Welcome to the Lake Travis High School Cavalette & Red Ruby

Lake Travis ISD Cavalette and Red Ruby Constitution
Welcome to the Lake Travis High School
Cavalette and Red Ruby Dance/Drill Team Program!
Being a part of the Cavalette or Ruby organization provides opportunities for many girls and often is
the first opportunity to share a common bond and a close relationship with others. Learning what it means to
work very closely with other girls, to share in accomplishments and frustration are all part of the sisterhood of
Cavalettes or Rubies. To be chosen as a Cavalette or Ruby is an HONOR! Being a Cavalette or Ruby
means being a member of a team: a team that works together, dances together, and is TOGETHER!
Leadership within the Cavalettes or Rubies organization is important and members often have the
opportunity to cultivate and demonstrate leadership abilities.
When a young lady becomes a member of the Lake Travis Cavalettes or Rubies, her entire family
becomes involved as supporters, spectators, and helpers. Being a Cavalette or Ruby makes many demands
upon the family involved in terms of time, money, and emotional involvement. Despite all of these factors,
we hope you will find it a rewarding and enriching experience for each of you.
TIME: Occasionally, family schedules will need to be adjusted to accommodate the Cavalette’s or Ruby’s
commitments to the organization. This is a team activity, so each girl must be present for rehearsal or a
performance, etc. Parents are asked to give of their time to work at activities such as fundraisers, the
building of props, sewing of costumes, to cook for social events, and perhaps most importantly, to attend as
many of your daughter’s performances as possible.
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT: Every effort is made to keep expenses reasonable, but there are considerable
costs associated with being a Cavalette or Ruby. Generally, a first year member will incur a financial
commitment of approximately $800-$1000. In an effort to ease the financial burden, the Cavalette or Ruby
Booster Club participates in fundraising to help defray over $35,000 in team expenses. Each member and
her family are asked to support these events by giving of their time, talents, and encouraging friends to
attend because each family directly benefits.
EMOTIONAL INVOLVEMENT: Each member will have her triumphs and disappointments as a Cavalette or
Ruby, and the love and support of her family will be important to her. Celebrate her triumphs—she has
worked hard to earn them. Console her during her disappointments, but remember that learning to deal with
frustration and pressures is part of her maturation process. Your positive attitude will influence your
daughter’s reactions to her experiences. You and your daughter should always address your concerns and
suggestions to the director(s) or the appropriate Cavalette or Ruby, Manager, or Cavalette Booster Club
Officer. Many problems arise from simple misunderstandings, and there are always improvements to be
made, so communication is the only way to affect a solution. As each of you becomes a part of the Cavalette
or Ruby family, the Cavalette or Ruby organization is also a member of your family. Cherish it and protect
it—your words and actions should reflect our family’s positive image. We are a large family and we must
respect each person’s individuality while recognizing that we must always consider what is best for the
whole. What might not be a problem for one person could be a nightmare if everyone did it, so we must all
be willing to “give and take” for the sake of the team. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,
or the one. By working together, we will have a wonderful Cavalette or Ruby family and create long lasting
Please enjoy the handbook. It is designed to be used as a guideline to make us all the best we can be. Good judgment
and common sense will be used when issues are not covered in the constitution. In all sincerity, it is hoped that your
experience in the Cavalette or Ruby organization will be rewarding, long lasting, and that qualities are developed that will
be of benefit for an entire lifetime.
Constitution 2013-14
Page 1
LTISD Board Policy
As per: FO Local
Constitution 2013-14
With the approval of the principal and superintendent,
sponsors and coaches of extracurricular activities, including
interscholastic athletics and marching band, may develop and
enforce standards of behavior that are higher than the Districtdeveloped Student Code of Conduct and may condition
membership or participation in the activity on adherence to
those standards. Extracurricular standards of behavior may
take into consideration conduct that occurs at any time, on or
off school property. No provision of an extracurricular
behavioral standard shall have the effect of discriminating on
any basis.
Students shall be informed of any extracurricular behavior
standards at the beginning of each school year or, in the case
of interscholastic athletics and marching band, at the time the
students report for workouts or practices that occur prior to the
actual beginning of classes. Students and their parents shall
sign and return to the sponsor or coach a statement that they
have read the extracurricular behavior standards and consent
to them as a condition of participation in the activity.
Organizational standards of behavior of an extracurricular
activity are independent of the Student Code of Conduct.
Violations of these standards of behavior that are also
violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in
independent disciplinary actions.
A student may be removed from participation in extracurricular
activities or may be excluded from school honors for violation
of organizational standards of behavior of an extracurricular
activity or for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Page 2
Statement of Philosophy
LTISD Extracurricular Programs
Any school district, worthy of the confidence and investment of its community, must reflect authenticity in its educational
priorities. Simply stated, this means that our academic programs must hold first priority as we direct the energy, focus and
resources of the district on behalf of our students. On occasion, schools are criticized for overemphasizing extracurricular
programs—and in some cases the criticism is legitimate. However, most often, extra-curricular programs receive much
more media attention than a school system’s academic programs that may be equally successful, thus creating conditions
for misperception. So, what is the Lake Travis ISD’s philosophy on extracurricular programs, and specifically, what
emphasis and support do they deserve?
