Eastside Heritage Center

Bluebills Eastside Chapter
June Meeting will be held at
Bellevue Regional Library
1111 110th Avenue NE * Bellevue, WA 98004
(Map for meeting location on reverse side)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
10:15 am – 12 noon
(Start time was slid 15 minutes due to library opening at 10 am.)
Speaker for June Meeting:
Hopelink Representative
Boeing Retiree Volunteer Program
PO Box 3707 M/C 7L-05
Seattle, WA 98124
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eastside Bluebills
Boeing Retiree Organization
The Boeing Company
PO Box 3707 MC 7L-05
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Notes from the Chair
It’s June now and I had this elusive
dream that our Eastside Chapter
would have a membership of at least
50 people. Okay, so I was dreaming!
We do have a membership of
approximately 20 people (a couple are
swaying between chapters; but we’ll
take what we can get.
Kathy Anderson has agreed to
assume the responsibility for the
Eastside Red Cross Shelter project.
We will get
updates from Kathy as we progress
with the project.
Claudia Strickland will be having
cataract surgery the middle of June
but will assume the responsibilities of
the secretary by going into our Boeing
location once a week. Not sure what
her schedule will be yet – more next
Kathy Standish, a current Boeing
proposal editor, will be getting
involved with our chapter. She will be
editing (hopefully) and proofing our
monthly newsletter along with getting
involved with the Red Cross Shelter
project as time allows.
June 7 will be our first Eastside
Habitat for Humanity volunteer project.
If you have time to join us, please
contact Dick Gram at 425-392-7016.
*** NEWS ***
Boeing will be renting Safeco field so
all retirees and Boeing employees at
sites other than Everett can view the
rollout of the 787 on July 8. You
should be getting a notice in the mail
shortly for the event. Hoorah!!!!!
By Penny Kahn
May Meeting
The Eastside Bluebills meeting was held
on May 16, 2007, at the Bellevue
Library. This will be our monthly
meeting location. We are not able to
get into the room until 10:00 am so all
future meetings will start at 10:15 am.
That will give us time to get in and set
Eastside Heritage Center
Heather and Karen brought a few
artifacts from the center and told us
about the history and the future plans
for the center. The primary reason for
the visit was to raise an awareness and
interest in the upcoming Strawberry
Festival. They have a need for as many
as 200 volunteers during the festival. It
will be held at the Bellevue Crossroads
Park on Saturday, June 23, from 10:00
am to 8:30 pm and Sunday, June 24,
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you are
able to give a few hours on either of
those days, please let Penny or me
know and we will get the application
form to you. It sounds like a lot of fun
and is for a good cause.
Habitat for Humanity
Dick gave a terrific presentation about
his association with Habitat and his
great experience in Tennessee building
houses. Information on Habitat is in
the article below.
By MJ Sanker
Eastside Volunteer Opportunity
- Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of East King
County is currently building 13 homes
for low-income families in two
Patterson Park in Redmond and seven
Snoqualmie Ridge in Snoqualmie.
Since its founding in 1988 this affiliate
has built 67 homes in eight locations
on the Greater Eastside. It is an active
member of the more than 2300
affiliates in 92 countries worldwide
that make up Habitat International
and are responsible for building more
than 200,000 homes to date.
An integral part of each home's
construction is volunteer labor. From
the setting of forms for concrete
foundations, the framing of walls and
interior rooms, siding, sheet rocking,
painting, cabinet installation, flooring,
and finish work, volunteers working
homeowners are a
Habitat can provide homes at an
affordable cost in this ever-rising
market. Tasks are both skilled and
unskilled, with instruction available,
but volunteers are never required to
perform a task with which they feel
uncomfortable. No prior experience is
A typical Habitat work day begins at
9:00 am with a safety briefing. Lunch
themselves) is at noon and work
normally ends about 4:00 pm.
Although you are welcome to bring
your own tools, none are required, as
Habitat supplies all tools and supplies.
Habitat also carries insurance in the
unlikely event of an accident and all
Habitat employees and Americorps
staff (there are 10 overall this year)
are CPR and first aid-certified. At the
end of the day volunteers are able to
look back at tangible results and feel a
real sense of accomplishment.
The Boeing Eastside Bluebill Chapter
has expressed an interest in sending a
team out to a build site. We are
currently scheduled to go to the
Snoqualmie Ridge site on June 7.
Please let Penny Kahn (425-8224884) or Dick Gram (425-392-7016)
know if you are interested or have
additional questions. If enough people
are interested, carpooling can be
arranged. Come join us for all or a
portion of the June 7 work day.
You won't regret it.
By Dick Gram
BCC Mock Interviews
Thanks to Jane at Bellevue Community
College (BCC), the Bluebills have had
a leading roll in the Mock Interview
classes. These classes have concluded
for this school year but will resume
again in October. If you would like to
volunteer to help with the interviews,
please contact Rich Dworkis at 425643-3045.
Thanks to all the volunteers this past
school year!
Joke for the Month
Jane (BCC Mock Interview Manager)
Other interview pictures:
An old woman was arrested for
shoplifting at a grocery store. When
she appeared before the judge, the
judge asked what she had taken. The
lady replied, "A can of peaches." The
judge then asked why she had done it.
