PART I – CANDIDATE INFORMATION Family name: WAYA First name(s): REVANIA Nationality: Date of arrival and departure in / from Belgium TANZANIAN 5 Oct 2009 26 Oct 2009 Number of training days: Type of visit Mainly training in taxonomy and collection management Location of training: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels PART II - GENERAL INFORMATION Describe concisely how you have learned about the Belgian GTI Project friend I came to know about the Belgian GTI Project through a Describe concisely how you have learned about this specific call for proposals After being told about the GTI Project I wrote a proposal to the Belgian GTI National Focal Point. They replied to me and gave me a proper format of writing a proposal. If this was your first study visit financed via the Belgian GTI National Focal Point, describe concisely why you needed capacity building in taxonomy and collection management If this was not your first study visit financed via the Belgian GTI National Focal Point, describe concisely why you needed further support I needed capacity building in taxonomy and collection management because I am working on zooplankton ecology, I wanted to be able to identify copepods up to family, genus and species level; to know what structures to look at and/or what the main features are; to know the ecology or trophic role of common copepod species in Tanzanian waters especially Lake Victoria where I am currently working Describe concisely what support (e.g. training, access to collections,…) you have received and how this training can be related to taxonomy and /or collection management The training was perfectly related to taxonomy. About the process of identification I have learned a) The Main characteristic features used to differentiate between groups of zooplankton and/or taxa. b) The optimal use and the importance of microscopes, esp. the compound microscope. c) How to use a key and the importance of using it. d) Characteristics of species e) Measuring of specimens f) The use of a compound microscope is essential to be able to see each feature as clearly as possible. It is impossible to use any other. g) Specimen identification using different magnifications. h)The preparation of slides, and the mounting of animals on slides, how to select the best specimen and carefully place it in the slide well. A few drops of glycerine are used to hold the copepod in its correct position, before placing the cover slip on top. Care must be taken to avoid trapping any air bubbles. This process enables the specimen to be seated correctly for detailed observation. i) The procedure to identify the zooplankton species using the keys in the taxonomic books j) New technical words used for identification k) Terminology is important, to understand the various parts of the copepod and to relate to the correct part. l) The better use of the microscope, like the different light intensities to see the animal better or parts of it. Close observation to detail is essential with zooplankton identification as the diagnostic features of each species can vary by the shape of a spine or rami in certain areas. m) The measurement of each species is most important, as the (adult) sizes can vary so much. This is a big help in the initial identification process. Accuracy observation of detail and perseverance: time and patience are also essential when identifying a species. n) How to differentiate the copepod stages by counting the segments Describe concisely how your I am grateful to participate in this course, because I had the gained capacity will help you opportunity to Improve my knowledge concerning zooplankton in your professional duties taxonomy. I can identify most of the cyclopoids of Lake Victoria and my work is now easier although I am still having difficult in some few cyclopoids and naupliar stages Describe concisely how your In my institute I am the only person working on zooplankton, gained capacity will be the gain capacity will be useful in my institution because I can now implemented in your work in other Tanzanian waters and identify the cyclopoids with institution much less difficulties Describe concisely what other support you eventually would need Describe concisely what infrastructural and human resources you and your institution eventually still need to become fully functional I will need support to identify some cyclopoids which I didn’t have time to look at and also the identification of calanoids. I would also need some training on collection management. A good-quality compound microscope with camera lucida, as this will enable to produce detailed drawings of specimens. A place to store and manage the collection of my taxon Taxonomy experts who can identify zooplankton to species level, who can differentiate copepodites and naupliar stages. manage the collection of my taxon An expert who has the knowledge of hw to manage the collection of my taxon and Identification keys of Tanzania copepods Describe concisely how you think the Belgian GTI National Focal Point could further construct capacity for you and your institution By providing opportunities for study visits to Belgium PART III – TAXON SPECIFIC INFORMATION What is your taxon of interest Cyclopoid Describe concisely the different methodologies for collecting your taxon. The method used is taking vertical hauls using plankton net of 65-μm-mesh size, a mouth opening of 29 cm diameter and 1 m length. A graduated towing rope and weight attached to the bottom is used to determine the sampling depth and keep the net in vertical position. The net is lowered to about 0.5 to 1 m from the bottom before being hauled slowly to allow the water to be filtered. Three replicate vertical haul samples are combined to make a composite sample. Global Positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates are used to fix positions so as to ensure consistency of sites during each sampling occasion. Describe concisely how to best preserve collected specimens of your taxon for taxonomic purposes The samples are immediately preserved in buffered 4 % formaldehyde solution or ethanol Describe concisely the best practice in the management of a collection of your taxon During my study visit we didn’t have time for any training in the management of a collection of my taxon Describe concisely how you intend to make your taxonomic data available to other colleagues After collection of my taxonomic data I can distribute to my colleagues through email. We have a group email address where we pass information to each other Have you been briefed on the aims, scope and contents of the journal AbcTaxa? Do you think you have enough capacity to make a contribution to Abc Taxa? No Yes, if I get adequate guidance and support from my tutors If you feel capable to contribute meaningfully to Abc Taxa, are you willing to do so Yes, I will send a proposal along the lines stipulated on the website of Brussels, 30 January 2009