The District knows well—through day-to-day experience and research to back it up, that students who are involved in
extracurricular activities are generally: 1) more successful academically; 2) more engaged in the broader educational
experiences of their school; and 3) learn to invest their own time, talents and energy on behalf of endeavors that require
sacrifice, discipline and teamwork—all beneficial lifelong values. Simply stated, academic and extracurricular programs
are not mutually exclusive. Yes, academics must have first priority, but both programs can and should complement each
other. When the proper balance and relationship between the two exists, wonderful things can happen for students.
Lake Travis ISD is fortunate to be able to offer a variety of extracurricular programs, each with unique characteristics—
and each committed to the highest ideals and standards of educational value to the students they serve. LTISD
extracurricular programs will be viable, healthy, relevant and successful in direct proportion to the commitment of LTISD
staff, parents and community to participate consistently within the following context:
All sponsors, coaches, director(s), boosters, parents, administrators, counselors, support staff or community members, in
order to be directly involved or associated with one or more extracurricular programs in
LTISD, are expected to personalize and embody the following standards:
• I will consider the physical, mental and emotional well-being of each student to be my first priority, and I will defer to this
priority when considering the implication for the short, mid and long-term success of the program. Students are people first,
rightly possessing an inherent expectation that they be treated fairly, with dignity and in a manner that reflects personal and
professional integrity by the adults in their lives.
• I am in a service role. I am here because of the student participants; they are not here because of me.
As such, I must reflect through actions, words and attitude that I am serving them through a passion I have for the
extracurricular program with which I am associated.
• No individual is bigger than the program. Simply stated, without exception, my interests take second place to the overarching
interest and health of the extracurricular program.
• My association with the program honors the true purpose of the program and advances the educational commitments of the
school and the school system. My actions, attitudes and behaviors support the philosophy, values and character of the school
district and reflect with clarity that I do not distract from or work in opposition to the greater mission of the district.
• My association with the program provides opportunities for me to build strong, lasting relationships with many people—and
especially my colleagues in the profession and/or the volunteers with whom I associate. At times this will require me to teach,
mentor and guide—at other times I must be willing to learn, grow and follow.
• I will commit to excellence in my assignment. I will devote my time, energy and intellect to being an exemplary role model for
the young people with whom I am entrusted. As an employee I will strive to grow in my professional expertise so that I am a
powerful, positive contributor to the success of the program. Whether an employee or volunteer, I will reflect honor, service
and integrity in my efforts on behalf of the program and the District to whom it belongs.
of the
Lake Travis High School Cavalette and Red Ruby Dance/Drill Team
Being selected as a Cavalette or Ruby is an outstanding achievement but is a commitment that must be taken
seriously. A young lady must have the support and the understanding of her parent(s)/guardian(s) and the decision to
audition should be thoroughly discussed with the commitments realized from the beginning. There are many long hours
required of Cavalettes or Rubies, both before and after school, some evenings and weekends.
Constitution 2013-14
Page 4
Each member of the Lake Travis ISD Dance/Drill Team must adhere to the following articles. It must be understood that
as a member of this organization, the student becomes a representative of the Lake Travis Independent School District
and Lake Travis High School and each member must maintain high moral and ethical standards above reproach.
Membership may be terminated at any time for unacceptable standards or conduct. All Members will follow the
District’s Extracurricular Code of Conduct as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
The purpose of the Lake Travis High School Cavalette and Ruby Dance/Drill Team is to promote loyal school spirit,
encourage quality performance and high academic standards. Through the development of dance technique, leadership,
cooperation, self-discipline, sportsmanship in each individual member, the Lake Travis High School Cavalette and Ruby
Dance/Drill team members will fulfill their purpose for the benefit of the Lake Travis High School Independent School
District and the community of the Lake Travis Independent School District. We, the Lake Travis High School Cavalette
and Red Ruby Dance/Drill team members hereby pledge our time, our ability, our minds, and hearts to the purpose. We
agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in this constitution.
We do not compete against other teams, but against our own standard. We strive to be the best we can be. By seeing
other strong teams, we can improve within ourselves. We compete and perform to gain experience. The only thing we can
compare is our performance at each contest and no matter what…WE SUPPORT OTHER TEAMS!
Section 1
General Criteria
Anyone who meets the set qualifications will not be discriminated against on the basis of sex,
race, religion, color, national origin, or disability.
Must reside with their parent/guardian within the attendance zone of their school within the Lake
Travis Independent School District or show proof of future LTISD residence within the appropriate
attendance zone.
Prospective members shall be current graders ninth (9) through eleventh (11) for Cavalettes and
current eighth (8) through (11) for Red Rubies.
Must be in compliance with State Compulsory Attendance laws. (Must be counted present for
90% of school days in all courses.)
Each candidate must pass a discipline check made by the principal and assistant principals from
the middle and high schools.
