7th Grade Unit Plan: Genetics

Unit Plan: first, math, 11: geometry
Stage One: Desired Results
Big Ideas
Attributes of 2d and 3d shapes
Describing 2d and 3d shapes
Composing 2d and 3d shapes
(decomposing 2d and 3d shapes)
Essential Skills
will be
List attributes of shapes
Sort or categories shapes based on attribute
Compare shapes using attributes
Put shapes together to make new shape
(Divide shapes into equal parts by drawing line or
Attributes: size, color, # of sides, # of corners, # of faces,
curve or straight lines, curved or flat sides, position
Attributes: defining vs. non-defining
(Vocab: halves, fourths, quarters, half of, fourth of,
quarter of)
Shapes can be built from smaller shapes
(Larger shapes can be divided.)
(Equal shares)
Stage Two: Assessment and Evidence
Unit test
Essential Questions
How can you
describe/compare shapes?
What happens when shapes
are combined/(divided?)
Defining attribute
Non-defining attribute
2 dimensional shape
(rectangles, squares,
trapezoids, triangles, halfcircles, and quartercircles)
3 dimensional (cubes, right
rectangular prisms, right
circular cones, and right
circular cylinders)
Stage Three: Instruction
1. Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided)
versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw
shapes to possess defining attributes.
2. Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, halfcircles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms,
right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and
compose new shapes from the composite shape.
3. Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares
using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and
quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these
examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.
Students will describe and sort shapes (2d and 3d) using defining and nondefining attributes
Students will classify attributes as defining and non-defining
Students will compare 2 shapes (2d and 3d) using defining and non-defining
Students will compose (and describe) 2d shape that contains given defining
attribute (string, geoboard, drawing)
Students will compose (and describe) 3d shape that contains given defining
attribute (playdough, drawing?)
Students will compose a given 2d shape from smaller shapes (pattern blocks) and
describe the larger shapes as made from smaller shapes
Students will compose self-generated 2d shape from smaller shapes (pattern
blocks) and describe the larger shape as made from smaller shapes.
Students will compose composite shape from self-generated 2d shapes make from
smaller shapes (pattern blocks) and describe the composite shape as made up of
the smaller composite shapes and of the original shapes.
Students will define ½ and ¼ (using a group of objects into equal, smaller shares)
Students will identify missing ½ and ¼ of squares and rectangles amoung various
options (of size and shape)
Students will determine if squares and rectangles are divided properly into ½ and
Students will divide (cut) circles and rectangles into ½
Students will divide (cut) circles and rectangles into ¼
Students will compare the relative size of ½ and ¼ of the same shape
14 lessons plus test
Building/describing shapes
Fractions and partitioning
Copy cat – kr. 19 one student makes
design with tangrams, pattern blocks,
tiles, or geoboard. Other student tries
to copy
Recording design – kr. 22 students
make pattern block, tile, or geoboard
design. Record on pattern block or
geoboard sheet, glue squares.
Grab bag geometry – kr. 41 children
feel objects in bag and use attributes
to describe or identify
-what is it? Student feels and guesses
- find a match. Student find matching
objects in bag
- guess. With collection of objects on
table and one in bag, have student feel
in bag and describe the object. Other
students guess.
Sorting shapes multiple ways – kr. 48
students sort and resort polygon
shapes and describe/record the
Pattern block puzzles – kr. 58 student
fill in outline with pattern blocks.
Record which shapes they use. Do it
again with different shapes
Pick a shape card out of a bag (or a
real plastic shape for 3d). students
use yarn and play dough to build.
recording sheet describing the
attributes of the shape they built
Paper shapes. Students use pattern
blocks to fill in the shape. Recording
sheet names the shapes they used.
Materials listed to left
BLM 1, BLM 6-8, or copy onto
plain paper
Bag, objects (2 sets)
Polygon shapes, recording sheet
Pattern blocks, outlines, recording
sheet BLM 11
Yarn, playdough, shape cards or
shapes, recording sheet
Cut out shapes, pattern blocks,
recording sheet.