PSYCHIATRY 1 PART II - 2008 THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA PART II PRE-SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PSYCHIATRY University: Name of Program Director: Date of Review: Sites Participating in this Program: Program Website / URL: PSYCHIATRY 2 PART II - 2008 IV. RESOURCES Standard B.4 "There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the specialty training requirements in the specialty or subspecialty." Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of inter-university affiliations may be negotiated, as stated in the grey book "General Information Concerning Accreditation of Residency Programs." It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an inter-university affiliation. 1. Teaching Faculty List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one. Teaching Site Name University Rank Specialty Qualifications Subspecialty (If any) Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research) What percentage of faculty listed above (#2.) have been practising in the specialty/subspecialty: 2. < 15 years % > 25 years % a) General Psychiatry IN-PATIENT STATISTICS FOR: Hospital Approximate Number of Admissions Per Year Psychiatry Consultations Approximate Number of PSYCHIATRY 3 Schizophrenia & Psychoses TOTAL Mood Disorders Substance Use Disorders Anxiety Somatoform Personality Disorders PART II - 2008 Mental Retardation Children’s Disorders Organic Mental Disorders Other from Other Hospital Services Per Week Emerg. Dept. Cases Seen by Psychiatry Per Week PSYCHIATRY 4 PART II - 2008 OUT-PATIENT STATISTICS FOR: Hospital or Clinic or Service Approximate Number of Out-patients (Provide either new patients or patient census) Schizophrenia and Psychoses TOTAL Mood Disorders Substance Use Disorders Anxiety Somatoform Personality Disorders Mental Retardation Total Patient Visits Children’s Disorders Organic Mental Disorders Other PSYCHIATRY 5 PART II - 2008 b) Indicate the institutions that provide the major sources of requests for consultations on in-patients on other clinical services. Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling consultations, methods of teaching and supervision of such cases and methods to ensure the adequacy of the experience in consultation psychiatry over the period of residency. c) Describe the role of the departments of medicine and pediatrics in the residency program for psychiatrists. What percentage of residents rotate through internal medicine and/or pediatrics? d) Describe the relationship of the program with the neurological service as it concerns the training of residents. What percentage of residents rotate through neurology? 3. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry List the institutions providing training in this component of the program. Describe the organization of clinical teaching units, day centres, day-care placements, and other facilities used in the training of psychiatric residents. If there are no standard CTUs or designated beds, clarify whether there are patients controlled by the service under the direction of the head of the unit, and whether adequate consultant experience is available and well-controlled. 4. Geriatric Psychiatry Indicate the institutions that provide the major teaching on psychiatric conditions in the elderly population. Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling such cases, the methods of providing supervision and teaching of those cases, and ways to ensure an adequate exposure to this area in the course of the residency training. Indicate, as well, the balance between hospital and community-based clinical and teaching experience. 5. Long-Term Care Indicate the institutions that provide the major exposure to the long-term care and rehabilitation of the major mental illnesses, particularly schizophernia and affective disorders. Describe the involvement of residents in the treatment and rehabilitation of those patients, the variety of cases available and the method of supervision and evaluation of the adequacy of the training. Indicate, as well, the balance between hospital and community-based clinical and teaching experience. 6. Psychotherapy Name the institutions providing experience in psychotherapy. Comment on the adequacy of resources in staff and patients in relation to the number of residents. Describe the method of supervision of training in the therapy of adults and children, both long- and short-term. Summarize the total experience of residents in this mode of treatment, including crisis intervention, behavioural and cognitive therapies. PSYCHIATRY 7. 6 PART II - 2008 Biological Therapy Name the institutions providing experience in psychopharmacology and other biological therapies, including electroconvulsive therapy. Describe the resources available in terms of patients, facilities and staff, including any other relevant explanatory comments. 8. Forensic Psychiatry Describe the community and correctional facilities available for experience in forensic psychiatry, indicating how these are used for training. 9. Community Psychiatry List and comment on the facilities available for residents in the community at large. In particular, deal with the methods of training in providing consultations in the schools and family clinics. Describe the facilities providing opportunities for the long-term active treatment of emotional and behavioral problems, and the care of the chronically handicapped, and how these are used for the training of residents. 10. Emergency Care Describe the resources available and the arrangements for the training of residents in the emergency department. 11. Ambulatory Care Facilities Describe the resources available and the arrangements for the training of residents in ambulatory care facilities. 12. Non-medical Supporting Staff Comment on the adequacy and distribution of the allied non-medical professional staff who make significant contributions to the program, specifically psychologists, psychiatric nurses, social workers and occupational therapists. If the training of residents is being adversely affected by deficiencies in these areas, indicate so. 13. Other Supporting Services Identify other departments, divisions and services that provide training for residents in psychiatry. Such services might include the medical and surgical specialties, obstetrics and gynecology, neuropathology, radiology, clinical pharmacology, nuclear medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, genetics, and electroencephalography. Record relevant data, and describe any regular assignments or liaisons of residents or fellows to such services. PSYCHIATRY 7 PART II - 2008 In addition, describe any other special units or services that provide opportunities for training on a mandatory or elective basis. Include special institutes or clinics not affiliated with hospitals. 14. Summary of Adequacy of Resources Comment on the adequacy of the resources in the overall clinical program, with particular reference to the relationship between such resources and the number of residents dependent upon them. Include consideration of the following questions: Are there significant areas where the workload of the teachers (clinical care, undergraduate teaching, etc.) is such as to affect adversely the continuous supervision and instruction of residents in psychiatry? Do all senior residents have an opportunity to be responsible for the operation of a clinical teaching service under appropriate staff supervision? Are the numbers of patients available for teaching sufficient to provide for the training of residents rotating from internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, neurology and other services, without adverse effects on the training of residents in psychiatry? Are the diagnostic and basic science facilities available to the program sufficient to provide adequate teaching and experience for residents in psychiatry, in addition to other residents sharing the same facilities?