Must have a parent/guardian attend a tryout orientation meeting or contact the director(s) for an
appointment prior to the actual audition. Failure to attend or meet with the director(s) will result in
the candidate’s loss of ability to audition.
All financial obligations to any LTISD affiliated programs must be cleared.
Must have a signed contract by students, parents, and director(s) if previously resigned or
dismissed from the team.
Constitution 2013-14
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Section 2
Transfer Students
Students new to the district may be granted an audition only if she has qualified
to become a member of the dance/drill team of the accredited school which she previously attended, has
met all of the general criteria listed and has the approval of the director(s), and the on-site administrator.
Students will audition in front of the dance team director(s), designated administrator, and one judge. The
term of service for transfer students will be from the audition date to the next full team audition date.
Transfer students from accredited Dance/Drill Team programs will have previous qualifications
acknowledged. The decision will be based on the audition criteria and the decision is final. Students must
provide the following to be considered:
1. Documentation from former director(s) stating that she was in good standing upon
leaving the district.
2. Noted documentation of GPA from former registrar.
3. Students will not be allowed a transfer audition after the first week of school.
Section 3
Returning Members
All members in good standing who meet the audition exemption prerequisites will be automatically
accepted for the following year.
Section 4
Relinquished Position
If you are selected for the team, you can not relinquish your position in order to audition for another
organization. Your position is a contract.
Section 5
Required Forms
All required forms must be on file prior to the designated date in order for a candidate to qualify for
Section 6
Appealing Tryout Decisions
Statute of limitations concerning appeals must be scheduled within 5 (in-school) days following the
audition date.
1. The candidate must file a formal appeal with the LTISD administration of Lake Travis HS.
2. A notice will be issued to students, parents, director and administrator, detailing the appeal.
3. The appeal will be investigated.
4. The appropriate administrator will make a decision based upon information gathered through the
investigation and will notify the student, director(s) and student’s parents on the decision. This
decision will be final.
Section 1
Term of Service
The term of service for will be from audition to audition and members who will not be returning the
following school year will continue until school is dismissed for the year.
Section 2
Members must participate in all activities, including, but not limited to dance camp, choreography clinics,
UIL games, competitions, rehearsals and special events; in which the organization is involved, pending
eligibility status. Members unwilling to adhere to this rule or unable to perform required tasks due to an
injury will appear at the event or rehearsal in full uniform and sit in the designated area. The director(s)
reserves the right to place any member on sanctions.
Constitution 2013-14
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Section 3
Any absence from required activities including, but not limited to rehearsals and performances must
follow the absence procedure in the Handbook and excessive absences may result in sanctions. The
only excused absences are death, illness, or school related activity with approval. State Law requires
members must attend at least 51% of the school day prior to a performance. Field trips and schoolsponsored activities are the only exceptions.
 UIL Absences
The District shall make no distinction between absences for UIL activities and absences for other
extracurricular activities approved by the Board. A student shall be allowed in a school year a
maximum of ten extracurricular absences not related to post-district competition, a maximum of
five absences for post-district competition prior to state, and a maximum of two absences for
state competition
Section 4
Health and Fitness
Members must maintain a level of physical fitness and health that will allow them to participate fully in all
Cavalette or Ruby activities and performances. A physical examination will be required of team members
prior to the first practice in relation to the term of service as established by the LTISD athletic policies.
A student desiring to participate in the UIL athletic program shall submit a statement from a health
care provider authorized under UIL rules indicating that the student has been examined and is
physically able to participate in the athletic program. This examination is required in the first year
of middle school competition and the first and third years of high school competition. This
examination shall be submitted at the beginning of the school year and prior to the first
competitive activity for the year. In succeeding years at the same campus, students shall submit
additional physical examination statements or a UIL-approved medical screening form, before
participation is allowed. No student may participate in any UIL athletic activity until a completed
physical examination or medical screening form is on file with the District.
Section 5
Resignation or Electing Not To Return
Resignation shall be defined as a choice made by the individual member that he/she no longer desires
participation in the dance/drill team organization. Resignation procedures involve a conference with the
director(s) and a letter of resignation from the resigning member, signed and dated with the
parent/guardian signature. Resignations are permanent decisions and the member will not be reinstated
under any circumstance. All uniforms, clothing, and equipment must be turned in and financial
obligations must be cleared at the time of resignation. Students may not wear any part of the
Cavalette or Ruby uniform or additional clothing, jackets, etc. in public. The member will be held
financially responsible for any and all items already ordered. No refunds will be made.
Section 6
After Resignation
Once resignation/election not to return or dismissal (for reasons other than academic) from the dance/drill
organization has occurred, former members will not be allowed to re-audition for a position on the team.
Upon resignation or dismissal, the former member loses all privileges of Cavalette or Ruby membership
and may not be a guest at Cavalette or Ruby functions.
