Human Resources and Employee Relations YORK UNIVERSITY STAFF ASSOCIATION (YusApuY) RECRUITMENT PROCESS HIRING MANAGER COMPENSATION, PENSION & BENEFITS The Hiring Manager*, is the key partner to drive the recruitment processes. Vacancies for YusApuY positions will be posted as per the YusApuY Collective Agreement (Article 12). The Hiring Manager obtains approval to hire from the appropriate President/ Vice-President/Dean/Principal/University Librarian. Hiring Manager establishes and maintains a recruitment file that will ultimately contain the following documentation: Recruitment Request, Job Summary, Organizational Chart, interview questions/notes, reference checks, Employee Transaction Form (ETF), Employment Equity Hiring Form (EEHF). This information, and all pertinent information for internal applicants and the new hire, will be retained for 7 years. When replacing an existing position that has not been revised (time line – up to 3 working days): Designated Manager forwards authorized Recruitment Request, current Job Summary and Organizational Chart to Assigned Compensation Analyst. Analyst reviews and confirms position title and salary band. Any questions or issues will be directed to the Designated Manager. Once confirmed, Analyst forwards Recruitment Request to Recruitment to be posted. For existing positions that require changes to title or band, Compensation provides a copy of Recruitment Request to HRIM Position Control Analyst with applicable notations. When creating a new position or replacing a significantly revised vacant position (time line – up to 15 working days from finalized job documentation to posting): Designated Manager forwards authorized Recruitment Request, new/revised Job Summary, Job Evaluation Questionnaire and Organizational Chart to Compensation. Assigned Compensation Analyst and Designated Manager finalize a comprehensive Job Summary and supporting Job Evaluation Questionnaire. The finalized Job Summary, Job Evaluation Questionnaire and Organizational Chart for new/vacant-revised positions are tabled for a Joint Job Evaluation Committee (JJEC) meeting for priority evaluation. If there are differences in factor evaluations between the levels provided by the Designated Manager and the JJEC, the Committee conducts a telephone interview with the Designated Manager to clarify and verify differences prior to finalization. The JJEC decision is final and cannot be appealed. COMPENSATION, PENSION & BENEFITS PAYROLL & HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT RECRUITMENT & EMPLOYMENT EQUITY Once the JJEC has finalized the evaluation, Compensation forwards the results to the Designated Manager. Compensation forwards the authorized Recruitment Request and Job Evaluation Report to Recruitment to be posted. For new or vacant revised positions, Compensation provides a copy of the Recruitment Request to HRIM Position Control Analyst with applicable notations. Generating a new Position Control Number (time line – up to 1 working day upon receipt of Recruitment Request): HRIM Position Control Analyst generates a position control number for new positions and provides it to Recruitment and Hiring Manager. HRIM Position Control Analyst updates change/s to position title/s and salary grade/s. Conducting an Intake Session (time line – up to 1 working day upon receipt of Recruitment Request): Recruitment conducts an intake session with Hiring Manager to introduce and outline the recruitment process, and to answer any related questions. Hiring Managers are encouraged to take advantage of Recruitment’s (optional) services, including: providing a resume screening service/short-listing of candidates, assisting with interview structure/questions, participating on interview panels, keeping candidates updated during the recruitment process, and providing expert advice and guidance throughout the recruitment life cycle. Posting a position upon receipt of Recruitment Request (time line – up to 2 working days): Recruitment posts the position internally on the University website for 5 working days following the first day of posting. Extending the Posting (time line – up to 2 working days plus either an additional 3-day or 5-day posting): If a qualified internal candidate cannot be found, Recruitment initiates extended and external** postings concurrently for either an additional 3-day or 5-day posting (at the Hiring Manager’s preference) after Recruitment notifies Union. Collecting and Forwarding Application Packages (time line – up to 2 working days after closing date): Complete application packages are collected and forwarded to the Hiring Manager after the closing date. A complete application package consists of an application form, a current resume, and a cover letter. Electronic application packages must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc), Adobe (.pdf), or plain text (.txt). Employment Equity Officer completes Section A and first line of Section B, then forwards the EEHF to the Hiring Manager in Excel format. 2 RECRUITMENT & EMPLOYMENT EQUITY Initiating Employment Equity Process for External Postings (time line – before closing date): Employment Equity Officer contacts Hiring Manager to explain the Employment Equity process, and to answer any related questions. Please note: In accordance with the Employment Equity Act and the Federal Contractors Program criteria, York University is committed to achieving equality in the workplace. Hiring Managers must be mindful of and compliant with York University’s Affirmative Action policy and procedure that applies to YusApuY positions, including temporary positions, that are directed to external applicants (e.g., someone who is not already a YusApuY Unit 1 or Unit 2 employee). The policy states: Where the two most qualified candidates are relatively equally qualified and one of the candidates is a member of a relevant designated group, the position shall first be offered to the candidate from that designated group. The designated groups are: Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, and women. York’s Non-Academic Employment Equity Review Committee reviews this process regularly. For more details, visit: Please Note: Due consideration will first be given to YusApuY Unit 2 applicants (for externally directed positions). HIRING MANAGER