Law No. 24 of 1994 on the Registration, Pricing and Regulation of

Law No. 24 of 1994 on the Registration,
Pricing and Regulation of the Circulation of
Veterinary Drugs 24 / 1994
Number of Articles: 8
Table of Content
Articles (1-8)
We, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Deputy Emir of the State of Qatar;
Having perused the amended Provisional Constitution, in particular
Articles 22, 23, 34 and 51 thereof;
Emiri Order No. 1 of 1994 assigning a Deputy for the Emir of the State of
Law No. 3 of 1983 on the regulation of the pharmaceutical profession and
the intermediaries and agents of pharmaceutical factories and companies,
as amended by Law No. 2 of 1989;
Law No. 1 of 1985 on animal health, as amended by Law No. 3 of 1990;
Law No. 1 of 1986 on the registration of pharmaceutical companies and
their products;
Law No. 7 of 1990 on the regulation of the pricing of medicines and
pharmaceutical preparations, and price control;
Decree-Law No. 20 of 1993 organising the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Agriculture, and assigning the competencies thereof;
The proposal of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture;
The draft law submitted by the Council of Ministers; and
Article 1
Establishment of a Veterinary Medical Licensing Committee
A Committee called “Veterinary Medical Licensing Committee”, acronym VMLC shall be
established at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and it shall hold the
competencies and functions stipulated in this Law. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Agriculture shall issue a decision for its composition and work system.
Article 2
Registration of Veterinary Pharmaceutical Companies and Their Products
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Agriculture and the VMLC, shall assume the competencies of the Minister of Public Health,
the Ministry of Public Health and the Registration Committee stated in Law No. 1 of 1986,
referred to above, respectively, with respect to the registration of the veterinary pharmaceutical
companies and their products.
Article 3
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Agriculture, the VMLC shall assume the competencies of the Minister of Public Health, the
Ministry of Public Health, and the Standing Committee stated in Law No. 7 of 1990
referred to above, respectively, with respect to pricing and control of veterinary drugs or
pharmaceutical preparations. In this case the word “pharmacist”, wherever mentioned in that
Law, means “the pharmacist or veterinarian”.
Article 4
Regulation of the Circulation of Veterinary Drugs
1. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Agriculture, the VMLC, shall assume the competencies of the Minister of Public Health, the
Ministry of Public Health, and the Standing Committee of Licensing stated in Law No. 3
of 1983 referred to above, respectively with respect to the practice of the veterinary
pharmaceutical profession and the establishment of establishments, pharmacies, veterinary
drug stores, intermediaries and agents of veterinary pharmaceutical factories and companies;
2. In implementing the provisions of this law, the following words and , as stipulated in
No. 3 of 1983 referred to above, shall have the meanings assigned thereto:
“Bachelor of Pharmacy” means a Bachelor's degree in pharmacy or veterinary medicine.
“Pharmacist” means a pharmacist or a veterinarian.
“Pharmaceutical profession” means the profession of pharmaceutical or veterinary medicine.
“Licensing Division of the Ministry of Public Health” means the Department of Agricultural
Development of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture.
Article 5
General Provisions
Veterinary pharmaceutical companies, establishments, pharmacies, veterinary drug stores,
pharmacists, intermediaries and agents of veterinary pharmaceutical factories and companies
who carry on their activity at the time of the publication of this Law shall reconcile their
situation in accordance with its provisions within three months from the date of its coming into
Article 6
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture shall issue the bylaws and resolutions
necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.
Article 7
Any provision that violates the provisions of this Law shall be rescinded.
Article 8
All competent authorities, each within their jurisdiction, shall enforce this Law which shall
come into force sixty days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
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