Constitution 2013-14
Page 7
UIL Side by Side Eligibility for Performance
Section 1
Academic Eligibility
Dance/drill team director(s) will conduct grade checks at the times designated by the official LTISD
Eligibility Calendar and Guidelines as set forth by University Interscholastic League. Any member whose
recorded grade average in any course at the time of an eligibility grade check is less than a “70” will
become ineligible to participate in any team event as set forth by the UIL eligibility calendar and will be
placed on academic sanctions for 3 weeks. Ineligible students must continue to fulfill fundraising and any
other designated requirements.
Section 2
Repeated Ineligibility
The second occurrence of academic ineligibility for a 9 week grading report, during the term of service will
result in dismissal from the organization..
Section 1
Before and after school, summer and student holiday practice/meetings may be required. Time
specifications will be established as camp dates, competition dates, and other school schedules become
available. All practices are mandatory for all members. Saturday and extra practices may be held
throughout the year. Members are accountable for all planned events. The director(s) will attempt to
provide two weeks prior notice for all events. However, dance/drill team members will be required to
attend sporting events such as playoff games in which little prior notice is available and rare impromptu
practices are needed. Practices are closed to the general public. Parents/guardians are to wait outside of
the practice facility.
Section 2
Outside of School Practice Limitations (U.I.L. Side by Side)
Students will practice, in organized practice, a maximum of 8 hours outside of the school day each week.
The school week begins at 12:01 a.m. Monday and ends after the last class on Friday.
Section 3
Rehearsal Expectations
Punctuality, assigned appropriate attire, treat others with respect, follow directions, stay until dismissed,
and positive work ethic are required throughout rehearsal. Gum, food, cell phones, and jewelry are not
allowed in practice sessions except small studs and rings that are flat (only dance officers are
allowed watches). All tutorials, make-up tests, etc. shall not be scheduled during rehearsal session.
Section 4
Inability to practice or perform
Any member who is ill will be excused from workouts/performance only by receipt of a written note
from the parent/guardian. The note is due immediately upon return to practice.
Any member suffering from injury must present written documentation of the injury from a school
trainer or physician. The injured member will continue to dress out, assume all normal responsibilities
and attend all practices. The member may be released to the school trainer for therapy at the
director(s)’s discretion. A written statement from the school trainer or attending physician will be
required for reinstatement.
Any member placed on sanctions for any reason will dress in appropriate workout attire during
rehearsal and assume all dance team member responsibilities.
Constitution 2013-14
Page 8
Article VII
Section 1
Routine Evaluation
Each week there may be a routine evaluation judged by the director, assistant director, and leaders.
Members will be judged according to their knowledge of the dance routines, projection and overall
impression. A member unable to meet the standards set for the standards set for the routine will not
participate but will be expected to fulfill their other responsibilities and attend the performance in uniform.
Routine evaluations may apply to every routine in each season (football, contest, and spring show).
Members will auditions for every routine unless ill or injured.
Any member who has missed routine evaluations may be eliminated from that particular performance.
Section 1
The School will issue the student performance field uniforms along with appropriate performance items as
needed. Costumes and props will be provided through fundraising activities for each member as well.
Each member is held responsible for the care and return on items issued and will be responsible to pay
for any items lost or damaged while in the dancer’s possession.
Members may not wear the team’s uniform/costume unless the director gives permission. Members must
wear all parts of the performance uniform while in public. The uniform/costume should be respected at all
times and not shared with non-members of the organization.
Members are responsible for purchasing workout uniforms and other necessary clothing and accessories
required. All personal items must be labeled with the member’s name. Director(s) are not liable for lost
team wear.
Section 1
All members are required to ride to and from all activities by provided transportation either school or
commercial. Students requesting to arrive or leave with his/her parent/guardian must submit a parental
permission slip to the director(s) at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. If a member has
requested an early release from an activity, dismissal may not occur until all performance events have
been concluded and the director(s) has dismissed the student.
Section 2
Travel Expectations
Members will meet promptly at the designated place and time for all trips. Students conduct during trips
will follow all EEC and SCC guidelines and be above reproach at all times. Dance teams will adhere to all
travel guidelines set forth by LTISD and Director (s).
Constitution 2013-14
Page 9
Section 1
Financial Obligation:
Prior to auditions, the directors will provide candidates with anticipated expenses which will include camp
expenses and rehearsal/performance attire. Expenses are estimated annually and may vary due to each
member’s needs.
Fundraising and scholarships will be available to families who are unable to pay their entire balance.
Directors will set payment deadlines.
Failure to adhere to financial responsibilities may result in not receiving required dance team items and
possible sanctions from performance.
If a member is dismissed or resigns, she will be financially responsible for any and all items ordered. No
refund will be issued.
Should the members be invited to participate in a special engagement or attend an out of town contest,
each individual team member must cover the expenses. Monies for the designated activity may be
earned through fund-raising efforts or may be paid for by the individual member. The Cavalette Booster
Club may help defray the cost, if funds allow.
Section 1
Standard of Conduct
Lake Travis Extracurricular Participants must look and act with Pride and Dignity at all times. Each
member should be a leader and set a good example within the school and maintain a character above
reproach. Personal appearance, habits, and moral actions, are expected as each drill/dance team
member represents the Lake Travis Independent School District, their community and teammate in and
out of uniform.
