NC Community Gardens Partners Board of Directors Meeting—Meeting Notes
Session Date/Time: Tuesday Oct 22, 9-10:30am
Location: (888)296-1938 #747152
Approved 11.13.2013
Attendees: Lisa, Diane, Daniella, Sarah, Mary Jac (Lovay, Tes, Darcel at RCP Leadership Training; Nicole part-time)
Meeting start time: 9:00 a.m.
Facilitator: Lisa Valdivia Notetaker: Diane Beth
Time Agenda Item Minutes Action Items
9-910 Participant roll call
910-915 Action required: Approve
Sept meeting minutes
915-925 Questions/comments on updates; reminder of action items not completed
See above for attendees
Can’t approve because there isn’t a forum Approve at next meeting
- Pepper Festival—Maria and Lisa attended; ~15 people joined the listserve. In future, focus on events with more of a statewide focus for setting up a booth. Many folks wanted gardening info which we weren’t quite prepared for. The NCCGP display could have been better (more photos) and Maria and Lisa discussed what could be improved
- CFSA coming up in Durham—there will be a
NCCGP table coordinated with others. Lisa will put more information together for the display.
- ACGA organizational member—We paid $100 fee
In new year could the education committee assist with table or display?
Lisa will take photos of the display and the event and share some way
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and will be a member until October 2014. Several benefits include access to conference, teleconference access.
ACGA 2015 conference in NC!?—Not sure how coordinating with this them would work. There have to be a lot of resources on the ground to pull it together. We need to seriously consider how much work would be involved. Mary Jac noted that ACGA is very grass roots and there is transition in the organization. We would have to have a strong partner behind us (Extension --
NCSU &/or A&T). Conference is usually in August.
- Toxic Free NC partner on organic gardening workshops—Lisa sees it as a way to get our name out there. Lisa exploring ways to do without us having to do a lot of resources into it. Perhaps we could provide them with connections for gardens via listserve, social media. Connie is on their leadership team.
- Katherine resigned and Board has received her letter. She will be missed
Beth Wall Bassette’s term will end in 2013
Other Business
Website Training for Board members -- Website training will occur at the beginning of 2014
The issue of partnership development came up and whether or not a committee for this is needed-
- perhaps discuss for future meeting
Lisa will put on Board meeting agenda in January 2014 to discuss.
Lisa will check with Connie about if she could be our liaison for NCCGP.
Lisa will check with Beth on a status update.
Lisa will coordinate this
Lisa will add this to an agenda as appropriate for discussion
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925-940 Committee Updates Edu: Lisa sent the draft Nov. 9 agenda to Board members in advance of the meeting.
Dev: no update
Member: Mary Jac will update for membership at the November 9 th meeting
- see updates in google document
There are four new people that have been recruited and applied to be a Board Member:
Carol Kline (Greensboro); Anya Gordon (Raleigh);
Amanda Berry (Raleigh); Der Xiong (Catawba); reapplying BoD members (Adam, Tes, Darcel); 7 continuing ( Lisa, Connie, Diane, Keith, Lovay,
Nicole, Mary Jac). Tes (via Lisa) has suggested appointing a few more people to the Board in
2014 that have a skill we need but are too busy now to run; that would be fine via the bylaws. Tes
(via Lisa) also noted that if there are folks that need to be recruited in person she will hunt them down if Board members let her know. The applications are all in; Will need two computers at the conference for voting. There was discussion about whether one vote would be enough for a
Board member to be elected. We can also record the number of votes. If members are restricted in how many people can vote it helps weight the vote. If as the Board we have communicated what we are looking for in the Board and then share that with members then we have done due diligence . Discussion went back to what we did last year and keeping the votes public to maintain
BoD members to let Tes know
(ASAP) of any potential
Board members to recruit where having Tes call them would help recruit them.
Daniella will circle back with
Tes about the discussion and they will share a decision with the Board
Daniella and Tes will need to coordinate with Mary Jac for how paid members will vote
Daniella will set it up via a simply voting platform or
Survey monkey.
Daniella will need to get photos from those running for BoD.
Lisa will bring blank membership applications for use at the conference
Mary Jac will handle memberships and share that with the Nominations
Committee for use in
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940-1000 Nov 9 th reminders/updates;
Planning for Annual
Member Meeting and
Committee Chair involvement! transparency. Voting closes November 22 and opens on November 9.
There is wifi in the facility.
Systems View: see update provided in google document; workplan updated
Tech: no update
- elections
Committee chairs should look at their action plans and update as appropriate. Please send to Lisa by October 28,
2013 for use
Diane will bring updated systems view workplan to
Nov. 9 annual meeting for sharing with potential new committee members
The meeting will be 45 minutes, during lunch. Lisa will welcome everyone and the Board members will introduce themselves. Lisa will give a brief synopsis on our accomplishments (conference, online resources,
Lisa will check with Keith and
Nicole about whether they will be ready to talk about their committee directory, etc). The middle section is where are we going and how people can get involved, especially in committees using the action plans. There will be post it notes for each committee and people can be encouraged to join the committees, but only for active
Lisa will send out a task list for November 9 th (and possibly the 8 th ) and Board committees. For sure membership and systems view, plus likely development and education will promote their committees. Lovay will assist Daniella with the elections process. Daniella will share the process of elections during the annual meeting. Daniella will put out the computers during breaks.
The agenda is tight so we’ll need to stick to the time.
There is not much time for interaction. It was suggested to add a comments section to the conference evaluation.
In terms of conference set up there is an option to come in Friday night members are asked to identify where they can assist.
Lisa will check with the facility about set up on Friday,
November 8 possibilities
Daniella and Lovay wil handle the election process at the annual meeting
Lisa will check with Keith about adding a comments/suggestions question to the conference
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Upcoming meeting s reminders and adjourn minutes
Nov 9
Nov 12, 1-2:30pm
Dec 17, 9-1030am
Jan 28 th : all day board orientation!
Meeting adjourned time: 10:33 a.m.
NCCGP Board Executives and Committees
Chairperson: Lisa Valdivia
Vice-Chairperson: Sarah Dixon
Secretary: Lovay Wallace-Singleton, Alternate: Keith Baldwin
Treasurer: Darcel Eddins
Committee Chairs:
Education: Keith Baldwin
Development: Nicole Sanchez, Connie (member)
Membership: Mary Jac Brennan, Beth (member)
Nominations: Tes Thraves, Daniella Uslan (member), Katherine (member) evaluation regarding input for
New Board members will need to set the January 28
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Technology (formerly Website): Adam Bigelow
Systems View: Diane Beth, Daniella (member)
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