Announcements 01/20/15 Mr. Moore for Model UN

Announcements 01/20/15
 Mr. Moore for Model UN-Mr. Moore needs to meet with all new Freshman
and new delegates attending the Rhodes Conference after school today in
Mrs. Spell’s room M243
 Mrs. Fleming- The only college coming to campus is Mississippi State
University. All Juniors are welcomed and encouraged to attend the visit.
You may get a permission slip from your English teacher or guidance
counselor. You must sign up to the visit in the counselor’s office.
 Coach Rocconi-Any students interested in being Statisticians for the Varsity
Football Team please see Coach Rocconi in the East gym Today!
Announcements: 01-14-15
 Mrs. Wilson – Seniors: The Senior Class Trip permission slips can be
picked up in the Senior office along with the cap and gown order form. The
Senior Class Trip permission sheet must be completed and signed by a
parent and returned with your $40 deposit. We will not take payment
without the permission slip. Also senior fees of $100 are due February 24th
during all lunches. You must pick up a cap/gown order which should be
included with your payment of $100. A letter about senior fees was sent
home with report cards.
 Mrs. Brown, Coach-Softball meeting after school in Room M222A on
 Coach Waller-Please stop by Mr. Waller’s room M018 in the basement for
a brief meeting regarding this year’s tennis team. The meeting will last no
longer than 10 minutes.
Announcements: 01-13-15
 Theatre Dept-The WSHS Competition for the National Shakespeare
Competition is Friday January 23, 2015. Prepare a Shakespearean
monologue and come by Mr. Boone’s room at 2:20 Friday to compete.
Contact Mr. Henry for more details.
 From Mrs. Wilson-Senior Swag Day will be this Friday, January 16th.
Seniors please remember the purpose of Senior Swag Day is to dress to
impress. The theme for this Senior Swag Day is Business attire. You should
dress like you are about to impress Corporate America and land that six
figure job you always wanted. All attire must be appropriate for school.
There should be no short skirts or dresses, no short shorts, no crop tops, no
bagging pants, and no extremely tight attire. Seniors let’s show our fellow
Spartans…that the class of 2015 is ready to DRESS TO IMPRESS!! Any
senior who is dressed inappropriately will be showcasing their swag in
ISS. So make sure you follow all the rules.
 Yearbook Staff-Teachers-please don’t forget to turn in your outstanding
senior nominee forms to the main office by Wednesday, January 14th.
 Scribbler-Come to the Scribbler Coffeehouse this Friday January 16th at 7 in
the Auditorium to see great performances and enjoy some hot cocoa, coffee
and pastries-We hope to see you there!
 Coach Hugueley-Last Friday White Station’s first ever coed bowling team
became District I Champions by defeating the Ridgeway boy’s team in the
district tournament. Every team member made a significant contribution. 9 th
grade beginner, Tommy Steele, achieved a personal best along with Bailey
Tang, who bowled 11 strikes in a row, for an incredible score of 298, just
two pins shy of a perfect game. Almost every other team member bowled at
or above their average. This team has worked hard to improve all year, and it
paid off in a truly spectacular victory.
 Coach Brooks-Anyone that is interested in playing Rugby for White Station
this spring should plan to meet in Room M131 on Thursday afternoon at
2:20. This is an informational meeting for both girls and guys who want to
play rugby this year, including all returning players and anyone new to the
 Mrs. Fleming-Juniors and Seniors, if you are interested in being part of the
Spring Semester Life Skills Class with FedEx Corporation, please see Mrs.
Fleming to sign up for more information and to sign up for an interview.
This is a great opportunity to learn about the business world, have practical
experiences, and meet influential people in our community and state.
 Mrs. Heaston-ACT Free Prep Sessions Saturday, January 31, 2015, from 81:00 at Southwind High School. Registration is required:
 Mrs. Hayes-After School End of Course tutoring is currently being offered
for Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology and English I, II and III. All students
enrolled in the tutored courses who need additional learning opportunities,
are encouraged to attend. Please click the End of Course Tutoring
Information link on the White Station High School’s website
(www.whitestation.ner)for detailed tutoring information.