Section 2
Handbook and Constitution
All dance/drill team members will abide by the Lake Travis ISD Student Handbook, Extracurricular Code
of Conduct, and the Dance/Drill Team Constitution and follow all Dance/Drill team procedures. Students
must also follow the written and oral directives of all LTISD employees and adult chaperones.
Section 3
Inappropriate Behavior
A. Smoking
B. Use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs
C. Improper language or obscenities
D. Public nudity or promiscuous behavior
E. Poor sportsmanship
F. Failure to follow school rules and policies
G. Improper conduct/attitude
H. Lack of respect toward director(s), other team members, faculty, school personnel or school
I. Stealing/shoplifting
J. Chronic misconduct
K. Chronic absences
L. Hazing/any form of initiation activity
M. Truancy
N. Forgery
O. Saturday school assignment based on behavior
Constitution 2013-14
Page 10
Assignment to DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs)
Cheating/Honor Code Violation
Inappropriate online memberships, postings, or conversations.
Disciplinary action involving any law enforcement agency and/or security guards, on or off
T. Functions in which alcohol and/or drugs are served and consumed, whether or not parental
consent is given.
U. Any offense deemed severe by the director(s) and/or administration.
Section 1
A. Procedures for Sanctions:
a. 1st offense – Parent, student, director conference to discuss the event, possible sanctions or
possible dismissal.
b. 2nd offense - Parent, student, director conference to discuss the event, **sanctions or
possible dismissal.
c. 3rd offense - Parent, student, director conference to discuss the event, **sanctions or possible
B. Immediate Reasons for Sanctions:
a. A grade average below “70” in any class during any eligibility grade check, based on the UIL
calendar and guidelines.(UIL Side by Side ‘No Pass, No Play’)
b. Receipt of the 2nd Permanent demerit
c. Excessive or severe disciplinary problems as deemed by the director(s) and/or
*Sanctions may include but are not limited to: verbal reprimand, physical activity, loss of performance opportunities,
suspension from program, or dismissal from program. Nothing in the Constitution limits the authority of the director to
impose reasonable sanctions, including extra workouts, for students who breach team conduct expectations but do not
engage in prohibited conduct.
Section 2
A. Dismissal involves the loss of membership from the Cavalette or Ruby organization. All equipment
and uniforms must be returned and all financial obligations must be cleared within one week
of dismissal. Once a member has been dismissed, he/she loses all privileges of the Cavalette or
Ruby organization. Students may not wear any part of any Cavalette or Ruby uniforms or additional
clothing, jackets, etc. in public. The former Cavalette or Ruby will be held financially responsible
for any and all items ordered. No refunds will be made.
B. All violations will first be assessed through Sanctions. Directors will review all the facts and
circumstances surrounding a particular violation and impose appropriate disciplinary action. Directors
will strive for consistency in meting out consequences for violations, but will also exercise sound
professional judgment.
C. Immediate Reason for dismissal, the second time that the member is suspended for academic
ineligibility for a 9 week grade report.
Constitution 2013-14
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Section 3
Appeal Process
The director will investigate all reported violations of the Constitution. A verified violation will result in the
appropriate consequences, if there is a preponderance of evidence the violation occurred. The process
of enforcement will follow the procedure listed below:
1. Report of Alleged Violation: the alleged violation is reported to the director.
2. Notice: the Director will inform the student and the student’s parents of the allegation.
3. Investigation: The violation is verified or not through an investigation. The student who allegedly
committed the violation shall have the opportunity to respond to the violation.
4. Decision: If a violation is found, the Director will make a decision regarding the appropriate
consequences based upon information gathered through the investigation and will notify the
student, the students’ parents, assigned administrator, the Principal, and the Director of
extracurricular programs of the consequences.
5. Appeal Process: The student has the right to appeal the action taken to the principal, Director of
Extracurricular Programs and Athletic Coordinator. This decision is final. There is no further
Section 1
Grading System
Grades will be based upon demerits, participation, effort, attitude, and performance of routines.
Cavalettes or Rubies are required to make up any material that is covered while they are absent. It is then
their responsibility to arrange a time not during rehearsal to make up any missed material or tests.
Section 2
General Rules
Demerits may be given to members, as necessary, by the Director(s) and/or Dance Officer(s) at
any rehearsal or function.
All merits/demerits will be checked Daily
a. Unresolved demerits become permanent and will result in Sanctions.
Any Member receiving 3 or more demerits in 1 week will lose the privilege of a performance in a
routine of the director’s choice.
Members are responsible for checking their merit/demerit status.
Section 3
Calculating Period for 9 weeks average grade
The calculating period will be each nine weeks
Permanent Demerits at the end of each calculating period will result in a deduction in grade within
the 9 weeks they are received.
Remaining Merits may be calculated into the following period.
