Dr. Houghton – Earthquake activity and vocabulary Name: Period: Date: This lesson is a web-based activity designed to introduce you to the concepts of how scientists locate an earthquake epicenter and how they determine the Richter magnitude of an earthquake. The activity illustrates how scientists use seismic waves to determine the magnitude and locate the epicenter of an earthquake. Due: Activity 1: end of class period Vocabulary: end of class period Activity 2: beginning of next class period (A level) Grading: C level – Finish activity 1 (discussed with teacher and demonstrated an understanding of activity), finished vocabulary terms, and began activity 2 in class. B level – Finish activity 1 (discussed with teacher) and vocabulary – Printed certificate for activity 1, started and demonstrated an understanding of activity 2 during class. A level – Finish activity 1, 2, and vocabulary – Printed certificates, quiz grade above 90% (everything completed, but 80-90% = B+). Activity 1 1) Open Firefox, not Safari – you may have to go to Mac HD - App 2) Go to the following website: http://www.sciencecourseware.org 3) Click on the link that reads: Virtual Courseware for earth and environmental sciences 4) Click on the link that reads: Virtual Earthquake (not Earthquake) 5) Go to the bottom of the page and click on the link that reads: Execute VirtualEarthquake 6) Read and complete: pages 1-12 7) After filling in all the info, print out your certificate to complete activity 1. 8) Discuss with: instructor. 9) Show your certificate: to the instructor. 10) Begin: vocabulary search Dr. Houghton – Earthquake activity and vocabulary Name: Period: Date: Vocabulary search: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Go to the following website: http://www.sciencecourseware.org Click on the link that reads: Virtual Courseware for earth and environmental sciences Click on the link that reads: Earthquake (not Virtual Earthquake) Click on the tab on the right hand side that reads: epicenter and magnitude Read the information on the new page and then click on the tab on the right hand side that reads: start activity While you are waiting: There will be a pop up, read and then click on the tab that reads: close On the next window: click on the tab that reads: background Click on the tab that reads: expand Read the background information: be sure to click on and read the information for any and all links Ask questions: if there is anything that you do not understand please discuss with the instructor After you have read, click on the tab at the top that reads: glossary Fill in (write or type out, hint: copy and paste into word) the definitions for your vocabulary sheet – all terms can be found on the glossary page Show your completed vocabulary sheet: to the instructor Begin activity 2 Dr. Houghton – Earthquake activity and vocabulary Vocabulary sheet: Amplitude Epicenter Focus Latitude Longitude Magnitude Moment Magnitude P Waves Rayleigh Wave Richter Magnitude Richter nomogram S Waves Name: Period: Date: Dr. Houghton – Earthquake activity and vocabulary Name: Period: Date: Activity 2 1) 2) 3) After completing your vocabulary sheet and showing it to the instructor, click on the tab that reads: collapse Click on the tab that reads: journal Follow the directions for the assignment; be sure to fill in the entire journal data page Assignment: Your objective is to locate the epicenter of an earthquake and estimate its richter magnitude. If you don’t know a term, return to the background and use your vocabulary terms for clarification. a. Start by clicking on “choose earthquake” tool on line 1 of the tasks (it’s the little square that is highlighted in the right corner (top left of the 11 squares). b. Select one of the options for the location of an earthquake (right-hand column). You must choose Northern, Southern California, or Utah. You may not choose “random”. c. Click the “trigger Earthquake” button on the map to generate an earthquake and its seismograms. Other tools will give information about its purpose. With these tools, do the following tasks in the order given in the tasks menu. BE SURE TO FILL IN THE DATA IN THE JOURNAL AS YOU GO! i. Measure the S-P lag times for any 3 stations (If the S-P lag goes off the screen - go to 5% - only use stations that do not go off the edge of the screen at 5%) ii. Find the distances from the epicenter iii. Measure the maximum S-wave amplitude iv. Draw circles on the map to triangulate to the epicenter v. Locate the epicenter on the map vi. Estimate the latitude and longitude of your earthquakes epicenter (remember lat and long has degrees and also has minutes and seconds) if you don’t understand ask your instructor) vii. Estimate your earthquakes magnitude d. As you progress, be sure to enter your results in the journals data table e. After you determine the magnitude and the latitude and longitude of the epicenter, you will be given a quiz and a certificate of completion 4) 5) 6) 7) Take the: quiz Fill out information: for your certificate Please print your: certificate Pass in your certificate to: the instructor