Candidate Assessment: Hiring Manager conducts candidate assessments based on the minimum posted qualifications. Interview panels shall consist of a minimum of 2 people, follow a consistent interview format, and use consistent interview questions for all candidates. Seniority shall determine the selection only where two or more internal applicants are relatively equal with respect to skill and demonstrated ability. If a test is administered as part of the selection process, the test shall be relevant to the position. For guidelines regarding permissible and prohibited interview questions, please see the Ontario Human Rights Commission's publication Hiring? A Human Rights Guide, at employment. Reference check/s shall be conducted on top candidate finalists/s with the permission of the candidate/s. Making the Offer: When the hiring decision has been made, and in order for Recruitment to process and close its recruitment file, Hiring Manager forwards the required documentation to Designated Recruiter: Employee Transaction Form (ETF), the new hire’s application package, and the Employment Equity Hiring Form (EEHF) for external postings. HR/ER retains these documents for 7 years, with the exception of the new hire’s application package, which is retained indefinitely in the (HR/ER) employee file. For an employee number to be generated and payroll set up, the EEHF must arrive with the ETF. Recruitment schedules the new hire’s orientation and notifies Hiring Manager of the orientation date. Recruitment generates the new hire’s appointment letter. 3 Business Units (Partners in the Recruitment Process): Compensation, Pension & Benefits: This office is responsible for the design and administration of employee compensation programs, including job evaluation, salary administration, employee benefits and pension plans. Payroll & Human Resources Information Management (HRIM): Payroll and HRIM is comprised of three units: Payroll, Records and HRIM. Utilizing an integrated Human Resources System, the three units record and process all of the information associated with an employee's appointment and pay. Recruitment & Employment Equity: This office comprises three functions: Recruitment supports all aspects of permanent and temporary non-academic employee recruitment, including managing the York University Temporary Agency; Relocation Services assists prospective and newly appointed faculty, professional librarians and senior managerial staff and their families to relocate to Toronto; and Employment Equity fosters a diverse and representative workforce at York and manages compliance with legislated employment equity requirements. Documents and Forms (Recruitment Process): Recruitment Request: Instructions - Downloading Job Summary Templates YUSA Job Summary Employment Equity Hiring Form (EEHF): Employee Transaction Form (ETF): YusApuY Collective Agreement: Hiring and Supervision of Individuals who are Related Persons or in a Personal Relationship: * Definitions – Designated Manager and Hiring Manager: Designated Manager: In the YUSA Collective Agreement, the Designated Manager is the Senior Manager within a Faculty or Department who has been authorized to have final signing authority for all YUSA job information including Statement of Significant Change Forms, Job Summaries and Job Evaluation Questionnaires that are used for YUSA job evaluation purposes. A Faculty or Department may have more than one Designated Manager, depending on administrative requirements. The Compensation Unit maintains a list of these contacts for internal use. Hiring Manager: The Hiring Manager is the contact that Recruitment and Employment Equity works with to facilitate the hiring process. In some cases, the Designated Manager and Hiring Manager are the same person. 4 ** Definitions – Recruitment Strategy Status: Internal - When a position is posted, any employee within the same bargaining unit/employee group as the position will receive first consideration, provided they submit their complete application package before the deadline. Extended - If there are no qualified applicants from the internal search, the search will be extended to other employees of York who are not members of the same bargaining unit/employee group as the position posted. External - Any applicant who is not in a York University affiliated employee group will be considered in an external search. Hiring and Supervision of Individuals who are Related Persons or in a Personal Relationship: An employee of the University shall not participate directly or indirectly in a decision to hire a candidate who is a related person. Employment of an employee shall not occur if employment would result in the employee reporting directly to a manager or supervisor who is a related person. Related person, for this purpose shall include, but is not limited to: spouse, common-law spouse, same-sex spouse, partner, child, grandchild, sibling, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, step-sister, stepbrother, or step-parent. The definition includes the spouse or partner's child, grandchild, sibling, parent, grandparent, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, step-sister, step-brother, or step-parent. The same practice will apply to persons who are involved with each other in a personal relationship. A manager or supervisor, as the case may be shall disclose potential conflicts of interest related to employment to the appropriate Director, Dean, Associate/Assistant Vice-President, Vice-President, President or designate. A manager or supervisor, as the case may be, shall disclose to the appropriate Director, Dean, Associate/Assistant Vice-President, President or designate if a personal relationship develops between the manager or supervisor and a direct report. A manager or supervisor, as the case may be, shall disclose to the appropriate Director, Dean, Associate/Assistant Vice-President or Vice-President designate if as a result of a new hire, transfer, promotion or secondment, a related person or person with whom they are in a personal relationship becomes a direct report. No exceptions may be permitted without the express written permission of the appropriate VicePresident. Created by: Anita Sampson Binder and Paolina Vescio Recruitment & Employment Equity Revised: March 20/08 5