Section 4
Demerits regarding attendance of practice, performance, or scheduled activities:
A. Leaving practice, performance, or an activity early without permission.
a. 1st occurrence – 2 demerits
b. 2nd occurrence – 3 demerits possible sanctions
c. 3rd occurrence – 1 permanent with sanctions
B. Approved absence from rehearsal not including death, illness, or school related absence
a. 1st occurrence – 2 demerits
b. 2nd occurrence – 3 demerits possible sanctions
c. 3rd occurrence – 1 permanent with sanctions
C. Approved absence from Performance activity not including death, illness, or school related absence
a. 1st occurrence – 2 demerits
b. 2nd occurrence – 1 permanent with sanctions
c. 3rd occurrence – 3 permanent with sanctions
D. Unexcused absence from performance or rehearsal activity
a. 1st occurrence – 1 permanent with sanctions
b. 2nd occurrence – 2 permanent with sanctions
c. 3rd occurrence – 3 permanent Possible dismissal
Constitution 2013-14
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Section 5
Demerits regarding rehearsal sessions/performance activities:
A. Tardiness
B. Reporting to a scheduled activity without necessary supplies/equipment.
C. Inappropriate attire for a rehearsal, performance, or function.
D. Chewing gum.
E. Wearing any form of non Cavalette or Ruby jewelry in Performance.
F. Wearing any form of jewelry deemed by the Director(s) as hazardous for practice.
G. Messy hair, hair in eyes, or hair worn incorrectly at rehearsal or performance.
H. Wearing colored nail polish with performance uniform/costume.
Section 6
Demerits regarding uniforms and/or equipment:
A. Not being in complete uniform, having soiled uniform, or a uniform in poor condition upon inspection.
B. Eating food or drinking beverages while wearing any part of a designated uniform without permission.
C. Missing parts of the uniform or wearing the wrong clothing.
D. Failure to return uniforms by the designated date.
Section 7
Demerits regarding lack of discipline/insubordination
These demerit(s) will be at the discretion of the director(s), some may be deemed permanent
A. Failure of a dance officer to assign a demerit to a line member when required. 2
B. Showing disrespect toward other team members, officers, the director(s), school facilities, or school
C. Using obscenities, derogatory sounds or remarks at any function
D. Display of poor sportsmanship.
E. In appropriate public display of affection at school, in uniform or school related events. i.e.
inappropriate touching including “making out”, sexual gestures, or exposing parts of the body that are
ordinarily covered up in public.
F. Not standing in position and/or talking before the game/performance begins.
G. Talking to non-team members in the stands, during a performance or on the field without director
permission including parents/guardians. If a parent or guardian needs to relay a message, they may
wait for director approval or speak with the director(s).
H. Adjusting/removing any part of their uniform in public. This will be allowed only on bathroom breaks.
I. Using cell phones or electronic devices inappropriately or without permission.
J. Anything, in the opinion of the director(s), which is deemed severe by the director(s) and/or
Section 8
The Following Activities are worth 1 merit each
A. Attending Non-required Lake Travis school performances or games in team attire with attendance
signature of attending administrator or teacher as permitted by the Director
B. Physical Workout as deemed appropriate by Director
C. (Managers)4 boxes of Kleenex, 2 10-24 oz Hand sanitizer, 1 30+ box of tampons
D. Other opportunities as determined by the Director(s)
Section 9
Merits/Demerits may be issued for other reasons, as circumstances arise. The director(s) may assign
more than one demerit per offense at her discretion.
Constitution 2013-14
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Section 1
The purpose of the Cavalette Dance Officers are to maintain order and discipline; choreograph, teach,
and polish performances; act as a team liaison to the director and they will serve as positive role models
for their team and the school.
Section 2
Officer Candidate Qualifications
Auditions for positions of officers will take place after ream auditions. The number of members on the
team will determine the number of officers chosen. A portion of the audition will be conducted in front of a
panel of experienced judges selected by the directors.
A. Must be a sophomore or a junior and at least a one-year member.
B. A minimum of 32 Most Devoted Hours is required.
C. Must complete all requirements of the audition process: interviews, notebook, solo, etc.
D. May not have been in DAEP, ISS or suspended during the tryout year.
E. Must perform a solo and have it critiqued the year of auditions.
F. Must be able to attend Officer Camp in its entirety.
Section 2
Officer Responsibilities
A. Set an example for other team members by maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude for
promoting school spirit and for remaining cool and flexible in times of crisis.
B. Represent the organization honorably in any function of the school or community whether in uniform
or not.
C. Maintain a good working relationship with the director(s) and other officers.
D. Serve as a communication liaison to squad members.
E. Be organized and meet deadlines.
F. Keep discussions between other officers and the director(s) confidential.
G. Attend extra practices outside that of team rehearsal.
H. Maintain high academic standards. An officer may not fail a class without being removed from the
officer line.
I. Assist in making sure that team is responsible for keeping dressing rooms and practice areas clean.
J. Maintain discipline for the team and specifically assigned squads.
K. Provide individual help to each girl in you squad in learning and perfecting dances.
L. Help with line auditions and the audition clinic.
M. Involved in choreography, teaching, and polishing throughout the year.
N. Supports the Director and officer line in all decisions and actions.
O. Award selection for Cavalette of the week
Section 3
Officer Daily Duties
A. All officers must be 10 minutes early to rehearsal and performances.
B. Will hold inspections, checking for attendance, tardies, and necessary dance attire.
C. Gives observable demerits to team members and reports them to the Director; making sure that they
are recorded.
