David Library Of The American Revolution

David Library Of The American Revolution
Selected Sources On the “Battle Of Monmouth”
Militia Service at the Battle of Monmouth. New Jersey State Archives, Trenton; Auditor’s
Accounts, Revolutionary War, Book B. Garry Wheeler Stone 1/94.
Muster Roll of the Grenadier Company Queens Rangers. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol 1861.
State of the British Army--May 1778. New York Historical Society, Allen McLane Papers, Vol. I,
pg. 50.
State of the Forces under the Command of His Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton - Camp at
Neversunk, New Jersey, 3rd July 1778. PRO CO 5/96, Pg. 77; LOC Mss. Div.
Return of the Killed, Wounded, Missing, & ca. of the Troops under the Command of General Sir
Henry Clinton, in an Engagement with the Rebel Army on the Heights of Freehold, County of
Monmouth, New Jersey, 28th June 1778. Steven’s Facsimiles, No. 1114; found in PRO CO 5/96;
LOC. Mss. Div.
Return of the Number of Men, Wagoners, Women & Children Victualled at Monmouth the 27 &
28th June 1778 Inclusive. Photostat copy of a document in the collection of Donald W. Holst,
Washington, D.C. William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Marching Orders, 30 June 1778, as Mailed by John Parke to Timothy Matlack. Pennsylvania
Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania Archives, (Microcopy, Roll 14, frames 03380339) transcribed by Garry Stone, 2/95. Reference courtesy of Lee Boyle.
Muster Roll of Major John Antill’s Company in His Majesty’s 2 nd Battn. of New Jersey
Volunteers, commanded by Lt. Col. John Morris Attached to the Brigade of Royal Artillery.
National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1854, page 20-23.
The Muster Roll of Capt: Thomas Wells’s Compy. In the Battalion of Artillery Command ty
Colonel John Crane in the service of the United States for the Month of June 1778. National
Archives, Record Group 93, M246, roll 120. Transcribed by Garry Stone, 2/95.
Muster Roll of Captain Daniel Cozen’s Company of the West Jersey Volunteers Commanded by
John Van Dike, Esqr., Lieut. Colonel. Long Island, July 11 th, 1778. New Jersey Archives, Dept.
Of Defense Mss, Loyalist Mss, Box 23, #202-L
Muster Roll of Capt. McCullocks Company of the Roman Catholick Volunteers Commanded by
Page 1
Lieut. Colonel Clifton - Camp near Yellow Hook, Long Island, July 11 th 1778. National Archives
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1900.
Muster Roll of Captain Kearney’s Company 1st Battalion Pennsylvania Loyalists Commanded by
Lt. Col. Allen - Camp Yellow Hook, 11th July 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1907.
Muster Roll of Captain Grafton Dulany’s Company 1 st Battalion of Maryland Loyalists, James
Chalmers Esqur. Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1904.
Burials: 29 June 1778, A Report of the No. of Slain buried in the Field of Battle near Monmouth
Court Ho. 29th June 1778. George Washington Papers, series 4, roll 50. Transcribed by Garry
Stone 4/96.
Reputed British losses, 11-29 June 1778, as Transcribed in a New England almanac. Monmouth
County Historical Association, Collection 216, Anonymous, Notes 1774-1780.
Crown Forces 28 June 1778. Return of the Killed, Wounded, Missing, etc. Preliminary, 21
February 1995. Garry Wheeler Stone, NJ State Parks.
Muster Roll of ye 1st Troop of Philadelphia Light Dragoons Commanded by Captain Richard
Hovenden. National Archives Canada, PG 8, “C” Series, Volume 1894.
General Return of PA 4th Cont. Artillery Commanded by Col. Thomas Proctor taken April 3,
1779. NA: M246, Reel 120.
Return of the Killed, Wounded, Missing of the Troops under General Sir Henry Clinton 28 June
1778. Public Record Office, CO 5/96.
Losses of the Military and Naval Forces Engaged in the War of the American Revolution. From
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XXVII, page 176-205.
Regimental Organization of the 42nd or Royal Highland Regiment at the Battle of Monmouth.
Compiled by Garry Wheeler Stone and Paul Pace.
Major General Charles Lee’s Advance Force. Garry Stone and Mark Lender, January 1993.
