Dean Team Meeting June 8, 2007 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. Present: John Backes* Norma Goldstein* Carla Hogan Kenny Lawson * Susan Hoyne Jim James* Gillian Lewis* Tom Moran* Berta Lloyd* Andrea Rye Yvonne Terrell-Powell (*) Members Present Guests: Susan Sparks, Lisa Van Horne, Bernice Vonnegut MINUTES The May 8 and May 11 minutes were approved. The May 15 minutes were approved after clarification. CORE COURSE DISCIPLINE EXPERTS John is looking for more full-time faculty members who are willing to express their interest in becoming a “core course discipline expert.” Prior to identifying who these people would be, the Deans will decide upon the criteria that will be used to select these individuals. Deans suggested criteria include: Degree or academic credentials Teaching or practical experience Evidence they advise regularly Evidence they are familiar with degrees and certificates Knowledge and understanding of our curriculum process o Recent curriculum revision and moving it through the process o Evidence of understanding student learning outcomes/assessment (demonstrated by having served on Curriculum Committee, Planning Councils or having developed curriculum) Professional Development in their academic area John will email the criteria to the Deans as well as the Curriculum Committee for further comments and feedback. CRITIERA FOR TRANSCRIPT/COURSE EVALUATION IN PROF-TECH PROGRAMS Susan Sparks and Lisa Van Horne questioned the Deans about the process, or lack of process, for evaluating transcripts and either waiving or substituting classes for Professional-Technical programs. There is nothing in writing about what can or cannot be substituted or waived. They felt it should be documented and posted online so students would know what the guidelines were. SLPA students, who for the most part are scattered all over, are reticent to drive to Shoreline to take a Substitution/Waiver form to different departments for signature, only to find no one is available. This is an advising service issue. Gillian explained how her programs have created detailed crosswalks so students know exactly which courses from which colleges would substitute. Her programs have also identified a time limit as to when the course could have been taken. Faculty in the program make that determination. Many prof-tech websites provide similar answers for students so they don’t have to come on campus. 1 Deans recommended SLPA faculty determine the acceptable requirements (i.e. Math and English) for their program and then post online. The program faculty know what is critical for their program, and the institution will follow what they say. Deans would hope to see electronic signatures in the future, which would make this much easier for students. Susan Sparks asked why Professional-Technical students do not have equal access to transcript evaluation. The college has only one transcript evaluator. It has been the preference of ProfTech programs to conduct their own transcript evaluation, not wanting someone else to make decisions for them. Susan feels Prof-Tech students should have equal access. There are several issues here that John agreed needed to be worked on. Process Authority Transparency and currency to students These are legitimate areas that need to be addressed, and we should be able to make some improvements. We need to work on an overall solution. Essential to any solution is the introduction of electronic signatures. Jim James explained that one of the impediments to his job in trying to assess student success is the lack of knowledge about what students bring to this campus. Right now the only prerequisite information available is generated internally in the form of SCC transcripts and assessment scores. What courses and grades students bring with them to campus is not available for analysis. Jim would like a standardized approach to this so that transcript information from other sources is included as part of each student’s SCC data. COST OF RENTING FACILITIES It was brought to Gillian’s attention that a local organization wanted to rent the lower parking lot as a beginning and ending place for a bike-a-thon, but the cost would have been $750.00 ($75/hr) which they could not pay. She brought up the question whether we should consider different categories of requests depending on the organizations. Perhaps there can be some reciprocity between School District and Shoreline CC if they need the space. Norma explained there are events we want here for publicity and promotional purposes and should be charged only a nominal fee for custodial services. We need to talk to Stuart Trippel. There may be provisions from General Administration which runs our property that can help us. John knows that we cannot undercut private industry. We also cannot “give away state assets.” TO DO: Gillian will talk to Stuart Trippel about the cost of renting facilities and report back to the Dean Team. TRANSITION ISSUES Bernice joined the Deans to listen to the status of transitioning issues within the divisions. Deans are most concerned about classified staff who have been asked to take on more work. Bernice advised to help staff prioritize their jobs and letting them give away other things they don’t need to do and look for efficiencies. There are issues of workload that have been transitioned. Bernice cautioned that people have to stay within their class and work within their job descriptions. There are many things converging on classified staff right now (Scantron, CCN, rehosting, building the schedule, changes in policies and procedures around hiring, etc.). Some of this work is new and can feel overwhelming. 2 Bernice will try to join the Dean Team next Tuesday so discussion can continue. She asked Deans to think about how the work of classified staff might be spread around. She also reminded Deans of the importance of making those staff members who are being relocated feel welcomed. Bernice pointed out that no one has lost a job out of this reorganization because some people chose to resign or retire. Only one person has lost some salary dollars, but Bernice thinks we can come up with a solution. PLANNING FOR 2007-08 Postponed. OTHER o The Herbert B. Jones Foundation notified Shoreline that the grant proposed by the Business Division and Extended Learning to help the Business Incubator has been funded at $20,000. The Incubator start-up costs are projected over two years and will be focused on the Arts & Entertainment businesses. The staff that will manage the Incubator will be involved in finding dollars to support new (small) start-up businesses. The Business Incubator will come forward with a proposal for federal and state grant dollars to support it. John summarized the College has moved forward with the Business Incubator, Zero Energy House, Service Learning, and diversity efforts. Our planning this coming year will include looking at how to get these endeavors off the ground, into the fabric of the college, and manage them through enrollment issues. o Deans reviewed the page in the time schedule that lists courses that meet the General Education Core Requirements for Profession-Technical Degrees or Certificates. Some of the courses are misleading in that they meet the requirements for Certificates only or the ProfTech degree only. Kerry will identify the necessary changes for PIO to revise in the next edition of the schedule. o Deans discussed Faculty Position Requests for Dental Hygiene and Nutrition. Every position will need to be reviewed as to replacement, movement of the faculty line or nonreplacement. Deans agreed it is critical for the health of the program to replace the Dental Hygiene position. Deans also agreed that further discussion is necessary before making decisions on other faculty positions. Any decisions should be data driven, and discussion will include looking carefully at preserving tenure track positions that currently exist. Jim James said the data set (referred to last year as the efficiency model) looks at enrollment trends, staffing ratios, etc., and will be updated as soon as Spring data is available. Any decision needs to be as objective as possible and data driven. John agreed that we need data-driven decisions. We also have to understand the context in which community colleges are funded. He shared a document with Deans earlier that compared our full-time faculty salary and benefits to other colleges (outside of the multicampus districts). Shoreline has the highest allocation of money for full-time faculty in the state. Meeting adjourned 11:04 p.m. Minutes Recorded by Kerry Fondren 3