COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: TRANSFER COURSE DISCIPLINES SECTION I - Y: SOCIOLOGY (SOC) TRANSFER CODE DESIGNATIONS CODE A = AGSC approved transfer courses in Areas I-IV that are common to all institutions. CODE B = Area V courses that are deemed appropriate to the degree and pre-major requirements of individual students. CODE C = Potential Area V transfer courses that are subject to approval by respective receiving institutions. DPT. CRS. "THEORY" PRE NUM SOC 200 "EXPERIMENTAL" "MANIPULATIVE" COURSE COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - A PREREQUISITE: As required by program. This course is an introduction to the vocabulary, concepts, and theory of sociological perspectives of human behavior. DPT. CRS. PRE NUM SOC 210 "THEORY" "EXPERIMENTAL" "MANIPULATIVE" COURSE COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS SOCIAL PROBLEMS 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - A PREREQUISITE: SOC 200. This course examines the social and cultural aspects, influences, incidences and characteristics of current social problems in light of sociological theory and research. DPT. CRS. "THEORY" "EXPERIMENTAL" "MANIPULATIVE" COURSE PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS SOC 247 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - B PREREQUISITE: SOC 200. This course is a study of family structures and families in a modern society. It covers preparation for marriage, as well as sociological, psychological, biological, and financial factors relevant to success in marriage and family life. DPT. CRS. PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS "THEORY" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "EXPERIMENTAL" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "MANIPULATIVE" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS COURSE CREDIT HOURS SOC 208 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - C PREREQUISITE: As required by program. This course delves into the nature and extent of crime in the United States, as well criminal delinquent behavior and theories of causation. The study includes criminal personalities, principles of prevention, control, and treatment. DPT. CRS. PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS "THEORY" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "EXPERIMENTAL" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "MANIPULATIVE" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS COURSE CREDIT HOURS SOC 209 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - C PREREQUISITE: SOC 200. This course examines the causes of delinquency. It also reviews programs of prevention, and control of juvenile delinquency as well as the role of the courts. DPT. CRS. PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS "THEORY" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "EXPERIMENTAL" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "MANIPULATIVE" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS COURSE CREDIT HOURS SOC 217 CRIMINAL AND DEVIANT BEHAVIOR 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - C PREREQUISITE: SOC 200 or SOC/CRJ 208. This course is an analysis of criminal and deviant behavior with emphasis on sociological and psychological theories of crime causation. DPT. CRS. PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS "THEORY" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "EXPERIMENTAL" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "MANIPULATIVE" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS SOC 246 MODERN WOMEN IN A CHANGING SOCIETY 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 CODE - C PREREQUISITE: SOC 200. This course explores the role of the contemporary woman in the changing family and the world of work. COURSE DPT. CRS. PRE NUM COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS "THEORY" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "EXPERIMENTAL" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS "MANIPULATIVE" WEEKLY CONTACT HOURS COURSE CREDIT HOURS SOC 296 DIRECTED STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY 1 -3 1-3 0 0 0 0 1-3 CODE - C PREREQUISITE: SOC 200. This course provides students with opportunities to have "hands-on" experience with research methods used in the behavioral sciences or to complete directed readings under faculty supervision.