Who were Cilley’s “Picked Men?”, Joseph Cilley, Colonel, 1st New Hampshire. Compiled by
Garry Wheeler Stone, 2/94.
Extracts from Orderly-Book of Maj. Robert Clayton, 1778.From Pennsylvania Magazine of
History and Biography, Vol. XXV, page 100-103.
Second Battalion of British Grenadiers Orderly Book, 1778.George Washington papers, Library
of Congress, Washington, D.C. Series 6B, Captured British Orderly Book Vol. 5. Microfilm Reel
118, P37437.
Page 2
General Return of the Pennsylvania State Regiment of Artillery Command by Colonel Thomas
Procter, Esqr.—Taken April 3d 1779. Rev. War Rolls, 1775-1783 and Pennsylvania Archives, 5th
series, III. Garry Wheeler Stone, 3/95.
List of Men’s Names of Capt. Andrew Porter’s Company and A Return of Captain James Lee’s
Company. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Vol. III.
A Par Role of Captain John Sebring’s Company, Militia from Sommerset County, under the
command of Col. Frelinghuisen, in service of the alarm in the States of New Jersey from the 19th
day of June till the first day of July 1778. Original from War Department.
Captain Bernard Roman’s Company and Roll of Capt. Gibbs Jones’ Company. PA Archives,
series 5, Vol. III.
General Return of Waggons…with the Army, May 30 th 1778. Historical Society of Pennsylvania:
Chaloner and White MSS, Box 6, folder 3 (May 1778)..
A List of Captain Jacob Ten Eyck’s Men under his Command at Crosswix the 19 th Day of June,
1778.Compy of original from the War Department.
Muster Roll of the 2nd Troop of Philadelphia Light Dragoons Commanded by captain Jacob
James 27 July 1778. National Archives Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Volume 1894.
Muster Roll of the Queen Rangers Commanded by John Graves Simcoe Esqr. Lieutenant Coll.
Commandant, Capt. James Dunlap’s Company from 24th of April to the 27 July 1778 Included
Being 64 days-. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861.
Muster Roll of Captain John Ferdinand Dl. Smyth[‘s Company] Queens Rangers – York Island
July 27th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 31.
Muster Roll of Captain Saunder’s Company Queens Rangers, from the 24 th June to the 24th
August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861. page 36.
Muster Roll of the Grenadier Company Queens Rangers Specifying the Casualties that happen’d
Since ye 25th of June to ye 24th of August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series,
Vol. 1861, page 35.
Muster Roll of Captain Stephenson’s Company Queens Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe Esqr. Lt. Col.
Commandant from 25th June 1778 to 24th August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1861, page 38.
Muster Roll of Captain John Mackay’s Highland Company Queens Rangers from the 25 th June to
24th August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 37.
Muster Roll of Queens Rangers Commanded by J Graves Simcoe Esqr: Lt. Coll. Commandant
Capt. James Dunlops Company from 25 th June to the 24th August 1778 Being 61 Days. National
Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 39.
Page 3
Muster Roll of Captain McCrea’s Company Queens Rangers, J Graves Simcoe Lieut. Col.
Commandant &c &c From the 24th June to 24th August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8,
“C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 40.
Muster Roll of Captain McGill’s Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Esqr. Lieut. Col.
Commandant from June 25th 78 to August 24th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1861, page 41.
Muster Roll of Captain Agnew’s Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Lt. Col.
Commandant From the 25th of June, to the 24th of August 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG
8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 42.
Muster Roll of Captain James Kerr’s Company Queens Rangers John Greaves Simcoe Esqr.
Lieut. Col. Commdt. from June 25th to August 24th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1861, page 43.
Muster Roll of Captain John Smyth’s Company of Queens Rangers, Commanded by John Greaves
Simcoe Esqr. Lieut. Col. Commandant from the 25 th of June to 24th August 1778 both days
included. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 44.
Muster Roll of Captain Stair Agnew’s Company Queens Rangers, Commanded by J. Graves
Simcoe Esqr. Lt. Col. Commandant from 25 th April to 24th June 1778. National Archives of
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 28.
Muster Roll of Captain James Murray’s Company, Queens Rangers, Commanded by Lt. Colonel
J. Greaves Simcoe, being from April 24th to June 23d 1778 inclusive. National Archives of
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 33.
