MIAMI DADE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PRACTICUM OBSERVATION/ASSESSMENT Pre-Service Teacher: ________________________________ School: ___________________________________________ Subject: __________________________________________ Overall Rating - Check one: ___ Proficient at Target Level – 16 or more are Target; 0-8 are Acceptable; 0 are Unacceptable ___ Proficient at Minimal Level – 16 or more are Target or Acceptable; 0-5 are Unacceptable ___ Not Proficient – 6-24 are Unacceptable Date: ________________________________________________ Proficient Observer: _____________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________ Duration: _______________ Target Acceptable Unacceptable Rating The lesson plan includes all elements as required by the College and school district. The sequence of content is explained in the lesson plan. The content follows a logical sequence. The lesson plan, although complete in its elements, lacks depth of information. The sequence of content is explained in the lesson plan. Some adjustments need to be made to the sequence of content. The activity planned is directly correlated to the objective. The activity may not be the best choice for grade level, time, or place. The lesson plan lacks one or more elements as required by the College and school district. The sequence of content is vaguely explained in the lesson plan. The sequence is not logical. ____T ____A ____U ____T ____A ____U The activity planned shows no linkage to the objective. ____T ____A ____U ESOL and ESE objectives and strategies are stated on the lesson plan. The lesson does not indicate accommodations for various levels of instruction. Assessment is vaguely correlated to the objective. There may be difficulties in measuring assessment. Some accommodations are indicated to meet the needs of all students, including ESOL and ESE. ESOL and ESE objectives and strategies are omitted from the lesson plan. The lesson does not indicate accommodations for various levels of instruction. The assessment does not measure the objective. Little or no accommodations are indicated to meet the needs of all students, including ESOL and ESE. ____T ____A ____U PLANNING 1. Lesson plan is detailed and complete. FEAP: 10.1, 10.2 2. Content to be taught follows an appropriate sequence. FEAP: 8.1 3. Activity planned is directly correlated to the objective. FEAP: 7.3, 7.5, 10.3, 10.6, 10.10 4. Instruction is planned to accommodate the needs of all students. FEAP: 3.6, 5.5, 7.1 5. Assessment is directly correlated to objective and can be modified to meet the needs of all students. FEAP: 1.1, 3.6, 7.1 The activity planned is directly correlated to the objective. The activity is meaningful and appropriate for grade level, time, and place. ESOL and ESE objectives and strategies are clearly stated on the lesson plans. The lesson plan indicates accommodations for various levels of instruction. Assessment is directly correlated to the objective. Assessment can be measured. Accommodations are indicated to meet the needs of all students, including ESOL and ESE. ____T ____A ____U 1 Target Acceptable Unacceptable Rating The pre-service teacher maintains instructional momentum. The pre-service teacher experiences some difficulty with transitions and some time is spent on noninstructional activities. The pre-service teacher is somewhat consistent in the implementation of the classroom management plan. Some students are re-directed when misbehavior occurs. The pre-service teacher delivers a lesson that is fragmented. A great deal of time is spent on transitions and non-instructional activities. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher is inconsistent in the implementation of the classroom management plan. Little or not action is taken to re-direct misbehavior. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher experiences some difficulty beginning and ending instruction promptly. Some time is spent on noninstructional activities. The pre-service teacher shows some efficiency in organizing and distributing materials to students. The pre-service teacher activates prior knowledge but misses opportunities to review material when needed. The pre-service teacher uses questions that effectively address most levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. The pre-service teacher uses some questions that result in higher order thinking. Activities are created that promote creative and critical thinking skills. The pre-service teacher shows no adherence to time guidelines. Much time is spent on non-instructional activities. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher is unprepared for the lesson. Materials appear to be unavailable. The pre-service teacher does not activate prior knowledge and misses opportunities to review material when needed. The pre-service teacher uses very few questions during the lesson. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher does not conduct a lesson that promotes higher order thinking skills. ____T ____A ____U MANAGEMENT OF THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 6. The pre-service teacher maintains instructional momentum. FEAP: 9.1, 9.3 7. The pre-service teacher is consistent in the implementation of the classroom management plan. FEAP: 1.3, 9.2, 9.3 The pre-service teacher maintains instructional momentum. There are smooth transitions and minimal time is spent of non-instructional activities. The pre-service teacher is consistent in the implementation of the classroom management plan. Students are redirected when misbehavior occurs. INSTRUCTIONAL ORGANIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT 8. The pre-service teacher exhibits effective time management. FEAP: 9.1 9. The pre-service teacher efficiently organizes and distributes materials to students. FEAP: 9.1 10. The pre-service teacher activates prior knowledge and conducts reviews when necessary. FEAP: 7.2 11. The pre-service teacher uses questions that address all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. FEAP: 4.1, 4.2, 4.7 12. The pre-service teacher provides opportunities for students to learn higher order thinking skills. The pre-service teacher begins and ends instruction promptly. Little or no time is spent on non-instructional activities. The pre-service teacher shows great efficiency in organizing and distributing materials to students. The pre-service teacher is effective in activating prior knowledge and conducting reviews when necessary. The pre-service teacher uses questions that effectively address all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. The pre-service teacher effectively uses questions that result in