see Curriculum Vitae - International Policy Fellowships

Svetlana V. Polubinskaya, J.D., Ph.D.
Institute of State and Law
10 Znamenka St.
Moscow 119952
Tel. +7 095 2918792
All-Union Juridical Institute, Moscow, J.D. 1976.
Institute of State and Law, the USSR Academy of Sciences (from 1991 – Russian
Academy of Sciences). Post Graduate Scholarship. 1978-1982
Institute of State and Law, the USSR Academy of Sciences (from 1991 – Russian
Academy of Sciences), Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences). 1987;
Professional experience:
1977 – present
Junior Research Scholar, Research Scholar,
Senior Research Scholar (1990), Department
of Criminal Law and Criminology, Institute
of State and Law, the USSR Academy of
Sciences (from 1991 – Russian Academy of
2000 – present
Expert, Department of Mental Health and
Substance Dependence, World Health
Organization (project “The WHO Manual on
Mental Health Legislation)
1994-1995, 1996
Visiting Scholar, University of Virginia (School
of Law; School of Medicine, Department of
Bioethics; Institute of Law, Psychiatry and
Public Policy), Charlottesville, USA
2000 – 2002
Member of the Advisory Group, International
Harm Reduction Development (IHRD), Open
Society Institute
1998 – present
Member of the Editorial Council, Journal
“Review of Contemporary Psychiatry”
2003 – 2004
Expert, Psychiatry and Human Rights Drafting
Group, Council of Europe
Professor, Academic Legal University (1997-present time): criminal law, forensic
Member of Working Groups drafting laws:
On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees for Citizens Rights in Its Provision (adopted
in 1992);
On Prophylaxis of Disease Causing by HIV Virus (adopted in 1995);
On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being of the Population (adopted in 1999);
On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases (adopted in 1998);
On Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (adopted in 1998);
On Public Health (the draft passed the first reading in the State Duma).
Member of Working Group drafting The Code of Professional Ethics of the Psychiatrist
(adopted in 1994).
Main publications:
1. Legal Reforms in Psychiatry: Resources and Limit to Influence of Humanization
of Psychiatric Care. / Herald of the Ukrainian Psychiatric Association. 1994.
No.2. Pp.37-41.
2. Provision of Patients’ Rights in General Psychiatric Hospitals. In: Protection of
Rights of Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals. M. 1994, pp. 19-48.
3. Medical Ethics and Human Rights in Psychiatric Care./Herald of the Ukrainian
Psychiatric Association. 1995. No. 2. Pp.32-44 (with R. Bonnie).
4. The Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists. Text and
Commentary / International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Vol.19, No.2,
pp.143-172, 1996 (with R. Bonnie)
5. New code of ethics for Russian psychiatrists/ Bulletin of Medical Ethics. No.117.
April 1996, pp. 13-19 (with R.Bonnie).
6. Legal Methods for Prevention of Violence from Persons Suffering from Mental
Disorders. In: Violent Crimes. M., Spark, 1997. Pp.124-138).
7. Draft of Model Ethical Code for Psychiatrists/ Mental Health Reforms. No.3,
1998 (with R.Bonnie).
8. Legal and Ethical Problems of Treatment of Persons Suffering from Mental
Disorders./ Herald of the Ukrainian Psychiatric Association. 1998. No.2. Pp.3544.
9. Unraveling Soviet Psychiatry/ the Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues. 1999.
Vol.10. Pp.279-298. University of San Diego. School of Law (with R.Bonnie).
10. HIV-specific legislation in the Russian Federation/ Medicine and Law. World
Association for Medical Law. Vol.18, No.2&3, 1999, pp.351-358 (with
11. Prophylaxis of HIV-Infection among Intravenous Drug Users in the Context of
Russian Legislation. – Open Society Institute. Russia. 1999. 0,5 п.л. (2nd ed. –
12. Reform in psychiatry in post-Soviet countries/ Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
2000: No.399, Vol. 101, pp.106-108.
13. Development of Legislation and Psychiatric Care in the New Independent
States/ Mental Health Reforms. No.3. 2000.
14. Course of Russian Criminal Law. General Part (co-author) – ch. 32, § 4 ch. 37,
sections VIII, IX – M., Spark, 2001.
15. Course of Russian Criminal Law. Special Part (co-author) ch. IV,VII, XV, XII –
M., Spark, 2002
16. Practical Commentary to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (coauthor) – art. 97-104, 240-242, 272-274 – M., Norma, 2001
17. Law and Psychiatry in Russia: Looking Backward and Forward - In: The
Evolution of Mental Health Law. Ed. by L.E.Frost and R.J.Bonnie. American
Psychological Association. Wash., DC, USA. 2001.
18. The Russian Federation Legislation on Psychiatry. Commentary (co-author) –
preamble, art.2, 5, 18-20, 41-44 of the Law on Psychiatric Care, art. 81, 100, 101,
128 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code – M., Spark, 2002 (2nd ed., 1st ed. –
19. Commentary to the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences (coauthor) – art. 2.8, 6.1-6.7, 9.3, 11.6-11.8, 11.10-11.13, 11.18, 11.19, 23.13, 23.40 –
M., Prospekt, 2002.
20. Rights for Persons with HIV/AIDS in Russia – In: Health Care and Human
Rights. Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. Budapest. 2002
21. Trends of Foreign Criminal Laws on Responsibility for Crimes in the Field of
Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Substances (with B.P. Tselynsky) – In: Legal
Regulations of the Field of Providing Narcological Aid, Prophylaxis of
HIV/AIDS, Counteraction of Illegal Turnover of Narcotics: International
Experience. Institute of Human Rights. M., 2002.
22. Dangerousness of Persons Suffering from Mental Disorders: Evaluation and
Prognosis. In: Criminal Law and Forensic Psychiatry. Arkhangelsk. 2003. P.p.6472.
23. Purposes of Criminal Punishment. Moscow, 1990.
24. Commentary to the Russian Federation Criminal Code (co-author) – art. 43,
100,101, 228-245 - Moscow, 1996 (2nd ed. – 1999).
25. Contemporary Policy for Vaccinoprophylaxis in the Russian Federation (legal
aspects). In: Vaccinoprophylaxis and Human Rights. Report of the Russian
National Committee on Bioethics. Moscow, 1994.
26. Legal Methods for Prevention of Violence in Persons Suffering from Mental
Disorders. In: Violent Crimes. Moscow, 1997.
27. Legal Regulation of Narcological Care, Prevention of HIV/AIDS, Counteractive
Measures to Illegal Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs: International Experience.
Moscow, 2002. Co-authored with Natalia Dolzhanskaya, Boris Tselinsky and
Vadim Pelipas.