Muster Roll of Captain James Kerr’s Company of Queen’s Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Lt. Colonel
Commandant from the 24th of April to the 24th of June 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8,
“C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 19.
Muster Roll of Captain John McGill’s Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Lieut. Col.
Commandant from 24th April 1778 to June 24th Inclusive 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG
8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861.
Return of Killed, Wounded & Taken Prisoner [of the Queen’s Rangers] to October 15th 1780.
William L. Clements Library, Simcoe Papers 1774-1824.
Muster Roll [of Captain John Saunders Company of the Queen’s Rangers, June 1778. National
Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 23.
Muster Roll of Captain Stephenson’s Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Lt. Col.
Commandant From 24th April 1778 to the 24 June 1778 Inclusive. National Archives of Canada,
RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 25.
Muster Roll of Captain John Mackay’s Highland Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe
Esqr. Lt. Col. Commandant, Kensinton June 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Page 4
Series, Vol. 1861, page 24.
Muster Roll of Captain McCrea’s Company Queens Rangers J. Graves Simcoe Lt. Col.
Commandant From 24th April 1778 to the 24th June 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8,
“C” Series, Vol. 1861, page 27.
Muster Roll of Captain Patrick Kennedy’s Company, First Battalion Maryland Loyalists
Commanded by Lieut. Colonel James Chalmers 11 th July 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG
8, “C” Series, Vol. 1904, page 21.
Muster Roll of Captain Jone’s Company of the 1 st Battalion of Maryland Loyalists Commanded by
Lieut. Col. James Chalmers Esqr. July 11th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series,
Vol. 1904, page 23.
Muster Roll of Captain Walter Dulany’s company First Battalion Maryland Loyalists
Commanded by Lieutenant Col. James Chalmers 12 th Day of July 1778. National Archives of
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1904, page 26.
Muster Roll of Captain Key’s Company in the first Battalion of Maryland Loyalists commanded
by Lieutenant Colonel James Chalmers Esq. July the 11 th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG
8, “C” Series, Vol. 1904, page 20.
Muster Roll of Captain Isaac Costen’s Company 1 st Battalion Maryland Loyalists commanded by
Lt. Col. James Chalmers 11th day of July 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series,
Vol. 1904, page 25.
Muster Roll of Captain James Frisby’s Company in the first Battalion of Maryland Loyalists
commanded by Lieut. Colonel James Chalmers, Yellow Hook Long Island 11 th July 1778. National
Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1904, page 22.
Muster Roll of Captain Swift’s Company of ye first Battalion Pennsylvania Loyalists commanded
by Lt. Col. Allen, Yellow Hook July 11th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series,
Vol. 1907, page 10.
Muster Roll of Captain Thomas Colden’s Company of the first Battalion of Pennsylvania
Loyalists, Commanded by Lieut. Colonel William Allen, Yellow Hook 11 th July 1778. National
Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1907, page 11.
Muster Roll of Captain Stephens Company of the first Battalion of Pennsylvania Loyalists
Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel William Allen, Yellow Hook 11 th July 1778. National Archives
of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1907, page 12.
Muster Roll of Capt. Mathias Hanley’s Company of Roman Catholic Volunteers Commanded by
Lieut. Colonel Clifton, Camp near Yellow Hook Long Island July 11 th 1778. National Archives of
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1900.
Muster Roll of Capt. McEvoy’s Company of Roman Catholick Volunteers Commanded by Lieut.
Colonel Clifton, Camp near Yellow Hook 11 th July 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Page 5
Series, Vol. 1900.
Muster Roll of Major John Colden’s Company in His Majesty’s 2 nd Battalion New Jersey
Volunteers, Lt. Col. John Morris Esqr. Commandant, New York July 1778. National Archives of
Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1854, page 22.
Muster Roll of Captain McCleeses Company in his Majesty’s 2 d Battalion New Jersey Volunteers
Commanded by Lt. Col. John Morris, [New York July 1778]. National Archives of Canada, RG 8,
“C” Series, Vol. 1854, page 38.
Muster Roll of Captain Norman McLeod’s Company in His Majesty’s 2 nd Battalion of New Jersey
Volunteers, attached to the Brigade of Royal Artillery; Lt. Col. John Morris Esqr. Commandant,
New York July 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1854, page 21.