D. Warming up the team at practice and performances.
E. Must check in once a day with the director(s) to see if anything is needed of them.
F. Stay after each rehearsal until dismissed by the director(s).
G. Must keep a notebook.
Section 4
Officer Positions and Specific Duties
A. Reports directly to the First Lieutenant.
B. Responsible for documenting Injuries and recovery time for team members
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A. Assumes duties of head officer in the absence of the Captain.
B. Responsible for daily attendance documentation
A. The Captain is the highest-ranking officer of the Cavalettes and is in charge at all times under the
direction of the director(s).
B. The Captain reports directly to the director(s).
C. She schedules any necessary officer meetings approved by the director(s).
D. The captain holds inspections for the other officers, checking attendance, tardies, and items to be
worn or brought.
E. Assists rehearsal planning and polishing.
F. Reports to the director any phone calls made to her before practices regarding absences.
G. Captain will be responsible for the whole team.
Section 1
The Cavalette Social Officers are responsible for motivational activities and functions, public relation
issues, special projects and committees during the football, contest, and spring show seasons, passing
out and collecting uniforms and costumes, and storage closet organizations in conjunction with the
managers. The Cavalette Social Officers will consist of one Head Social Officer and Social Officers. The
number of Social Officer positions will vary with the number of Dance Officers chosen for the same year.
Each Social Officer will have a complementary Dance Officer. Rookie Sergeants are responsible for
motivating, teaching, and advising new rookie members. The number Rookie Sergeant(s) is based on
the number of new members. Social Officers/Rookie Sergeant(s) must be willing to spend extra time to
benefit the team.
Section 2
Social Officer/Rookie Sergeant Qualifications
A. Social Officer may be a sophomore or junior and at least one year member of Cavalettes.
B. Rookie Sergeant will be a junior and at least one year member of Cavalettes.
C. Must complete all requirements of the audition process
D. Must have earned 32 DEVO Hours
E. May not have been in DAEP, ISS or suspended during the tryout year.
F. Social Officers must be able to attend Social Officer Camp in its entirety.
Section 5
Social Officer Responsibilities
A. Cavalette Banquet concept and planning
B. Decorate dance room for events
C. Motivate throughout the year
D. Big/Lil or Twin organization and relations
E. School Spirit - extra things for the teams that have done well at Lake Travis
F. Team gifts to other teams for football, contest, and camp
G. Assist with managers in helping pass out uniforms, costumes and organize costume closets.
H. Maintaining a current list of squad costume inventory.
I. Special occasion member gifts (Birthdays, injury, family, etc…)
J. Substitute for line officers (if absent) in squad responsibilities
K. Award selection for Spirit Cavalette of the week
L. Assist parents with Spring Show decorating and lobby plans
M. Plan and oversee community service projects
N. Must keep discussions between other officers and the director(s) confidential.
O. Keep high academic standards.
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Section 6
Rookie Sergeant Responsibilities
A. Work with the director(s) to decide on practice needs with new rookie members.
B. Maintain a good working relationship with the director(s) and other officers.
C. Set an example for new/rookie members by maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude for
promoting school spirit.
D. Provide individual help to each girl in new rookie class in learning and perfecting dances.
E. Maintain discipline for the rookie members.
F. Attend extra practices outside that of the team.
G. Meet all deadlines and be organized.
H. Keep discussions between other sergeants and the director(s) confidential.
I. Keep high academic standards.
Section 1
Section 2
Managers are non performing team members and as such will uphold all duties, rules and regulations
presented in the constitution. Managers are the most essential behind the scenes members. They assist
with all organization projects, daily task, managing equipment, first aid, etc…
The director(s) may choose managers, annually, from qualified applicants who meet academic and
conduct standards. Managers are entitled to all credit and privileges of membership, although they are
non-dancing members. As such, they are subject to the same rules and obligations binding all other team
members. The director(s) also may designate not to have team managers at all.
A. Returning managers do not have to re-audition for a position if they are in good standing with the
Cavalette or Ruby organization.
B. Qualify through the student evaluation form.
C. Meet all tryout criteria as is applicable to the position.
D. Have a pleasant personality and be a hard worker.
E. Will be required to purchase and wear specific uniforms.
Section 3
A. Attend all rehearsal sessions.
B. Aid and reports to the director(s) and captain.
C. Responsible for all equipment, their set up, and storage.
D. Responsible for all equipment/costumes checked in and out of the storage room.
E. Keep an inventory list.
F. Keep the storage area clean and orderly.
G. Responsible for storage of props, costumes, and reporting any necessary maintenance.
H. Videotape performances.
I. Make first aid supplies available at all times.
J. Attend all performances in uniform.
K. In charge of the distribution and collection of props and costumes.
L. Other duties as necessary.
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Cav Corps
Section 1
Cav Corps is to aid the Dance/Drill Team in promoting loyal school spirit, encouraging quality
performance and high academic standards. They serve as escorts for the team and officers for all
football games and scheduled events. Cav Corps will uphold all duties rules and regulations presented in
this constitution. They will attend all performances in uniform and participate in various fundraising
activities and various dance team functions.
