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St. Ann’s Parish, Ancaster
First Communion and First Reconciliation 2016
Dear Parents:
This year your child will have the opportunity to receive the sacraments of
Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time. The students have
already begun preparation for these sacraments in school, where the teachers are
doing an excellent job of religious instruction. The main preparation for
reception of the sacraments, however, rests with you as parents. By setting a
good example, taking an active interest in your child’s sacramental preparation,
and praying and worshiping together as a family, you help your child to
experience God at this special time.
The following information will be helpful to you and your family as your child prepares for First
Reconciliation and First Communion.
Sunday Mass
The most important way that you can help to prepare your child for the reception of First
Communion is to bring him or her to Sunday Mass often. The Sunday Eucharist is the very
heartbeat of Catholic life. Every aspect of our faith is rooted in our celebration of Sunday Mass.
By being a part of the Eucharistic community, your child will gain a much deeper appreciation of
the meaning and importance of this sacrament.
The Sunday Mass is celebrated each week at these times:
5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(With Children’s Liturgy for Grades one to three and a Program for younger children)
12:00 noon
Each Mass tends to have its own character: a more contemporary style of music is offered at the
5:00 p.m. and 10:30 a.m. liturgies and a more traditional style at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. A
special Children’s Program is offered at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. The Children’s Liturgy is
designed to help primary students celebrate the Word of God and appreciate it at their level.
Family Resources
You have a part to play at home, and can enhance the good teaching at school by using the two
Family Resources. The Reconciliation Booklet and Eucharist Booklet each present several
themes to help families deepen their knowledge of these sacraments. Parents and children can
grow in faith together. Booklets will be sent home from your child’s teacher, or are available at
the Parent Meeting for children not enrolled in our parish schools. The books are sold as a set
for $15.00 ($7.50 each). The books may be used as a resource by the teachers in our parish
schools, and are the mandatory text for those in the Parish Catechism Class.
Formation Meetings for Catechism Students
Students not enrolled in our parish schools will be prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation
and Eucharist through a series of meetings held in the Parish Hall. Each evening will begin with
Mass in the Church at 7pm, and then a catechism session in the Parish Hall from 7:30 to 8:30pm.
Parents are welcome, and encouraged, to stay for the catechism sessions. The sessions will be
fun and interactive, and will include a church tour and some activities to help your child and you
have a better appreciation of these sacraments. The dates are as follows:
November 10th, 2015 December 8th, 2015, January 12th, 2016,
March 8th, 2016, April 5th, 2016, April 19th, 2016
February 2nd, 2016
Catholic Baptism
In order to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist in the Catholic Church it
is necessary to have been baptized in the Catholic Church, or to have been received into full
communion with the Catholic Church. Any of our non-Catholic students will take part in all of
the preparation done during school time, and are welcome to take part in the celebrations of the
sacraments. They would ask for the Priest’s blessing at the actual time of Holy Communion.
If you would like your child to receive Holy Communion, and he/she is not already a baptized
Catholic, please call me at the Parish Office immediately to arrange for baptism before the
new school year begins. Please note that in order to baptize a child in the Catholic Church, or
receive a child into the Catholic Church at least one parent must be a Roman Catholic.
Eastern Rite Catholics and Orthodox Students
Children baptized into the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Churches
ordinarily receive Eucharist for the first time at Baptism. They will take part in all of the school
preparation, and are most welcome to take part in all the celebrations of the sacraments, it is just
important for you parents to know that the First Communion celebration in 2016, will not
actually be the first time that they will have received the Eucharist.
Children from other Parishes
We know that there are children in our schools who belong to parishes other than St. Ann’s.
Your child is welcome to receive First Holy Communion here at St. Ann’s or you may choose to
have your child receive this sacrament in your own parish. If you are from another parish please
have a conversation with your own parish priest as soon as possible.