Muster Roll of Captain Donald Campbell’s Company in his Majesty’s 2 nd Battalion of New Jersey
Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel John Morris Esqr. Commandant, New York July 1778. National
Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1854, page 23.
Muster Roll of Captain Daniel Bowen’s Company, [West Jersey Volunteers] Commanded by Col.
John Van Dike Esqr., Long Island July the 11th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C”
Series, Vol. 1851, page 51.
Muster Roll of Captain Jonathan Chew’s Company in Lieutenant Colonel John Van Dyke’s
Regiment, dated Long Island July 11th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol.
1851, page 20.
Muster Roll of Captain Thomas Huloke’s Company, Lieutenant Colonel Vandike’s Regiment,
Long Island July the 11th 1778. National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Vol. 1851, page
Muster roll of Grenadier company of the 22nd Regiment of Foot who died at Monmouth. War
Office Papers, Public Record Office of Great Britain, Vol. II.
Comparison of British Casualties : As recorded in British Muster Rolls and as Reported by Sir
Henry Clinton by Garry Wheeler Stone.
The Battle of Monmouth Muster Rolls in British Public Records by Garry Wheeler Stone.
Summer Campaign in NJ and the Battle of Monmouth (chronology). New York Historical
Society, Bernardus Swartwout Papers, Diary of Bernardus Swartwout. NY, NY.
Letter from I. Shreve to Polly Shreve, July 2nd 1778. Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Dreer
Page 6
Collection; “Soldiers of the Revolution” Box IV [Series 52:2, vol. IV].
Letter from Wm. Watson to Revd. Sir, Camp Brunswick, July 4 th, 1778. New Brunswick, NJ;
Rutgers Univ.; Alexander Library; Special Collections & Archives; Acc. 3096. Transcribed J.
Kochan, 1991.
Letter from Henry B. Livingston to his Brother Robert, Brunswick, 31 st June 1778. New
Brunswick, NJ; Rutgers Univ.; Alexander Library; Special Collections & Archives; Acc. 3097.
Transcribed by J. Kochan, 1991.
Letter from Henry Knox to his Brother, Camp Brunswick, 3d July 1778. Massachusetts Historical
Society; Henry Knox Papers, Vol. 4, Item 117, reel 4.
Letter from Henry Knox to his Wife, near Monmouth Court House, June 29 th 1778.
Massachusetts Historical Society; Henry Knox Papers, Vol. IV, Item 116.
Letter from Robert Morris to a Mr. Cooper, Freehold, June 29 th 1778. Monmouth County
Historical Society; Haskell Collection Letters.; Freehold, NJ.
Letter from Clement Biddle to Unknown, Camp New Brunswick, 2 July 1778. Monmouth County
Historical Association, B1 F3.
Letter from David Griffith, Surgeon & Chaplain, 3d VA Regiment, to his Wife Hannah, 2 July
1778, Camp at Englishtown, NJ. Monmouth County Historical Society Library, Mss. Collections,
Freehold, NJ.
Letter from Samuel Adams to Sally, Brunswick, NJ, July 2d 1778. Ms. Letter in Stuart Goldman
Collection, Randolph, MA. Transcription and copy of original.
Letter from Samuel Adams to Lucy, Englishtown, July 19 th 1778. David Library of the American
Revolution, Sol Feinstone Collection, Microfilm, Reel 1; Item No. 28.
Letter from BG. Anthony Wayne to Major Henry Lee, Camp Near White Plains, NY 20 th July
1778. Morristown NHP Library; Park Doc. # 1205, Dawson Transcripts from Wayne Papers,
Vol. IV.
Letter from Unknown to William Pollard, 29 June 1778. Morristown National Historical Park
Library, Park Collection # 746.
Letter from Alexander Dow[?] to the President of Congress, Philadelphia, May 23, 1781. The
Papers of the Continental Congress (Microfilm Collection M-247), Roll 94, page 387.
John Andrews, His Surveying Book / Likewise, Painting. Upper Freehold Twp, Monmouth
County, copy of original.
The Naval Miscellany, Vol. I; Journals of Henry Duncan, Captain, Royal Navy. (London: Navy
Records Society, 1909).
Page 7
Elijah Fisher’s Journal While in the War for Independence, and Continued Two Years after He
Came to Maine, 1775-1784. (Augusta, 1880). Reprinted from Magazine of History, #6.
