To develop capacity of BFTUC on collective bargaining and

Organization Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress (BFTUC)
Project Title
Starting Date:
To develop capacity of BFTUC on
collective bargaining and
information communication
1st January2006
Duration of Project
One Year
Project Language
Preperation Date :
26th 2005(first draft)
Farida Akter
1. Background – What are the problems ? Why ?are they the main
problem for you
Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries of south asia has
paved. Its way to development by coping with present globalise
economic system. It is a mixed economic country 34.6%,
Industrialisation paved its speed but no global economic pattern has sent
the industry based on economic. Because of globalisation and open
market economy industrial goods are loosing the world market.
Workers are the essential and major part of the society in Bangladesh.
Employed population is 51.76 million and unemployed population is 1.75
million . it is a over populated developing country of the world.
Workers rights social security occupational health and safety totally
absent from Bangladesh.
Women labour force is increasing for the garments factory, construction
and other informal sector. Women worker, contracted labour, migrant
workers are facing human problems in their work place. Trade union
rights, human rights and discrimination of wages are violated both in
public and private sectors.
Economic pattern is going to changes. Garments industries the
most dominated. Multi sectoral industries in raising but workers in trade
unions are violated. Law is existing there but implementation is very
Negotiation is one of the fundamental and crucial task of every
trade union and through effective and successive bargaining on wages,
working condition, workers rights and other facilities from the employers.
Trade union can ensure that for the members to enjoy appropriate wages
and other facilities from the employers, but due to lack of knowledge and
experience of trade union leaders cannot get initiatives for this purposes
and leaders cannot help the workers because they are unskilled and they
have very limited capacity.
Trade union leaders have lack of knowledge about new technology
about global network, no idea of ILO Declaration, positive impact of
globalisation, information of the world trade union which one develop the
organisation and themselves.
Besides that to assists the trade unions leaders and educators to
achieve acknowledge about the practical methodologies for trade unions
in conducting financial and economic analysis of enterprises. It is also to
develop district wise network of trade union specialist for exchange of
information and sharing experience of this subject.
Due to this circumstances, trade union leaders should improve this skills
and analysing a company financial and economic situation and preference
for producing better result in collective bargaining and decent work
situation for the workers.
So we need to tackle this situation only to get the training, more
knowledge and experience to overcome this situation. It should be solve
for the greater interest of organisation and trade union workers.
2.Target Groups and other Parties – Who are the main target of the
project? Who should be involved?
Executive Committees
Leaders (local and national level)
Leaders – young and women
Office staff
Total of 253 members should be involved.
51 members
102 members
95 members
They are the main key person to develop and implement the all type of
program to the organisation.
They maintain the coordination and cooperation to the employer and
employees and the local communities. They are little bit experience
about the trade union education group meetings and seminar and
Executive Committee of BFTUC will implement the project.
Decision Makers
Executive Committee, expert resource person, Education Secretary and
trained persons.
 Federation, with the support of other donar organization, NGOs
who worked in this field.
3.Long-term objectives – What to be achieved intimately ?
Organisation will be strengthening about this challenging subject,
economic and financial analysis of enterprises which one help to advance
the work.
Organisation will be strong about global network new information
technology and can contract all over the world by
Organisation can achieve vast knowledge about making strong
workplan/project proposal.
Organisation can achieve better industrial relation and promoting the
socio economic well being of workers.
4. Immediate objectives – What should be achieved before the end of the
project ?
After the end of this course, trainers should identify key issues
under the process of globalisation and its impact on workers. Get
knowledge about ILS and other instrument, ILO Tripartite
Declaration and fundamental principles and right at work place.
OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises, FOA, Convention
87 & 98 Right to Collective Bargaining and all other subject which
we learnt from the course.
To know the contract labour issues. HIV-AIDS with employment
To be expert the information tehnologies solicomm for developing
national and international network and should be implement the
organisational work.
5. Key outputs / Direct Result – What are the specific products of your
project ?
Bargaining procedure
using internet network
secure information and data
6. Activities – what do you have to do to achieve the immediate
objectives within the fixed time frame ?
A course report will be submitted to the organisation regarding
whole course including study visit - within seven days.
A orientation course will be arranged with EC Committee and the
leaders of the organisation to transfer knowledge and experience for the
benefit of workers. (within one month)
All resource materials and documents will be preserved for the
future training programme of the organisation.
This project proposal/workplan to be submitted to the organisation
which one reflecting, what we have learnt during this training (within 7
Computer training will be used for the information technology and
computer communication to enhance trade unions programms and
activities. (continuous program)
Every three months conducted a training programme regarding this
components and complete four training four training course within a year
7.Main In puts – What are the main resources
necessary to implements the proposed activities
Teaching Aids
Training materials – OHP, transparency, booklet, poster
8. Indicators of Achievement – How do you measure your achievements?
(in terms òf quality and quantity)
(1) For Immediate Objective - participants should know the collective
bargaining for promoting decent work
(2) For Immediate Objective - participants should collect data and
global information about world trade union situation.
(3) For Immediate Objective – participants should do workplan for
more training facilities
9. Management of Risks – What are the factors which may prevent your
project from achieving the goal ? How can you minimize the risk ?
Risk 1
Negative attitude
of employers
Potential Risk
Turnover from the job
Possible Response
Good understanding
with employers
Risk 2
Obstacles to workplace Workers should be
Employer makes
grouping within
trade union leaders
Risk 3 – not
Negative attitude to
learn computer
Interest growth
10. Monitoring /Reporting /Evaluation Procedures – How to periodically
check and make sure the progress of the project?
Monitoring – every monthly meeting and program will be monitor by
the EC committee
Reporting – End of the month monthly report should be submit by the
office secretary and trainer to the EC committee
Evaluation – the course activities will review by the trainers and EC
Committee after completion of course
11.Preliminary Budget Proposal
Main Item
Local currency
7000 taka
Training Materials
Hall Hire
For conduct of training over the year my budget is only 28000 taka =