2007TarnScript - The Engineers` Council

Award Presentations
“Good evening....I hope you enjoyed your meal (or are
enjoying it, depending on which COUNTY you are seated
in). My name is Robert B. Tarn, Trustee and Secretary of
The Engineers’ Council, Chairman of the AIAA San
Fernando Pacific Section, Staff Engineer with Pratt &
Whitney Rocketdyne, and one of your MC’s for this
evening’s recognition program.
Our attendance tonight is ________.
<pause for applause>
And this doesn’t count the members of the Secret Service
who are here – necessary due to our very distinguished guest
– they are hard to spot...you might have one at your
table...but here’s a clue, if you’re talking to the person next to
you, and he or she asks you to speak a little closer to their
watch....that’s your clue.
Thank you for your support of National Engineers Week.
The proceeds from this dinner are used by the council to
support math, science, and engineering mentoring,
educational outreach, scholarship, and continuing education
programs throughout the year. These programs are vital to
our profession, in order to continue the supply of skilled,
educated, and trained science and engineering talent to
support our nation’s continued leadership in technology.
We cannot afford to take science and engineering education
for granted. I was reminded of this the other day. I was on
the campus of a local college to buy some drawing supplies
from the bookstore....as I walked by a couple of students on a
park bench, I overheard them talking about their upcoming
Spring Break trip to FLORIDA. Interested in their plans, I
listened in. A beautiful full moon happened to be rising
(gesture with right arm toward the east), and admiring it, one
said to other, “Gee, wouldn’t it be COOL if we could take a
trip to the MOON for Spring Break?” The other replied,
“You know, NASA is working on sending people back to the
MOON, maybe we COULD do that one day?” I was thrilled
to hear this aspiration! But then the first one asked, “Which
do you think is furthest from here, the MOON or
FLORIDA?” to which the second replied, “Duhhh......can
I hope they weren’t Engineering students....
A couple of announcements before we begin.
1) There are large bathrooms for Men and for Women at the
top of the stairs in the foyer where you entered the
ballroom...the bathrooms near the foot of the stairs are
handicapped accessible.
2) We’re going to try to get you out of here at a reasonable
time, and if you have to leave for the sitter we understand,
but please try to stay for the entire recognition program, out
of courtesy to others.
Outstanding Engr. Achievement Merit Awards – Group I
“We will begin with Outstanding Engineering Achievement
Merit Awards, recognizing individuals who have achieved
significant recognition for accomplishments in a particular
area of engineering activity in the year 2006.
“The Engineers’ Council has conferred the Merit Award on
32 worthy recipients this year. Because of the unusually
large number, they will be recognized tonight in two groups
of 16 each, alphabetically. The first group will now be
As I call the names of these Merit Award recipients, I request
that they approach the stage from the right side (gesture with
left hand toward stage left), where they will receive their
award and have a presentation photograph taken with
Council President Paul Landry, then ascend the stairs to join
me here on stage. Awardees are asked to remain on stage
until all have been recognized.