Section 2
They must meet all eligibility, conduct, and grade requirements as set forth for any participant of the
dance/drill team organization.
A. Applicants must be sophomore, junior, or senior students at Lake Travis High School.
B. Must follow UIL Side by Side Rules
C. Must be cleared for discipline and attendance through the assistant principal’s office.
Section 3
A. The director will choose Cav Corps annually from all applicants who meet conduct and academic
B. The candidate must have Tryout Application/Permission Form and Student/Parent Contract Form
C. May be required to participate in a team interview.
D. Be willing to commit to a full school year of service.
Section 4
A. Participate in all activities in which the organization is involved, pending eligibility.
B. Exhibit and maintain a satisfactory attitude toward school policies and regulations.
C. Attend Cav Corps meetings held one time per week during football season and once a month during
contest/spring show season.
D. Abide by all rules and regulations of this constitution as they apply to this Cav Corps position.
E. Ride the bus to and from organizational activities and sit in one of the first three seats on the bus.
F. Aid in transporting and moving of props and equipment.
G. Work spring Show as part of the Technical crew.
H. Serve as the official escort of the Cavalette organization at any school function.
I. Uphold the dance/drill team in character and reputation.
J. Abide by school rules.
K. Purchase uniforms and jackets as required.
L. Be under the direction of the Cavalette director(s).
M. Be responsible for videotaping halftime.
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Section 1
A. The parent(s)/guardian must give permission for the member to fulfill all responsibilities of being a
member of the Cavalette or Ruby organization before he/she is officially accepted.
B. The parent(s)/guardian must be willing to meet all financial obligations involved in having his/her child
as a member of the Cavalette or Ruby organization.
C. The parent(s)/guardian are responsible for arranging transportation to and from all activities, except
when transportation is provided by the school district and the director(s).
D. The parent(s)/guardian must be willing to participate in the various Cavalette or Ruby fundraisers and
activities. These fundraisers help defray the cost for each member of the Cavalette or Ruby
dance/drill team.
E. The parent(s)/guardian must be willing to cooperate with the director(s) and keep her informed of
dates that might conflict with drill/dance team activities.
F. At least one parent/guardian of each team member should attend the Cavalette or Ruby Booster Club
meeting held once per month.
G. The parent(s)/guardian should be supportive of their child and the Cavalette or Ruby organization.
Section 1
The Lake Travis ISD administration, Lake Travis High School principal and Cavalette director(s)
determine the policies of the Cavalette Booster Club. The Cavalette Booster Club must recognize this
authority and work within a framework as prescribed by the school administration.
Section 2
The director(s) will serve as a member of the executive board and will be consulted and notified prior to
all meetings held by the executive board or committee chairpersons.
Section 3
All projects and fundraisers planned by the Cavalette Booster Club must meet with the approval of the
director(s) and/or principal of Lake Travis High School.
Section 4
All money expenditures by the Cavalette Booster Club must meet with the approval of the director(s)
and/or principal of Lake Travis High School.
Section 1
Rule changes may be submitted to the director(s). The recommended change or changes may or may not
be acted upon as determined by the director(s) and the principal.
Section 2
The Constitution is subject to change at any time, due to policy changes by the Texas Education Agency,
Lake Travis ISD School Board, and the principal or with approval from the director(s) and the principal. At
any time, additions may be made to the handbook with the approval of the director(s) and the principal.
Constitution 2013-14
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Cavalette and Ruby Constitution
Agreement Contract
I, ___________________________, have read the Cavalette/Ruby Constitution and agree to abide
by all of the rules, policies, and procedures set forth in the document. I understand the discipline
system used for Cavalettes or Rubies and I also understand that the term of service for a Cavalette or
Ruby will officially begin the day after tryouts and will continue until the tryouts of the following year.
The term of service for a senior and other Cavalettes or Rubies who will not be participating team
members the next school year will continue until school is dismissed for the year. I understand the
be followed in addition to the Cavalette or Ruby Constitution.
Student Name (Print): _________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ______________________
I, ____________________________, have read the Cavalette/Ruby Constitution with my dancer and
agree to abide by all of the rules, policies, and procedures set forth in the document. I understand the
discipline system used for Cavalettes or Rubies. I also understand that the term of service for a
Cavalette or Ruby will officially begin the day after tryouts and will continue until the tryouts of the
following year. The term of service for a senior and other Cavalettes or Rubies who will not be
participating team members the next school year will continue until school is dismissed for the year. I
understand the EXTRACURRICULAR STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR as stated in the LTISD FO Local
Policy and will be followed in addition to the Cavalette or Ruby Constitution. Furthermore I
understand the parent/guardian time, financial, and emotional commitment to the Cavalette or Ruby
Team and Cavalette booster club.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ___________________________
Relationship to Student: ________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________
Date: ______________________
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