Symposium Registration Form - Cambridge Conservation Forum

CCF’s 17th Annual Symposium
Thursday 7th January 2016: 10.00 – 19.00
Registration and refreshments from 09.15 in Common Room
Symposium starts at 10.00 in Conference Room 1.25
Cambridge Conservation Campus, The David Attenborough Building
Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ
Symposium Programme and Registration
Please register now for CCF’s 17th Annual Symposium – the highlight of CCF's calendar with
its mix of presentations, break-out discussion, panel debate and networking opportunities.
Traditionally, this is the annual event where CCF organisations and individual members
present recent conservation projects and topics that will be of interest to other CCF members.
As the inaugural event in the David Attenborough Building, there will be the added attraction
of getting to know this new facility and resource for Cambridge conservation.
Among the topics in a packed programme of conservation updates and reflection will be:•
Climate change adaptation planning in FFI’s conservation sites
The conservation work of Zoos Victoria
The Vision Project at Wicken Fen
Conservation genetics from conception to current status
Working with the mining industry in the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot
Flight Lines – tracking the wonders of migration
Looking for the Goshawk
We will also be exploring the theme of communicating conservation: how the visual arts,
writing and the media can capture new audiences and influence behavioural and political
behaviour towards conservation action. As always, one of the main purposes of the day is to
facilitate general networking and informal discussion. So, there will be ample opportunity for
this during coffee/tea at registration, at lunch and other refreshment breaks and at the wine
reception at the end of the day. See full programme attached below.
If you would like to attend the Symposium, please complete and send the Registration
Form below. The fee is £40 per person for all participants, including speakers, chairs
and organisers. This fee covers the catering and minor associated symposium expenses.
We would prefer you to pay on line and email your Registration Form to Roger Mitchell Payment reference: ‘Your name’; Sort Code: ‘08-92-99’;
Account Number: ‘65351312’; Account Holder: ‘Cambridge Conservation Forum’; Bank:
‘Cooperative Bank’).
If you wish to pay by cheque, please email registration form to,
then send cheque made payable to ‘Cambridge Conservation Forum’ and with a copy of
your Registration Form to Roger Mitchell, Cambridge Conservation Forum, The David
Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street. Cambridge CB2 3QZ
We will also accept cash and cheques on the day at the Symposium reception – but you
must register in advance. Unfortunately, CCF cannot accept credit card payments.
Receipts may be collected at the Symposium registration desk on the day - if required, tick the
box on the form below.
 For directions to the David Attenborough Building, see the map at this site:
 For parking in Cambridge, including the recommended Park & Ride, see: (NB There is no symposium parking at the
David Attenborough Building and parking in central Cambridge is very expensive!
 For information on registration or any other information concerning the Symposium,
please contact: Roger Mitchell or 07810 711301
Cambridge Conservation Campus, The David Attenborough Building
Thursday 7th January 2016: 10.00 – 19.00
If paying on-line (see above): email this form to Roger Mitchell
Payment reference : ‘Your name’; Sort Code: ‘08-92-99’; Account Number: ‘65351312’;
Account Holder: ‘Cambridge Conservation Forum’; Bank: ‘Cooperative Bank’).
If paying by cheque please (1) email this form to and (ii) post
copy of this form with your cheque made payable to ‘Cambridge Conservation Forum’ to
Roger Mitchell, Cambridge Conservation Forum, The David Attenborough Building, Pembroke
Street. Cambridge CB2 3QZ.
Full name
Name preference for badge
Email address
Telephone number
Special dietary requirements
NB All food will be vegetarian
Other requirements
(e.g. access)
Paid on-line
Registration fee £40.00 for all
participants, speakers, chairs
and organisers.
Payment method.
Please tick appropriate box.
Cheque enclosed
Cheque in post
Pay on day by cheque or cash
Please tick this box if you wish to collect a receipt for your fee from
the registration desk at the symposium.
Event Sustainability
We will again be making an effort to be more sustainable in running the symposium by having
only vegetarian food and limiting paper use. In addition we will be donating a suitable sum to
a local conservation project to offset the carbon used by participants travelling on the day.
CCF 17th Annual Symposium
Thursday 7th January 2016
10.00 – 18.00
Registration from 09.00 in Common Room
Symposium starts at 10.00 in Conference Room 1.25
CCI Campus, David Attenborough Building, Downing Street, Cambridge
Provisional Programme
09.00 – 10.00 Registration with refreshments
Welcome and introduction
Visual media and conservation – Toby Smith (Shoot Unit Ltd and Artist in Residence, UCCRI)
Flight Lines – Tracking the wonders of migration – Mike Toms (BTO)
Looking for the Goshawk – Conor Jameson (RSPB)
Ocean Optimism – Elisabeth Whitebread (Nature lover and campaigner)
Introduction to Interactive Session ‘Communicating Conservation’
11.30 – 12.00 Morning refreshment break
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
 Lightning feedback on interactive session ‘Communicating Conservation’
 Conservation genetics from conception to current status – Silvia Perez-Espona
 Wicken Vision – Stuart Warrington (National Trust)
 No-net loss of biodiversity for a Caucasus mine – possible? – Pete Carey (Dept Plant Sciences and
Bodsey Ecology)
 Talk 4 (tbc)
15.40 – 16.10 Afternoon refreshment break
 Climate Change Adaptation Planning at FFI project sites – experiences and lessons learnt –
Georgina Magin (FFI)
 Bandicoot bodyguards & island trials: Securing a future for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot –
Michelle Cooper (Zoos Victoria, and MPhil Conservation Leadership)
17.50 – 18.00 CLOSING REMARKS
18.00 – 19.00 Wine reception (60)