Lee Buchok
Aeronautical Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as a Lead
Aerodynamics Engineer”
Ming Chang
Research Engineering Manager
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding leadership and exceptional management of
aerodynamic and acoustics analysis and design efforts in
support of key flight vehicle development and technology
maturation projects”
Charles R. Constantine
Systems Engineer Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For significant contributions to U-2 integration efforts, the
successful integration of the ASIP system, and the U-2
program overall”
Kenneth Cook
Electrical Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For dedicated support and leadership to test program
instrumentation, recognition by his peers for professionalism
and expertise, and in thanks for the mentoring of his team”
Dr. Nazaret Dermendjian
Assistant Professor
California State University Northridge
“For outstanding contributions that enhance student learning
in Civil Engineering and for support and leadership of the
Fundamentals of Engineering Review course”
Yvette M. Garcia
Senior Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For enthusiastic contributions to the design process and
commitment to the RS-68 program”
John P. Geddes
Senior Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For expert contributions to the aerospace profession in the
area of injector design, and for interest in promoting and
sharing that knowledge with others”
Nicholas Giannetta
Aeronautical Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as a Lead Flight Test
James Harris
Electronics Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as an Avionics Flight
Test Engineer”
Gregory A. Hausman
Senior Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For outstanding contributions to the design, development
and flight worthiness of the RS-68 Rocket Engine System”
Marilyn Hendrix
Aeronautics Systems Engineer Senior Staff Lockheed
Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as an engineering
system integrator”
Dr. Nhut T. Ho
Assistant Professor
California State University Northridge
“For extensive contributions to the mission of the California
State University Northridge and the education of its students,
and systems engineering research at the practical level”
Matthew J. Hofmann
Flight Operations Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For 30 years of Aerospace Leadership, advancing space
propulsion for human spaceflight and defense of the United
Lois Holtzclaw
Aeronautical Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as a propulsion
Andrew M. Jakubek
IPT Lead
Northrop Grumman Corporation
“For leadership contribution to the successful outcome of the
ATS flight test and fleet-wide implementation program”
Quentin W. Jones
Flight Control Engineer
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For efforts in the air data test set development, ensuring
that our war fighters have mission-critical support, and the
technology needed to minimize downtime and achieve
William B. Johnson Founders Award to Richard C. Peters
The William B. Johnson Founders Award celebrates
contributions to the engineering profession through society
leadership. A Licensed Professional Industrial Engineer and
Numerical Control and Automation Consultant with the
Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International, Bill Johnson
worked tirelessly for the Engineers’ Council, the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, and others.
In recognition of his contributions, the council presented the
“Distinguished Contributions Award” to Bill Johnson in 1982.
This award was not presented again until after Bill’s death. It
was named in honor of him, and is presented to individuals
who, like Bill Johnson, are deemed to exhibit qualities of
dedication to principle, devotion to duty, love of our
engineering profession, and the tenacity to achieve lofty
Richard C. Peters earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical
engineering from Ohio State University, and a master’s from
the University of Akron.
As chief manufacturing engineer at The Timken Company in
Bucryus, Ohio, Mr. Peters manages engineering and
maintenance departments, directing staffs in optimizing
equipment processes, productivity and quality.
Mr. Peters has been active at the local, regional, and
international levels of SME since he joined the Society in
1979, serving as 2004 national President of the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers and currently as national Chair of
Engineers Week.
Previous recognition of Mr. Peters includes the
 Canton Young Engineer of the Year, by the Canton
Regional Society for Professional Engineers, the
 SME Region 7 Award of Honor, and the
 Canton Joint Engineering Council’s “Outstanding Service”
In addition to his leadership roles with SME and Engineers
Week, Mr. Peters is also active with his local Science Fair,
MathCounts, and other student and community programs.
Other Community service has included
 President, Bucyrus Area United Way Board of Directors
 President, Bucyrus YMCA Board of Directors
 Vice President of Rotary International
Richard is an authentic Buckeye all the way (we tried to get
green beans served with Campbell's cream of mushroom soup
and dried onions – the official state casserole of Ohio).
Richard C. Peters, please come up to receive The Engineers’
Council William B. Johnson Founders Award.
Yeager Award
First presented to General Yeager in 1987, the Brigadier
General Charles E. Yeager Aeronautical Achievements
Award is presented to individuals who, with General Yeager’s
concurrence, have attained historically outstanding
achievements in the field of aeronautical flight test and
Here with us this year to personally present to our 2007
honoree is General Chuck Yeager himself.
General Yeager and his wife Victoria are always welcome
here...as a matter of fact, they are welcome everywhere.
True Story: They were on a commercial Boeing 767 a
couple of months ago, returning from the Honolulu
ceremonies on the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor last
December 7, and Gen. Yeager provocatively asked if they
could sit up in the cockpit jump seats – Yeager is always
most comfortable when around other pilots. Of course,
they were told that since 9-11, nobody can be let into the
cockpit without FAA authorization....the pilot must have
gotten wind of his request, because a few minutes later,
the flight attendant escorted the Yeagers into the cockpit,
explaining that the FAA had been contacted, and replied
“Gen. Yeager can sit anywhere he wants to!”.