Elisha Stevens: Fragments of Memoranda Written by him in the War of the Revolution.
Transcript: John Reed Collection Library, Valley Forge National Historical Park.
The Journal of Ebenezer Wild, November 19, 1777 through July 1,1778. Massachusetts Historical
Society, Boston.
Martin Hunter’s Journal : America 1774-1778. The Valley Forge Journal. (Vol. 4, #1, June,
Col. Otho H. Williams to Dr. Phil Thomas, 29 June 1778. General Otho Papers; Maryland
Historical Society. Transcribed by Garry Stone 1995. Copy of original included.
Samuel Johnson to Lord Amherst, 13 July 1778. Kent County [England] Archives: Amherst
Manuscripts, U1350 079/22. Transcribed 2/95 by Lee Boyle and Garry Stone from a copy at
Valley Forge NHP.
Extracts from the Diary of Captain John Nice, Of The Pennsylvania Line. Contributed by Miss
Henrietta Cooper, Haddonfield, NJ. PAMHB 16 (1892). Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
Old Tennent Church, N.J., And The Battle Of Monmouth: Captain Finney’s Diary. Journal of the
Presbyterian Historical Society, Vol. XIV (1930-31), pp. 264-266.
Journal of Capt. William Beatty, 1776-1781. Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. III (June
1908), No. 2.
Lewis Hurd of Connecticut : Memoir Of The American Revolution (Transcript). Valley Forge
National Historical Park.
Letter from J. Huntington to Father, Englishtown 30 th June 1778 and Letter from J. Huntington to
Col. Chester (Brother). John Reed Collection, Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Diary of Joseph Clark, Attached to the Continental Army, from May, 1778, to November, 1779.
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, Vol. VII, 1853-1855.
Memoirs of Major-General Heath: Containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and
other Military Events, During the American Revolution. (Boston, 1798)
Correspondence of Captain William Beatty, of the Maryland Line, 1776-1781. The Historical
Magazine. (March, 1867)
Major John Clark to Major General Charles Lee, 3 September 1778. Rosenbach Museum and
Library, Philadelphia: AMs 785/15. Transcribed by Garry Stone and printed in Pennsylvania
Packet, 10 December 1778.
Extracts from letters written during the Battle of Monmouth and published in The Boston Gazette
Page 8
and Country Journal, July 13, 1778. Valley Forge National Historical Park.
The Battle of Monmouth as Recalled by Benjamin Van Cleave by Michael S. Adelberg,
Monmouth County Historical Association Newsletter, Winter-Spring 1996.
Excerpts from The Chevalier De Pontgibaud: A French Volunteer of the War of Independence by
Robert B. Douglas.
Excerpts from The Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family from 1641 by L.P. Allen
Accounts by Colonel James Chambers, From Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution,
Battalions and Line. 1775-1783. Vol. I. Edited by John Blair Linn.
Excerpts from The Life and Correspondence of James McHenry: Secretary of War Under
Washington and Adams by Bernard C. Steiner.
The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw by Josiah Quincy.
Revolutionary Experiences of Major Robert Beale, Northern Neck of Virginia Historical
Magazine, December, 1956. Copied from a paper by Major Robert Beale.
Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis, Vol. I by Charles Ross.
A Memoir of General Henry Miller by his Grandson, Henry Miller Watts. Pennsylvania Magazine,
Vol. XI, 1887.
Letter from Commissary Leigh, Morristown, July 2 nd 1778. The State of New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Rolls and Documents. Compiled and edited by Isaac Hammond.
Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Colman, 13 Massachusetts, to his wife 3-4 July 1778. Massachusetts
Historical Society, Dudley Colman Manuscripts. Transcribed by Garry Stone 1996.
William Willcock's Reconnaissance to Major General Lord Sterling, George Washington Papers,
Library of Congress, Series 4, Roll 50. Transcribed by Garry Stone 1996.
Walter Stewart Petitions Congress for Return of Horse, Papers of the Continental Congress, Item
#39, Vol. 1, pg. 224 (National Archives Microcopy 247, Roll 46). Transcribed by Garry Stone
Captain Moses Greenleaf, 11 MA, describes the Battle of Monmouth 29 June 1778, MA Historical
Society, Misc. Bound Collection. Transcribed by Garry Stone 1996.
