Chapter 10 Study Guide: Cell Reproduction

Chapter 10 Study Guide: Cell Reproduction
I. Cell Division and Mitosis
A. Why is Cell Division Important?
-All living things start out as ________.
-Replace ___________ and ________ cells.
-Single celled organisms can ___________.
B. The Cell Cycle
-_________ have life cycles just like ______
1. Length of the cycle
a) Different cells complete the cell cycle
at _______________.
2. Interphase
a) It is a time period of _______ and
b) _____________________ is spent in
C. Mitosis
-Mitosis - ___________________________
1. Steps of Mitosis
a) ______________________________
b) chromosomes - ________________
-Humans have ____ chromosomes
(_______) in every cell.
-Chromosomes ______in interphase
2. Division of the Cytoplasm
a) After two nuclei are formed, the
cytoplasm separates forming _________
b) In animal cells the cell membrane
c) In plant cells a ___________ forms to
divide the cell.
3. Results of Mitosis
a) Division of ____________
b) Two nuclei that are ________ to each
other and the original nucleus
c) All cells have the same ___________
D. Asexual Reproduction
-Asexual Reproduction - _______________
-The offspring is ______________________
-Many plants like ________ and __________
reproduce asexually.
1. Budding - _________________________
a) When the bud become large enough it
b) Ex. ______, _________, _________
2. Regeneration - _____________________
a) Ex. _________, _________, _______
3. Fission - __________________________
a) Ex. ____________
II. Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
A. Sexual Reproduction
-___________________- two reproductive
cells come together to create a new organism
that is genetically unique
-_________- male reproductive cell
-_____- female reproductive cell
-____________ the joining of egg and sperm
-________- the cell that forms in fertilization
1. Diploid - _________________________
a) Body cells like ____, ____, and ____
cells are diploid.
b) Human body cells have ___________
2. Haploid - ________________________
a) They have ____ the number of a body
b) __________________are haploid.
c) Human reproductive cells have _____
B. Meiosis and Reproductive Cells
-Meiosis - ____________________________
-______ divisions of the nucleus occur.
1. Summary of meiosis
a) ___________ form during _________
b) _____ of those cells make 2 cells in
c) Two divisions result in ___________
d) Each of the __ cells have ______ the
number of chromosomes as the original
A. What is DNA?
-DNA - ______________________
-It is a chemical that stores _____________
1. DNA’s Structure
a) _________ and ______ made the first
model of DNA.
2. A DNA Model
a) DNA is in the shape of a __________
-a twisted _______ or a __________
b) The sides of DNA are made up of
__________________ and ___________
c) The rungs of DNA are made up of __
-____________ ↔ ___________
-____________ ↔ ___________
d) One nucleotide is made up of ______,
_________, and ___________
-each of your body’s cells contains
about _______________ nucleotides
B. Genes
-Gene - ______________________________
1. RNA
a) RNA - ______________________
-it carries message from DNA in the
________ to the _________to make
b) like a ladder with ________________
c) Sides are made up of __________ and
d) Rungs are made of _______________
-_____________ ↔ _____________
-_____________ ↔ _____________
e) Types
-mRNA - ______________
-tRNA - ________________
-rRNA - ________________
C. Mutations
-Mutation - __________________________
-caused by ___________________________
-caused by ___________________________
1. Results of a Mutation
a) Without correctly coded proteins, and
organism can ____, ______ or ________
b) A mutations can change the _______
c) A mutation in a ______________ can
cause _______ to have that mutation.
d) Mutations can be _______, _______,
or ____________ on the organism.