General Yeager....
Makes presentation remarks re: Col Frank Borman
Outstanding Engr. Achievement Merit Awards – Group II
How are we doing on time?
OK...and I see some folks have had to leave to let the sitter
get home early, so there’s room in the front for some of the
folks in the back of the bus. Let’s try this, would all of you
folks who claim to be the father of Anna Nicole’s baby,
please bring your guests with you and find a seat up front.
<laughter - wishful thinking>
“Continuing the presentation of Outstanding Engineering
Achievement Merit Awards, recognizing individuals who
have achieved significant recognition for accomplishments in
a particular area of engineering activity in the year 2006.
The second group will now be recognized.
As I call the names of these Merit Award recipients, I request
that they approach the stage from the right side (gesture with
left hand toward stage left), where they will receive their
award and have a presentation photograph taken with
Council President Paul Landry, then ascend the stairs to join
me here on stage. Awardees are asked to remain on stage
until all have been recognized.
Scott P. Kennedy
Systems Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For significant contributions to advanced vehicle designs,
propulsion integration, and system testing, and in recognition
as the industry expert in the integration of advanced aircraft
details and new RF designs”
Anne Y. Kotake
Member of the Technical Staff
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For outstanding contributions to the RS-68 Endurance
testing and upgrade efforts, and continued excellence in
performance of RS-68 Engine Systems Analysis duties”
Douglas R. Landon
Engineering Manager
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For Outstanding Achievement in development of F-117 Air
Data Probe quality and performance improvements, resulting
in an increased reliability of the probes and highest level of
customer satisfaction”
Scott D. Munro
Systems Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For tremendous support to the implementation, integration,
and testing of numerous IRCM systems, designed to protect
US combat forces in combat”
Lori A. Ontiveros
Program Manager
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For significant leadership contributions to U-2 Mission
Systems Integration and to U-2 Program overall”
Dr. George E. Orient
Associate Technical Fellow
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“In recognition of overall system architecture development
and ongoing software implementation of automated multidisciplinary design and analysis systems for Rocket Engine
Nozzle, Chamber and Thruster Components”
Rajesh C. Patel
Systems Engineer
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For improving the F-117 Total System Health tool and
processes to identify risk areas to the supportability of the F117 and directly contribute to high Full Mission Capable
David A. Sargeant
Flight Test Engineer
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For significant contributions to all U-2 flight test activities
and the U-2 program overall”
John B. Scarcello
Research Engineering Manager
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance and exemplary leadership in
executing structural analysis and design efforts in support of
key product development and technology maturation
Keith M. Shinozaki
Staff Engineer
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For outstanding commitment to the RS-68 development and
production programs”
Ray H. Shirr
Principal Engineer Materials/Structures
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“In appreciation for dedicated structural dynamics support to
the THAAD and J-2X Programs”
Lewis G. Siewert
Member of the Technical Staff
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
“For outstanding contributions to the PWR Expendable
Propulsion Program in support of valves and controls
analysis and anomaly resolution”
Cindy N. Tran
Software Engineer
The Boeing Company
“For development of WEB-based applications to support the
automated production of the Test Requirements Document for
Delta IV Rocket Launches”
James Valentine
Aeronautical Engineer Senior Staff
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance, mastering the engineering
skills, and obtaining critical knowledge as a Mass Properties
John W. Vinson
Senior Manager
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding performance and exemplary leadership in
planning and execution of challenging propulsion airframe
integration activities to support the design and development
of novel and innovative high-speed configurations”
William J. Watkins
Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems
“In recognition of contributions to, and management of, key
technologies development, design, integration, and support,
on the US Air Force and Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit
von Karman Award
Lisa Bergovoy, The Engineers’ Council Honors & Awards
Committee Chairwoman, council director-at-large
representing the Society of Women Engineers, and on the
Engineering Senior Staff with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Company will present the council’s Theodore von Karman
Mission Excellence Award.
Makes presentation remarks re: Dr. Firouz Naderi