Samuel Hodgdon to John Ruddick, July 19, 1778. The Great Consumption of Cannon
Ammunition. National Archives microfilm publication M853, reel 33, Vol. 111, p. 96.
The Battle of Monmouth described by Dr. James McHenry, Secretary to General Washington.
Magazine of American History, Vol. 3, No. 6 (June 1879).
Page 9
British Evacuation of Philadelphia, Battle of Monmouth, Extract from Journal of Capt. Samuel
Massey, PA Militia. Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Letter to George Washington from John Laurens, Aide de Camp, 23 June 1778. Washington
Papers, Series 4.
Excerpts from Major-General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line in the Continental Army
by Charles Stille.
"Our Army…Gave Them A Pretty Good Drubbing" as described within the Diary of Surgeon
Samuel Adams, Monmouth campaign, June-September 1778. New York Public Library.
Transcribed by Bob McDonald, October, 1997.
Unknown letter from Camp Kings Bridge near New York 5 July 78, William Clements Library,
University of Michigan.
Letter to John Neilson from no. Taylor ADC on behalf of the General, John Neilson Papers,
Alexander Library, Rutgers University, Special Collections and Archives; Acc. 584.
Letter from Israel Shreve, 2nd NJ to his wife Mary (Polly), 29 June 1778, Shreve Papers, Buxton
Collection, Louisiana Technical University.
Eyewitnesses to Monmouth: Adam Hoops and Colonel Smith, The Battle Cry, Vol. 11, No. 1,
Jan/Feb. 2000.
A Petition from sundry Officers of the third Regiment of the County of Hunterdon 5/7/79, Votes
and Proceedings of the General Assembly of NJ.
The Life of Esther De Berdt, Afterwards Esther Reed of Pennsylvania, 1853.
Memoir of Brig Gen. Anthony Walton White of the Continental Army, Compiled by Anna M. W.
Woodhull. New Jersey State Library.
Lt. William Hale, 45 Regt. Grenadier Co. 2 nd Battalion, New York, 14th July, 1778. British
Soldiers in America by Captain Wilkin.
A Revolutionary Diary of Captain Paul Brigham, November 19, 1777-September 4, 1778.
Vermont History, 34 (1966).
John Peebles’ American War: The Diary of a Scottish Grenadier, 1776-1782. Edited by Ira D.
Excerpts from Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington by G. W. Parke Custis.
Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. (2 Vols., Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1847),
Vol. I. Edited by William Reed.
Entries from Lieutenant Thomas Blake’s Journal. History of the First New Hampshire Regiment
Page 10
in the War of the Revolution by Frederic Kidder.
Extracts from the Journal of Sergeant Thomas Sullivan of H.M. Forty-Ninth Regiment of Foot.
Before and After the Battle of Brandywine. PA Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 31
Extracts from the Journal of Sergeant Thomas Sullivan of H.M. Forty-Ninth Regiment of Foot.
From Brandywine to Philadelphia. PA Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 34.
The Journal of Enos Barnes, Sergeant in Capt. Joseph Allen Wright’s Company, Fifth
Connecticut Regiment, Battle of Monmouth 28 June 1778. Morristown NHP. Transcribed by J.
The Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778: Letters and Reports from the Von Jungkenn Papers,
Part II-1778.Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1999.
Letter from James Monroe to General Washington June 28, 1778. The Writings of James Monroe,
Volume I 1778-1794.
Letter from Col. John Beatty to Thomas Bradford, Headquarters Englishtown, June 30 th 1778.
Library of Congress.
Letter from Lt. Col. Richard K. Meade to Col. Daniel Morgan, Englishtown, June 30, 1778.
Library of Congress.
Letter from Captain Tench Tilghman to Col. Daniel Morgan, Headquarters, Englishtown, June
30, 1778. Library of Congress.
Letter from Captain Tench Tilghman to Col. Daniel Morgan, Monmouth Town, June 29, 1778.
Oldridge Collection, Library of Congress.
Diaries of Two Ansbach Jaegers: Lieutenant Heinrich Carl Von Feilitzsch and Lieutenant
Christian Friedrich Bartholomai by Bruce E. Burgoyne, Torreyson Library, University of Central
Letter from James Chambers to his wife, “My Dear Kitty”, Camp Englishtown, June 30 th, 1778.
Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution, A Sketch. Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Thomas Sullivan’s Journal (1775). American Philosophical Society Library, 973.3 Su 5, Film
Travels Through the Interior Parts of America in a Series of Letters by an Officer. Vol. II.
Letter to General Charles Lee from Stephen Moylan, 28 June 1778. New York Public Library.
Garry Wheeler Stone.
Unidentified British Journal 19 June 1778-1 July 1778. Clinton Papers, Clements Library, Mich.
Page 11
Letter from Nathaniel Greene to Governor William Livingston of New Jersey, Middle Brook,
February 14, 1779. Nathaniel Greene Papers, Vol. 3.
Excerpts from the Diary of Ezra Stiles. Vol. II, March 14, 1776-December 31, 1781. Edited by
Franklin Bowditch Dexter.
Unpublished Letters of Colonel Lewis Nicola, Revolutionary Soldier by Howard Marraro,
Pennsylvania History, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 1946.
Diary of John Trevett, Captain of Marines. Marines in the Revolution: A History of the
Continental Marines in the American Revolution, 1775-1783 by Charles R. Smith.
Letter from William Hale, Camp at Neversunk, 4th July, 1778. Some British Soldiers in America,
W.H. Wilkin.
John Varnums: Fourth Generation. The Varnums of Dracutt, A History by John Marshall
Letters from Colonel John Francis Mercer. Fragments of Revolutionary History by Gaillard Hunt.
Letter from Shreve at Elizabethtown to wife Polly (Mary) June 29th 1778. Copy of original from
Louisiana Tech University.
Sketch of the Life of Captain Jonathan Forman. New Jersey State Archives, Rev. War Numbered
Manuscripts MS#2528.
Excerpts from memoir manuscript of Benjamin Van Cleve. The Draper Collection, Series S,
Volume 9.
Letter from David Rhea of Monmouth to Clement Biddle, February 12, 1779. Papers of the
Continental Congress.
Letter from Peter Schneck of Middleton Point to Peter Forman, Feb. 4, 1779. Papers of the
Continental Congress.
Letter from General Joseph Cilley to Colonel Thomas Barlett, July 22, 1778. History of
Nottingham by Elliott Cogswell.
Letter from Major von Wilmowsky to Lt-General v. Knyphausen. Morristown, NHP.
Excerpt from Narrative of a Journey Down the Ohio Mississippi in 1789-90 by Maj. Samuel S.
Mrs. Elizabeth Covenhoven, Reluctant Hostess to Sir Henry Clinton; or, Where was Mr.
Covenhoven? The Battle Cry, 2004.
Chelmsford Chronicle, August 28, 1778 - Sir Henry Clinton. The Battle Cry, Vol. XIII, No. 2,
march/April 2002.
Page 12
Reminiscences of Dr. William Read, Arranged from Notes and Papers (Part I&II). Excerpts from
the Documentary History of the American Revolution, by Gibbes, Vol. II. The Battle Cry, Vol.
XII, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 2001.
Reminiscences of Dr. William Read, Arranged from Notes and Papers (Part I&II) Continued.
Excerpts from the Documentary History of the American Revolution, by Gibbes, Vol. II. The
Battle Cry, Vol. XII, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 2001.
Record of Maj. Thomas Massie: New Insight on Charles Lee at Monmouth. The Battle Cry, Vol.
XII, No. 2, March/April 2001.
Diary from Philadelphia—March of British Army across Jersies -- Battle of Monmouth A.B. 1778.
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Page 13
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Pension Declaration of David Sutfin, 1st regiment, Monmouth County Militia. James Craig’s
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Page 14
W16557) and Rev. War Rolls (Record Group 93, Reel 68). Collected by John Rees.
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Constable, private. Rev. War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files (M804, Reel
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Pension Application of Moses Estey. David Library, Rev. US Pension Application 20-Aug-1832,
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The Battle of Monmouth in the Pension Application of Ralph Schenck, 4 th Regiment, Hunterdon
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(Micro 804) Widow 17788. Transcribed by Garry Wheeler Stone 2/2000.
Pension Deposition of Abraham Voorhees, Somerset County. Rev. War Pension and BountyLand-Warrant Application Files S11610. Collected by John Rees.
