iterative procedure requires the preliminary knowledge of the steady state system operation at the fundamental frequency and this is obtained by performing a single-phase or three-phase AC/DC power flow. 16 8.4.1 Theoretical Aspects Since an iterative procedure is included in the solution, expressions to describe the harmonic parameters are not available and it is necessary to resort to the Monte Carlo technique to achieve a probabilistic method [26], [27]. As the flow chart shows 0 the PIHA requires, as first step, an AC/DC load flow. In this step the determination of the input random variables is obtained by means of suitable estimation codes which take into account the pdf’s of the input data. From knowledge of the operating conditions of the system at fundamental, the method proceeds with the evaluation of the current harmonics of each converter and of the voltage harmonics at the busbars of the network. Such an estimation is brought about by solving the same models used in the deterministic method; it is repeated until the difference between the voltage vectors obtained on successive cycles is below a predetermined value. The Monte Carlo simulation allows us to consider the system configuration among the input random variables. It is a discrete random variable and the sample space of all the possible network configurations is generally constituted by a few numbers of elements. 17 Define input data pdf' s Generate random input data values Evaluate operating conditions at the fundamental of the AC/DC system Analysis at the fundamental Evaluate convertors harmonics Evaluate AC voltage harmonics and DC currents w aveforms Test convergence Analysis at the harmonics Store output data = L* NOT YES Evaluate statistical features of output variables End Figure 8.8. Monte Carlo simulation procedure for Probabilistic Iterative Harmonic Analysis 8.4.2 Numerical Applications The Probabilistic IHA has been applied to evaluate the voltage harmonics of the multiconvertor transmission test system in 0. The busbar 3 is a linear load busbar and the busbars 1 and 2 are non linear load busbars. 18 At each bus with a converter, a filtering system with branches tuned at the 5 th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics is provided. The values of electrical parameters of generators, transformers, lines and filtering systems and the values of the characteristic parameters of the input data pdf’s are reported in [27]. The following cases are discussed in the following: reference case (Case A), where the active and reactive powers of linear loads were assumed to be uncorrelated, Gaussian and where the direct currents of converters were considered beta distributed; the case of outage of the 11th harmonic filter at bus 1 (Case B); the case in which the network configuration is considered among the input random variables (Case C), with the following configurations considered: Configuration 1: as in 0; Configuration 2: as in 0 without line 1-2; Configuration 3: as in 0 without line 1-3; Configuration 4: as in 0 without line 2-3. G2 G1 5 4 T2 T1 3 2 filter P,Q 1 filter Figure 8.9. 3-bus transmission test system In 0 the estimated 11th and 17th voltage harmonic pdf’s at busbar 1 are shown for all the considered cases. It should be noted that: 19 the outage of a filter branch causes a considerable increase of the corresponding harmonic voltage; the 17th harmonic voltage in Case C is characterized by a bi-modal pdf so that even if its mean value is only 0,74%, the maximum value is about 2% as a consequence of a high value of standard deviation. The bi-modal pdf’s in Case C is due to high values of 17th harmonic voltages in configuration 2 being all other configurations characterized by pdfs whose maximum values are always lower than 1%. 80 6 60 fV 11 1 fV 17 1 40 4 2 20 0 0 0.057 0.063 0.069 0.075 0.081 0.1 0.3 11 1 17 1 V [%] V 0.5 [%] (a) 3 6 2 fV 4 fV 11 1 17 1 1 2 0 0 2.2 2.55 2.95 0.1 3.35 0.3 V111 [%] 0.5 V117 [%] (b) 80 3 60 fV 11 1 fV 2 17 1 40 1 20 0 0 0.057 0.063 0.069 V111 [%] 0.075 0.081 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 V117 [%] (c) Figure 8.10. 11th and 17th harmonic voltage probability density functions: Case A (a), Case B (b), Case C (c) 20 2.0 8.5 Conclusions on methods for network analysis The following main conclusions can be drawn. The Direct methods require very reduced computational efforts, mainly when harmonic currents are present at only one bus of the power system in study, but they guarantee high result accuracy only in presence of low voltage distortion levels. Moreover, when this method is applied, attention should be paid in applying the Central Limit Theorem. The Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow in its present form can be applied to balanced power systems. It is characterized by different computational efforts and result accuracy depending on the involved probabilistic technique. In particular: the Monte Carlo simulation procedure applied to the non linear equation system (Non Linear Monte Carlo simulation) guarantees high result accuracy but requires very high computational efforts; the simplified probabilistic techniques based on linearized models (Linear Monte Carlo simulation, Convolution Approach, Pearson’s Approach) guarantee a significant reduction of computational efforts but not acceptable result accuracy in the case of both significant values of input data pdfs variance and multi-modal distributions. The Probabilistic Iterative Harmonic Analysis can be applied to both balanced and unbalanced power systems. It is characterized by high result accuracy but requires high computational efforts, mainly in the case of unbalanced power systems. It should be noted that nowadays massive computation is becoming accessible with new machines and configurations (parallel/distributed processing environment) so that the computational efforts required by Monte Carlo simulations do not appear to be insuperable handicaps like in the past. Moreover, to reduce the computational efforts saving the result accuracy variance reduction techniques could be applied. 8.6 References [1] IEC 1000-3-6: Assessment of Emission Limits for Distorting Loads in MV and HV Power Systems – 1996. [2] EN 50160: Voltage Characteristics of Electricity Supplied by Public Distribution Systems – European Standard, CLC, BTTF 68-6, Nov. 1994 [3] IEEE Std 519 Draft: Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems, 20 February 2005 [4] G. Carpinelli, P. 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