Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Andrea Mazzeo Address(es) Via Giuseppe Orsi n°51 - 80128 – Naples – Italy Huerfanos 3063 – Santiago - Cile Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Mobile: +56 9 8217 72 77 +39 347 64 79 509; Italian 28th of April 1985 Male Desired employment / Post-doc, Lecturer, Researcher Occupational field Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry Work experience Dates 1st may 2012 – 31st march 2014 Occupation or position held Analytical Chemist at the Spin-off Laboratory “ACE – Analytical Chemistry for the Environment” of the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II Main activities and responsibilities Analyisis of Naples Water: .: Sampling of each type of water .: Spectrophotometric determination of Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia and Silica UV-Vis .: Extraction and quantitive Analysis of PAHs and pesticides by HPLC .: Quantitative and qualitative determination of anions and cations by ion chromatography .: Determination of Metals by Atomic Absorption Analysis of ambient Air and atmospheric pollution .: Sampling Gravimetric PM 10 .: Sampling with optical particle counter PM 10 .: Passive Sampling with diffusion filters Radiello and Analysts .: Sonication and determination of PAHs in particulate filters by HPLC .: Digestion in microwave filters of particulate for the determination of heavy metals by ICP-MS .: Asbestos Sampling .: Analysis MOCF asbestos Soils analysis .: XRD quantitave and qualitive analysis various matrices soils plaster and plastic .: XRF quantitave and qualitive analysis of various matrices of soils Other .: Analysis and comparison of original and counterfeit Hogan shoes in collaboration with the Guardia di Finanza Name and address of employer Page 1/4 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) Dott. Marco Trifuoggi “Analytical Chemistry for the Environment Laboratory” – ACE – Via Cintia snc 80126 Naples - Italy For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 Type of business or sector Water Analysis, Environmental Analysis, Soils Analysis Quality System ISO 90001 Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered 28 march 2015 PhD in Chemical Sciences PhD research work about Air Quality in the City of Naples. Definition of a prognostic model of pollution chemistry and transport in the troposphere. Title "Measures and Model for the Air Quality in the city of Naples" Contents: .: Sampling campaign gravimetric and optical of PM10 .: Filters Analysis of : PAHs (HPLC), Heavy Metals( ICP-MS), inorganic Fraction (IC) .: Model of Meterology of Gulf of City of Naples using WRF ARWpost GrAds .: Model for pollutants emission in Atmosphere by SMOKE .: Model of Chemistry and transport linked with WRF using CAMx software Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Naples Federico II Level in national or international classification PhD Doctor Dates 28th march of 2012 Title of qualification awarded Degree in chemical science - Doctor of Catalysis and Organometallic Molecular Design 102/110 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Structure and properties of new alternating copolymers, ethylene-4-methyl-1,3-pentadiene postmetallocene catalysts Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Naples Federico II Level in national or international classification Degree in chemical science Dates 26th march of 2008 Title of qualification awarded Bachelor degree in Chemistry Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Bachelor degree in characterization of polymer blends of polyethylene and Ethylene via X-ray diffraction, calorimetry DSC and mechanical tests. 88/110 Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Naples Federico II Level in national or international classification Bachelor dedree in Chemistry Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Other language(s) Self-assessment European level (*) Page 2/4 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) Italian. English , Portuguese . Understanding Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 Spoken production Writing English Portuguese Social skills and competences Organisational skills and competences B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent B1 Independent (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages B1 Independent B1 Independent . Great working adaptability . Great problem solving capacity .Great group working capacity and group working driving capacity .Great propension in multicultural working ambients Member of the scouts CNGEI in Naples: .: Scoutmaster for children 8 - 12 2003-2007 .: Scoutmaster for boys 15- 19 years from 2007 to 2013. .: Volunteer during the earthquake in the city of L'Aquila in 2009. .: Awarded the Medal of Valor Civil for his work in 2009 during the earthquake of the city of L'Aquila. Treasurer,administrative responsible and Capoeira Instructor of Cultural Association 'Ogum' Practice capoeira angola from age of 14 Introducing and Teaching Afro Brazilian culture of state of Bahia in Naples and Southern Italy through performances of capoeira angola samba and batucada. Skills: .Great programming and problem solving capacity gained from Scout Leader's experience from 2004 to 2011. . Good writing and development capacity of project in private and public sectors gained from Scout Leader's experience from 2004 to 2011. . Technical skills and competences . :Scout Leader with children of 8 - 12 years old . :Scout Leader with guys and girls of 16 - 19 years old . ':Ogum' Cultural Association's treasurer. . :Capoeira Angola's teacher from 2007 . :Capoeira Angola's teacher with children at risk of dangerous districts (from October 2011 to February 2012) . :Percussionist . :Scout voluntary in 2009 hearthquake in Abruzzo Computer skills and competences Operating systems: Good Programming languages : Good Word processing: Excellent Electronic spreadsheet : Good Internet skills: Excellent Multimedia: Good Programming languages known: gfortran ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) certificate: Yes 77 Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences Page 3/4 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) Percussion Capoeira Angola Handcraft music carpentry hydraulics brickwork For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 trekking football skate skiing snowboarding small electrical systems hydraulics masonry woodworking build handmade musical instruments Driving licence . Driving license for cars and motorcycles A and B Additional information .Practical and theoretical course about high field NMR( Bruker Avance 400. Software: VNMRR e Mestre C) . high recognition for the volonteer's work with CNEGI scouts and Protezione Civile during 2009 Hearthquake in Abruzzo. Page 4/4 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010