1920s Project

1920s Project: Skit
In small groups (2-3) you will develop a skit that gives
viewers an understanding of why the 1920’s were a
“roaring” decade for some and how new technology and
inventions impacted the lives of Canadians. Your skit
project will include:
 Descriptions (descriptions are to be shown and acted
out) about the lives of “Haves” and “Have Nots” as
outlined in the rubric.
 A copy of your script.
 Props & costumes.
 A presentation of the skit (video passed in via
GoogleDrive, YouTube, class performance etc. Note: if
you are creating a video I will expect a top quality
production which means you should know how to use
editing programs and the such.)
The EXPECTATION is high!
Please take this assignment very seriously.
RISE TO THE OCCASION!! I know you can!!
Social Studies Rubric for:
1920’s Skit
Name: ______________________________________Section: _______
Factors leading
to the “Good
Times” of the
1920s is
Four or more of the factors
leading to the “Good Times” of
the 1920s is identified within
the skit
Credit and how it has
changed lives in the ‘20s is
well explained.
The skit clearly identifies
the differences between the
Haves and Have Nots in the
The reason why the Haves
had a good time is clearly
The reason why the Have
Nots could not benefit from
all the good things of the
20s is well explained.
There are more than three
examples of new technology
and how it impacted the
lives of Canadians is well
Amazing Props, clever use of
1920s slang and creative
costumes have been used to
reflect the life and times of
the 1920’s (ex. Fashion,
2-3 of the factors leading to the
“Good Times” of the 1920s is
identified within the skit.
Credit and how it has changed
lives in the ‘20s is mentioned.
The skit identifies both
“Haves” and “Have Nots” of
the 1920s
The skit identifies why the
“Haves” benefited from the
1920s and why the “Have
Nots” did not experience a
great decade.
 There are three examples of new
technology and its impact on the
lives of Canadians
Props, slang and costumes
have been used to reflect the
life and times of the 1920’s
Outcome: 8.3.1
Understand the impact of changing technology and socioeconomic conditions
in the 1920’s
Identify the factors leading to prosperity of the 1920s
Examine the impact of new technology on lifestyle in the 1920s