Introduction to Biotechnology - Ms. Spiro`s Pre


Advanced Biotechnology

2015 - 2016

Ashley Spiro

Bowie High School

Work Phone: 512-414-2344

Email (preferred):


Twitter: @BowieBioSpiro

Reminders: Students and parents can sign up for text message reminders related to class via Instructions will be given in class and on my website.


Advanced Biotechnology is a full year science elective course with honors credit. The course is designed in cooperation with Austin

Community College's Biotechnology Program.

It is designed to prepare students for work in the Biotechnology field; therefore, students will be expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Students will learn good lab practices (GLP), standardized reporting methods, and many biotechnology techniques currently utilized in industry.

Course Procedures

I. Supplies

A. Daily required supplies include a 3-ring notebook, standard lab

/composition notebook, and a Black pen.

B. Other supplies will be requested as the need arises.

II. Assignments

A. Work will be kept in a 3-ring binder and a standard lab notebook.

B. Work not completed by the due date will be penalized by a 10% deduction for each day late.

C. "Late" is defined as any time after the beginning of the class period in which the assignment was due.

D. Quizzes can and will occur at any time without prior notice.

E. Be responsible and take pride in your own learning and achievements.

*Infractions involving cheating on any assignment, test/quiz, lab, or project will result in a zero.*

III. Absences

A. You are responsible for all work missed during an absence.

B. Make-up dates/times for missed tests/quizzes will be announced.

It is your responsibility to make arrangements for them.

C. An absence on the day of a pre-announced test or project due-date does not excuse you from completing the assignment immediately upon your return.

IV. Laboratory

A. Safety is of utmost concern. All students must have a signed laboratory consent form before participating in lab activities.

B. All students must participate in the laboratory, even if working in groups. Each student is responsible for his or her own individually completed lab assignment, unless otherwise instructed.

C. Lab work areas must be clean and neat before the class is dismissed. Time management will become the students' responsibility in this.

D. If the student is removed from the lab for disciplinary reasons, that student will receive a zero for the activity and will not be able to return to the lab until the problem is corrected.

E. Part of the student's grade will be linked directly to the lab and work skills demonstrated while completing laboratory activities. Lab availability is governed by ACC; therefore, any missed labs may receive a maximum grade of 70% after completion of the pre and post lab assignments/write-ups.

*Attendance is of utmost importance.*

V. Additional Assignments

A. As part of an upper level science elective course with honors credit attached, students will be expected to have additional reading and writing assignments and projects concerning information related to Biotechnology.

VI. Tutoring

A. Tutoring times will be posted. If you are unable to attend at the specified times, other arrangements must be made in advance.

B. Tutoring is a service to the student to provide additional help or clarification. Students must be responsible for utilizing this service

before it is too late to help their understanding and therefore their grade.

VII. Grades

A. Grades will be based on the following:


Quizzes x 3 x 2

Lab work(notebook, report, participation, clean-up) x 2

Lab skills x 2

Additional assignments

Daily work x 2 x 1

Course Topics

Scientific Method / Metric System Protein Structure

Safety and Equipment in the Laboratory Biotechnology and the

Environment Bioinformatics

Topic Research Biotechnology and the Body

History of Biotechnology


Agricultural Biotechnology

Careers in Biotechnology

Central Dogma


Ms. Spiro, ensuring that each student/parent understands the expectations of this science course, will retain the following certification.

I understand that Advanced Biotechnology is a science elective.

My parent(s) / guardian(s) and I have read the above course expectations for

Introduction to Biotechnology and understand the rules and procedures under which this course will be conducted for the 2014-2015 academic year.

_________________________ ________________________ __________

Student Printed Name Student Signature Date

_________________________ ________________________ __________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date