She replied, "I was hungry and forgot
to bring any cash to the store." The
judge asked how many peaches were
in the can. She replied, "Nine." The
judge said, "Well then, I'm going to
give you nine days in jail--one day for
each peach." As the judge was about
to drop his gavel, the lady's husband
raised his hand and asked if he might
speak. The judge said, "Yes, what do
you have to add?" The husband said,
"Your honor, she also stole a can of
Recipe of the Month
Nectarine Pie
This is a wonderful light refreshing pie. Ice cream works very
well on it!
3 – 4 c. fresh nectarines
Kiwi slices and fresh blueberries for garnish (optional)
2 T. cornstarch
1 c. sugar
1 c. water
3 oz. orange, peach or apricot jello
9” or 10” prepared pie crust (frozen crust - prebaked or graham
cracker crust)
Boil water, sugar, cornstarch – stirring constantly until thick.
Stir in jello and remove from heat.
While glaze is cooling, chop nectarines into bite size pieces.
Pour small amount of cooled glaze into bottom of pie crust.
Mix nectarines into remaining glaze and pour into pie shell.
Top with optional kiwi slices and blueberries.
Refrigerate until glaze gels or overnight.
Volunteer Opportunities
The EDVP Shelter and
Program has a wish list
of items for abused
women and their
children. You can make
a difference in the life of
someone being helped
by EDVP. The wish list
includes bedding,
kitchen and bath items,
and cleaning supplies.
Some specific items for
women include
bathrobes, pajamas,
slippers and hygiene
products. For the
children, new and
approved car seats,
pajamas, socks,
underwear, diapers and
baby products. They
also would enjoy having
some gift cards for food,
household goods,
haircuts, gasoline,
phone cards and fun
places to visit such as
the zoo, Science Center,
aquarium or
restaurants. For more
information on this
program call the office
at 425-562-8840.
Hopelink’s Eastside
Literacy program needs
volunteers to help adults
learn to read or earn a
General Education
Development (GED)
diploma. To learn more
attend one of the
following orientation
meetings: Wednesday,
June 6, 2007, at 15015
Main Street, Suite 206
in Kelsey Creek Center,
Bellevue. One session
starts promptly at 1:00
pm and ends at 2:30
pm. The evening
session begins promptly
at 7:00 pm and ends at
8:30 pm. There is also
one orientation session
at the Northshore
Center, 18220 96th Ave.
NE Bothell, from 1:00
pm to 2:30 pm. If you
are a resident of
Snoqualmie Valley and
are interested, please
call the Adult Education
office in Carnation at
425-333-4417 to
schedule an orientation
meeting. For more
information call 425643-1912.
Join these two groups
on Thursday, June 28,
from 7:30 am to 9:30
am, for breakfast and
provide some input and
feedback for the new
draft strategic plan to
meet Eastside homeless
housing and supportive
service needs. This
meeting will be held at
the Bellevue City Hall,
450 110th Ave. NE,
Conference Room 1E108. Parking in the City
Hall visitor lot is free
with validation. Take
your ticket inside and
have it stamped at the
main desk. For more
information call 425587-3324.
Volunteer Opportunities (cont’d)
Bellevue Strawberry Festival will be held the fourth weekend in June and the
center needs about 200 volunteers for the weekend.
To volunteer, please visit their web site for more information.
Did You Know . . . ?
1. Your old glasses, sunglasses and
contacts could be used in Third World
2. The small hotel shampoos,
conditioners and soaps are great for
homeless shelters?
Bring them to a Bluebills meeting
Health Tip
Did you know that walking is the easiest exercise program to start? It
requires no training, no expensive facilities, and just a good pair of
shoes. Walking produces physical and mental fitness. A walking
workout will strengthen your body, relax your mind and toughen your
A slow walk at 2 MPH burns 180 calories per hour, and a brisk walk at
4 MPH burns 336 calories per hour.
Walking can be one of the best way to sort out life’s problems. When
you walk regularly problems diminish and you feel more energetic and
Eastside Bluebill Chapter
Kathy Anderson
Richard Dworkis
Bert Goldstein
Dick Gram
Penny Kahn
Ben Sakamoto
MJ Sanker
Claudia Strickland
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Red Cross Shelter Chair
Mock Interview Chair /
Habitat for Humanity
Chair / Newsletter
Vice Chair / Volunteer Projects /
Speaker Coordinator
Quilting & Sewing Chair
E-mail address
------------------------------ ----------Bluebills Monthly Volunteer Hours
Volunteer Name _______________________________________________
Phone Number _____________________________________
_____ Hours worked ________ For ________________________________
(Agency Name)
_____ Hours worked ________ For ________________________________
(Agency Name)
_____ Hours worked ________ For ________________________________
(Agency Name)
_____ Hours worked ________ For ________________________________
(Agency Name)
Please send completed hours form to Bluebills, PO Box 3707, 7L-05, Seattle, WA 98124
or bring to Bluebills monthly meeting.
Eastside Bluebills Meeting Location
Dates to Remember:
June 7, 2007 - Monthly Eastside Volunteer Project
Habitat for Humanity
Contact: Dick Gram at 425-392-7016
June 20, 2007 - Next monthly meeting (Third Wednesday of each month)
Bellevue Regional Library
1111 110th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Meeting Room 3
10 am to 12 noon
(See map above)
We Are Saving Trees! If you’d like to receive a paper copy of this
newsletter, please contact the Eastside Bluebills at 425-373-7383.