Muhammad Hassan Khan - COMSATS Institute of Information

Muhammad Hassan Khan
Address: House # 16, Lane # 1, Mirza Road, Attock Cantt.
Phone: 0336 5712554
Masters of Sciences in Artificial Intelligence (Major: NLP, Minor: ML)
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Bachelor of Sciences in Computer System Engineering
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi, Pakistan.
Higher Secondary School Certificate
Cadet College Kohat
Secondary School Certificate
Cadet College Kohat
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
May 2011 – Present
 Joined the Computer Science Department as a Lecturer.
 Course Instructor for “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”.
 Course Instructor for “Artificial Neural Networks”.
 Course Instructor for “Modern Programming Languages”.
 Course Instructor for “Computer Organization and Assembly Language”.
 Member of Comsats Mobile Application Development Lab (C-MAD Lab).
Edinburgh University, United Kingdom
Jan 2008 – 2010
 Joined the Informatics Department as a doctoral student.
 Worked on statistical Dialogue modeling for tutorial dialogues.
 Course tutor for “Functional Programming” tutorials.
 Course tutor for “Computation and Logic” tutorials.
 Course tutor for “Object-oriented Programming” tutorials.
 Course tutor for “Data and Analysis” tutorials.
 Course tutor for “Mathematics for Informatics” tutorials.
 Voluntary Instructor for multiple Robotics Lego Workshops for Elementary School kids.
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
March 2006 – Sep 2006
 Joined COMSATS Institute as a Junior Lecturer.
 Co-Instructor for the “Artificial Intelligence” Course.
 Co-Instructor for the “Software Engineering” Course.
 Instructor for “Introduction to Programming” at the summer school for high school students.
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology
Aug 2005 – March 2006
 Joined Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute as a Teaching Assistant.
 Lab Instructor for the “Introduction to Programming” lab and “Artificial Intelligence” lab.
 Teaching Assistant for the “Language and Compilation Techniques” course and “Artificial
Intelligence” course.
 Faculty Coordinator for the ACM, GIKI Student Chapter.
 Speed Programming Team Coach.
Ultimus, Pakistan
Summer 2004 (9 weeks)
 Worked in my University's process automation team.
 Implemented a student course registration system.
 System implemented on a 3-node windows cluster.
 Technologies used: MS SQL Server 2000, Ultimus BPM Suite, HTML, JavaScript, ASP.NET, Rational Suite.
Techaccess, Pakistan
Summer 2003 (6 weeks)
Worked on Oracle Database Server.
Programmed some customizations in the Oracle Collaboration Suite.
Worked on the automation of the employee attendance record system.
Wrote scripts for client specified customizations on Linux.
Technologies used: Java Server Pages (JSP), Python, Oracle Database Server.
Natural Language Processing Courses Studied at Masters Level
 Introduction to Computational Linguistics
 Introduction to Logic Programming
 Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
 Semantics and Pragmatics of Natural Language Processing
 Automatic Speech Recognition
 Text Technologies (Information Retrieval)
MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL.
Bash, Lex, Yacc, ASP.NET, JSP, HTML, XML, Matlab 6, SPSS/SPSS Modeler, R.
MS Office, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Video Editors.
 Treasurer of ACM, GIKI Chapter.
 Executive Member of Media Club, GIKI.
 Member of the GIKI Official Web Team.
 Member of GIKI Speed Programming Team.
 Conducted Workshops on Programming Languages and various software technologies. (GIKI)
 Represented my institute at SOFTECH 2004, a National Software Competition held in Lahore in
Dynamic Programming Competition, made it to the final round. (GIKI)
 Editor for the Media Club Newsletter. (GIKI)
 Member of studioLab, a collaboration between the Informatics School and the College of Art at the
Edinburgh University.
 In-charge of Science Club for the year 2000-2001, Cadet College Kohat.
 Awarded Best Scientist Medal on the Parents Day. (Cadet College Kohat - 2000)
 Chief Organizer of CODE, inter-batches speed programming competition organized by ACM, GIKI.
 In charge of the Automation Team, Information Desk and the Speed Programming event at
Softcom 2004, a National Software Competition organized by ACM, GIKI Chapter.
 Member of the Judges Panel for the Speed Programming and Quiz Competition at Softcom 2005.
 Member of the Judges Panel for a Software Competition among first year Computer Science
students. (Edinburgh Uni)
Topic Modeling for tutorial dialogues, Collected and developed various medium to large scale datasets
for training data. Investigated the performance of various supervised and unsupervised approaches for
topic modeling of both regular documents and automatically generated speech transcriptions. (Doctoral
Thesis Project) (Note: Withdrew from PhD program after 2 years due to personal reasons)
PDDP for Ontology Learning, Investigated Principle Direction Divisive Partitioning for automatic ontology
induction over large-scale datasets. (MSc Thesis Project)
Raabta, Worked with a fellow course-mate on building a movie recommendation system for the Netflix
Prize. (Edinburgh University)
Junoon, Worked on Algorithmically generated digital music. Generated novel music at runtime by
encoding Cellular Automata as musical notes. Implemented in Lisp. (Edinburgh University)
Prometheus, The objective of this project was to provide interoperability between the Java and .NET
development platforms at runtime. Our system facilitated bridging from the Java to .Net side that is, Java
classes are available for use in .NET with the use of proxy classes generated at design-time. (Final Year
Project, GIKI)
SLAB, an automated chat bot system for providing customer support, the bots can be programmed using
an XML based scripting language. Or the script can be generated from a graphical environment.
ALife, a set of multi-agent simulations of Artificial Life Environments:
 An implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, a cellular automata simulation.
 A virtual environment which evolved artificial Organisms with neural network and finite state
automata brains.
 A virtual environment with 2 different species of rule based agents to study emergent behaviors
from simple local rules. Successfully observed predator-prey cycle and herding behaviour.
(Artificial Intelligence Course Project)
DeXBot, a chat bot trained on some movie scripts that uses hidden markov models to simulate intelligent
dialogue. Deployed on GIKI’s local IRC server.
Talaash, designed a distributed agent based solution for searching files over the Institute’s Hostel LAN, a
network of more than 600 Windows and Linux machines sharing resources using windows file sharing.
ChotiB, programmed a virtual machine for a small instruction set and then wrote an interpreter for a Basic
like language that generated byte-code for the virtual machine to run. (Theory of Automata Course
Wehshy, A compiler implementation for a C like language, generated byte-code to be run by the ChotiB
virtual machine. (Language and Compilation Techniques Course Project)
Email System, a web based Email system implemented in ASP.NET using MS SQL Server 2000 in the
back end. (Databases Course Project)
Room Automation System, an Atmel 2051 microcontroller was connected to some sensors and electrical
appliances then, interfaced with a computer to make an automated speech controlled intelligent
environment. (Microprocessor Interfacing Course Project)
Viterbi, wrote an optimized implementation of a viterbi encoder/decoder in C. Using as a reference an
implementation written in the MatLab scripting language.
Chess, a two player chess game with a GUI and features like history, logging etc. Implemented in C++.
(CS102 Lab Project)