Human Body Project: My Residency! Case Study R You have been assigned a 72 year-old female patient who has been diagnosed with kidney stones. You need to research how kidney stones affect the human body to be able to answer the following questions: What is a kidney stone? What causes kidney stones? What are symptoms of kidney stones? How are kidney stones diagnosed? What is the treatment for kidney stones? How can kidney stones be prevented? You need to complete a works cited guide listing the sources (books, Web sites, encyclopedias...) you used to find your information. You should also list any sources you obtained pictures or graphics from. Your group may choose to complete any 1 of the following presentations about your case: An official doctor’s report about the disorder - Your report should include at least one graphic and an explanation. A public service announcement (PSA) – Your PSA should last no longer than 3 minutes and should include an original visual and an auditory message about your disorder. A counseling presentation to the family – Your presentation should be informative and compassionate. You should also provide a script and an explanation for your graphic. See your checklist for additional requirements for each presentation. ** Each person is responsible for turning in their own research and works cited. You should answer your research questions neatly on a separate sheet of paper.