higher order thinking. Activities are created that promote creative and critical thinking skills. ____T ____A ____U ____T ____A ____U FEAP: 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8 2 13. The pre-service teacher circulates the classroom to assist students. FEAP: 9.9 14. The pre-service teacher gives clear and specific directions for tasks. FEAP: 9.8 Target Acceptable Unacceptable Rating The pre-service teacher consistently circulates the classroom to assist students. The pre-service teacher gives clear and specific directions for tasks. The pre-service teacher models directions and/or has students repeat directions for tasks. The pre-service teacher circulates the classroom to assist students. The pre-service teacher gives clear and specific directions for tasks. The pre-service teacher remains mostly in one area of the classroom. The pre-service teacher gives directions for tasks that are unclear or non-specific. ____T ____A ____U ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher presents content material that is appropriate for grade level (in scope and sequence) and makes some accommodations for students working at various levels, including ESOL and ESE. The pre-service teacher presents material that is not appropriate in scope and sequence. Little or no accommodations are made for students working at various levels, including ESOL and ESE. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher gives some definitions, attributes, examples, and non-examples for all concepts taught. The pre-service teacher gives few if any definitions, attributes, examples, and nonexamples for all concepts taught. The pre-service teacher misses opportunities to re-teach whenever necessary. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher is somewhat consistent in providing students with specific feedback during the lesson. The pre-service teacher uses academic praise consistently throughout the lesson. The pre-service teacher is inconsistent in providing students with specific feedback during the lesson. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher makes little or no use of academic praise during the lesson. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher treats all students equitably and with respect. The pre-service teacher is inconsistent in treating all students equitably and with respect. ____T ____A ____U PRESENTATION OF SUBJECT MATTER 15. The pre-service teacher presents content material that is accurate and appropriate for grade level. FEAP: 8.1 16. The pre-service teacher gives definitions, attributes, examples, and non-examples for all concepts taught. FEAP: 8.1 17. The pre-service teacher re-teaches whenever necessary. FEAP: 1.7, 3.3, 3.12 The pre-service teacher presents content material that is appropriate for grade level (in scope and sequence) and makes accommodations for students working at various levels, including ESOL and ESE. The pre-service teacher gives accurate definitions, attributes, examples, and non-examples for all concepts taught. The pre-service teacher reteaches whenever necessary. The pre-service teacher makes some attempts to re-teach whenever necessary. ____T ____A ____U COMMUNICATION: VERBAL AND NONVERBAL 18. The pre-service teacher gives the students specific feedback during the lesson. FEAP: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.9 19. The pre-service teacher uses academic praise consistently throughout the lesson. FEAP: 2.2, 2.4 20. The pre-service teacher treats all students equitably and with respect. FEAP: 5.2, 9.2 The pre-service teacher is consistent in providing students with specific feedback during the lesson. The pre-service teacher uses academic praise consistently and effectively throughout the lesson. The pre-service teacher is consistent in treating all students equitably and with respect. 3 21. The pre-service teacher uses correct oral and written English. FEAP: 2.1 22. The pre-service teacher displays a positive attitude and is enthusiastic and genuinely interested in student progress. FEAP: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 23. The pre-service teacher makes effective use of nonverbal language. FEAP: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Target Acceptable Unacceptable Rating The pre-service teacher consistently uses correct oral and written English. No errors are made during the delivery of the lesson. The pre-service teacher consistently displays a positive attitude and is enthusiastic and genuinely interested in student progress. The pre-service teacher uses non-verbal language effectively to encourage students in a positive and supportive manner. Nonverbal language is consistent with verbal language. The pre-service teacher uses correct oral and written English. Some errors are made during the delivery of the lesson. The pre-service teacher displays a positive attitude and is enthusiastic and genuinely interested in student progress. The pre-service teacher makes many errors in written and/or oral English during the delivery of the lesson. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher appears unenthusiastic and not genuinely interested in student progress. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher uses non-verbal language effectively to encourage students in a positive and supportive manner. Nonverbal language is sometimes consistent with verbal language. The pre-service teacher makes inappropriate or little use of nonverbal language. Nonverbal language is inconsistent with verbal language. ____T ____A ____U The pre-service teacher makes effective use of technology. The use of technology is apparent in lesson planning. The use of technology is an integral part of the lesson. The pre-service teacher makes effective use of technology. The use of technology is apparent in lesson planning. The use of technology is not apparent in the planning of the lesson. ____T ____A ____U TECHNOLOGY 24. The pre-service teacher uses technology. FEAP: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.5, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9 Based on the observation, identify a main area of strength: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the observation, identify an area where improvement is needed: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations on how to improve teaching performance: __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pre-Service Teacher’s Signature: _______________________________ Observer’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date of Post Observation Conference re: Personal Development Plan 3.4, 3.9, 3.15: _______________ Title: ______________________________________ 4