 Counseling Department – College Sports is offering a $1,000 scholarship
to eligible high school seniors. The College Sports Recruiting Scholarship
will be awarded to 1-5 winners each year. The details for the contest and
eligibility rules are available at
 Counseling Department – The University of Tennessee will host the annual
multicultural bus trip Sneak Peek for interested high school minority Juniors
departing from Memphis February 27 & returning February 28, 2015. The
deadline for students to return their transcripts and parent permission forms
is February 6, 2015. This website has details:
 The University of Tennessee will host the JUMP Overnight Visit Program
for admitted senior minority students April 10 & 11. The website will be
updated soon:
 Counseling Department – Sheet Metal Workers Local Union-The Sheet
Metal Workers Local Union No. 4 Joint Apprenticeship and Training
Committee will be accepting applications for the apprenticeship program on
the following dates:
1/13/2015 and 4/14/15
The Requirements to enter the program are:
1. High school diploma or GED
2. 18 years old
3. Desire to become a Sheet Metal Worker
To apply for the apprenticeship program, you must go to the Sheet Metal
Workers Local Union No. 4 office 663 South Cooper St. Suite 5A from 94pm. Additional information in the Guidance Complex.
 Counseling Department – Mrs. Heaston-Pat Gill Performing Arts
Scholarship Alpha Kappa Alpha-Phi Lambda Omega Chapter-Pat Gill
Performing Arts Scholarship Showcase: In honor of Patricia Gill, one of
the chartering members of Phi Lambda Omega. She was a well-known
performing artist in the Memphis community and a graduate of Hamilton
High School.
Academic Requirements:
o High school senior
o 2.5 GPA
o Submit official transcript
o Perform a 3-5 minutes talent during the showcase
o Secure three signed letters of recommendation from the following:
Principal, Guidance Counselor and Teacher
o Submit a recent photograph
o Complete narrative essay (250-400 words)
o Submit a $50 Non-refundable application fee (check or money order
only) with completed packet postmarked by January 16, 2015.
Applications available in the WSHS Guidance Complex
 Counseling Department, Mrs. Heaston - Princeton Prize in Race
Relations – Princeton Prize in Race Relations, an award program open to
high school students that gives a $1,000 cash award to a student in the
Memphis area who has worked to promote harmony, understanding, and
respect among people of different races. Applications are due January 31,
2015 For further information, visit
 ****Please make this announcement every day until January 20
2015 - Varsity Football Tryouts !!!!!
 -If you want to play football next year and you did not play this
past season, you must be at tryouts on January 20th or January 21.
 (You only need to be there one of the 2 days to tryout).
 -Tryouts will be 2:30pm-4:15pm on January 20 and 21
 -You will need athletic gear, cleats and/or tennis shoes
 -All participants must have an updated physical/parental
consent form filled out
-You will not be allowed to tryout without these forms
 -You may get these forms from Coach Rocconi in the EAST gym
 **If you are not at the tryout, you will NOT be allowed to
play football next season **
 Thank you
 -Coach Rocconi
 From Dr. Chan: Dear Spartans, Five graphing calculators are missing from
my classroom-please return
 From Mrs. Agee – The Robot Team will meet all next week in my room
Week of January 12th-16th
 From *Mrs. McFalls – Students who wish to try out for WordSmith
MUST meet with Mrs. McFalls Monday (January 12th) After school in E305 from
Balfour Announcement:
Graduation Announcements and Supplies Order Follow-Up:
The BALFOUR Representative will RETURN:
Thursday, January 15, 2015
During ALL Lunches
In the Cafeteria
To Collect Graduation Supplies Orders and Deposits.
*If you placed an order earlier for a Hoodie, Sweatpants, etc.
You may pick up those items Thursday.
Information Packets are Available in the Main Office.
Cash, Check, Money Order, & Credit Card Accepted.
Make your Check or Money Order Payable To: BALFOUR.