A Time to Deepen and Renew
Perhaps you are already an active member of St. Ann’s or another Catholic parish: this will be a
time when you can deepen your faith even more. Maybe you have not been too connected with
the Church community recently: this time of First Reconciliation and Communion will often be a
natural “comeback” moment for families, as you field your child’s questions about the faith.
Ideally, this time of preparation will enhance your own faith. Members of the parish staff are
very happy to meet with you to discuss any issues or questions that you may have. Let’s ensure
that the day of First Communion will mean more than a nice memory and a photo in a dusty
album: rather, let it be the beginning of your child’s frequent encounter with Jesus in the Holy
All celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place at St. Ann Church.
Parish Catechism Class
Tuesday, February 16, at 7:30pm
St. Ann’s School
Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00pm
St. Joachim’s School
Thursday, February 18 at 7:00pm
Immaculate Conception School
Holy Name of Mary School
Saturday, February 20 at 10:30am
Saturday, February 20 at 1:30pm
There is no special dress code for these celebrations. To respect this sacred occasion, no photos
or videos will be permitted. All parents and their children should be at the church at least fifteen
minutes before the celebration is due to begin. Please check in with your child’s teacher upon
arrival. After a brief liturgy, parents will be asked to present their child to the priest who will
celebrate this sacrament with him or her.
It should be emphasized that this sacrament is an encounter with God’s love and mercy. Please
reassure your child that there will be no anger or scolding. Try to instill in him or her an
appreciation of this sacrament as a gift of God’s forgiveness and love.
The Booklet (We
Prepare for Reconciliation) will certainly assist you to present the experience in a positive light.
All celebrations of the Sacrament of the Eucharist will take place at St. Ann’s Church
Parish Catechism Class
Sunday, April 24 at 12:00 noon Mass
St. Ann’s School
Saturday, April 23 at 10:30am
Immaculate Conception School
Saturday, April 23 at 2:00pm
Holy Name of Mary School
Saturday, April 30 at 10:30am
St. Joachim’s School
Saturday, April 30 at 2:00pm
The issue of how to dress for First Communion is often a major concern for people. You may
choose to observe the traditional customs regarding the white dress or suit, but there is no
obligation to do so. We simply ask that children be dressed in “Sunday Best.” Gloves are not to
be worn at the time of Communion, nor should the children have anything in their hands (i.e.
missal, rosary etc.) The dress should highlight the importance of the day, not become the focus
of the day!
Information and Petition
Each family must complete a Registration Form for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. If you have
not already received a form they are available from the Parish Office. It is essential for us to
have information about each child and a clear statement from the parents or guardians that they
desire their child to receive these sacraments. For children baptized in parishes other than St.
Ann’s, you must attach a baptism certificate. If you have not already submitted your form,
please return it to the Parish Office or to your child’s teacher no later than Friday,
January 9, 2016. Parents of Catechism students please return the form to the Parish
Office. We will assume that any child for whom we do not receive these forms will not be
celebrating these sacraments at St. Ann’s.
Liturgical Celebration and Seating
The Mass for First Communion celebrations for our parish schools will be celebrated in
school/class groups. The students will sit with their classmates at the front of the church.
Immediate family members will be assigned a pew immediately behind the children. There will
be other seating available for guests in the non-reserved section of the church. Some students
will proclaim the Scripture readings and intercessions.
The celebration for the Parish Catechism Class will take place during the noon Parish Mass.
There will be reserved seating near the front of the church for First Communion children and
their immediate families.
Photos and Videos
Because of the sacred character of the First Communion Mass no photography or videography is
permitted; however, there will be ample time for photos after the Mass. Class photographs will
be arranged by the respective schools. There will be opportunity for parents to take photographs
after the celebrations.
And finally.....
This is a precious time in your child’s young faith life and we wish you all of God’s blessings as
you prepare for these sacraments as a family. Once again, if you have any questions or concerns
please feel free to contact a member of the parish team or your child’s teacher. We pray that
your child’s experience of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist will be a time of
blessing for your entire family.