Deposition of Andrew Bray, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. War Pension and
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Colonel John Durkee’s Wound, Deposition of Andrew Griswold, 26 December 1810. War Pension
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Pension Approval of Simeon Thayer, Late Major in the Arm. Transcribed and donated by Jason
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Page 15
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Transcribed by John Rees. National Archives Microfilm Publication M804.
Militia Light Horse Attached to the New Jersey Brigade by John Rees. Washington Papers, The
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Sketch of the Life of Gen. William Irvine by George Howell. Second Series, Vol. VII, 1882-1883.
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Militia Women of 1780, Monmouth County, New Jersey by Harriet Stryker-Rodda, DAR
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Life of Captain Stephen Olney of Rhode Island by Catherine Williams. Biography of
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Running Afoul of Military Law: The Case of Corporal John Fisher, 28th Regiment of Foot;
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A Deadly Minuet: The Advance of the New England “Picked Men” against the Royal Highlanders
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The Battle of Monmouth Court House by Charles King, Esq. Proceedings of the New Jersey
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Investigation into American Tradition of Woman Know as “Molly Pitcher” by Captain John B.
Landis, Journal of American History, Vol. 5 (1911), Pg. 83-96.
The Third New Jersey Regiment, Maxwell’s Brigade, and the Campaign of 1778 by Mark
Hurwitz, 3rd New Jersey Regiment. The Brigade Dispatch, XXVII No. 4 Winter 1997.
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Page 16
Information on Margaret Houck, compiled by Garry Wheeler Stone.
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Reimbursement of 15 Bushels of Corn to William Hugons. New Jersey State Archives
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Two letters from Elisa Smith to Sarah Waln, Jr. describing the Battle of Monmouth re-enactment
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Journal entry from Joseph Ely. Hightstown Gazette, 1/24/1878, as copied from the Monmouth
Inquirer. John Orr, 21 April 2000.
The Battle of Monmouth American Correspondence in the research files of the NJ State Park
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Battle of Monmouth, 28 June 1778: Casualties. History of the Town of Lexington, Middlesex
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Phil Dickinson – New Jersey Lightning: The New Jersey Militia in the Monmouth Campaign by
John Anderson. The Battle Cry, Vol. XIII, No.3, May/June 2002.
Retreat from the Battle of Monmouth. The Spirit of '76 by M.C. Murray Hyde, Vol. V, No. 12,
August 1899.
Cato Griger: Black Delaware Indian Soldier at Monmouth by Rich Walling. The Battle Cry, Vol.
10, No. 2, March/April 2000.
Clinton's March Revisited by Mike Cervini and Frank Hendershot. The Battle Cry, Vol. XI, No. 6,
Nov. Dec. 2000.
Washington vs Lee: Rethinking the Battle of Monmouth, June 1778 by Thomas Farner.
A New Battle in Monmouth: Preservationists fight to keep developers at bay, Article from the Star
Ledger by Tom Hester, June 21, 2001.
Road to Monmouth: Then and Now by Richard Walling. Headquarter Report 2003.
Discovery of the Butler Map. The Battle Cry.
Monmouth Battlefield revisits black history by Sonya Beard, Asbury Park Sunday Press,
2/14/1999. Battlefield programs will focus on Gen, Washington, News Transcript, 2/3/1999. Brass
cannons boom in celebratory weekend, by Robin Keats, Asbury Park Press, 2/15/1999.
Life of von Steuben by the Independence Hall Association and The Middlebrook Encampment.
The Battle Cry, Vol. XIV, Nos. 6&7, Jul-Oct. 2003.
Page 17
Map of the Battle of Monmouth – June 28, 1778.
The Road to Monmouth, Heritage Campaign 2003 Map.
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Monmouth Battlefield State Park: Manalapan and Freehold Townships, Monmouth County, New
Jersey. Draft of historic development plan update, February 1992.
Dateline: Coryell's Ferry June 20-22, 1778, "Reach Coryels ferry. Encampment on the
Pennsylvania side." The Monmouth Campaign Delaware River Crossing. Compiled by John Rees.
Monmouth Campaign Articles. Bibliography compiled by John Rees.
What is this you have been about today? The New Jersey Brigade at the Battle of Monmouth by
John Rees.
The Campaign of 1778. Pictorial History of America, From the Earliest Times to the close of the
Mexican War. By John Frost, Vol. II, 1857.
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