Nervous System Coloring Activities Question Sheet

Overview of the Urinary System Coloring Activities Question Sheet
Assignment: Read the overview on the Coloring Activity and color when instructed to do
so. Then answer the questions below.
1. The excretory system is involved with the elimination of the waste products of ________
metabolism. It also regulates the ____________ & __________content of the body.
2. The major organs of the system include the two_________________through which blood
is filtered, the two______________which transport the filtrate to the ________ _________
and eventually the______________, which takes the filtrate to external environment.
3. Helping to maintain the shape of the kidney is a fibrous membrane called the _________.
4. In the frontal section you are working with there are two distinct regions; the __________
_________________which is the more superficial of the two regions and the ____________
_________________which lies deeper.
5. Within the renal medulla lie the cone-shaped masses known as the renal _____________.
6. The medial side of the kidney is concaved with a large cleft called the _______________.
Blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels and the ureter pass through this hilus or hilum.
7.The ureter expands to form a funnel-shaped sac called the renal_________. This
subdivides into the major and minor_____________. The minor calyces collect the urine
from the collecting tubules leading from the_________________.
8. The million or so__________________in each kidney are the independent units that filter
the blood and produce urine. They perform three functions:_____________ ____________
& ______________________.
9. The renal_________brings unfiltered blood into the kidney while the renal ___________
removes the filtered blood.
10. The renal artery narrows into____________arterioles and into a tuft of capillaries called
11. The basic structure of each nephron consists of the renal corpuscle. This structure
consists of the cup-like opening to the nephron called the__________ ___________ that
surrounds the glomerulus, a proximal______________ ______________, a decending and
ascending limb of what is called the loop of______________, a distal_____________
_____________ and a ______________ ______________.
12. Each nephron has three major functions: glomeruler____________, tubular
________________ & tubular _______________.
13. As blood is filtered in the glomerulus, ________, ions, _________, ________, and uric
acid are filtered out. Red blood cells and plasma proteins are not filtered. (See p. 460-465 in
14. The filtration rate is directly affected by ________ pressure inside the glomerular
capillaries, hydrostatic and osmotic pressure of the plasma in the capsule. The collective
pressure forcing substances out of the glomerulus is known as the net__________________
15. Tubular________________is the process by which filtered substances are returned to
the blood stream. These materials must pass through the epithelial walls of the tubules into
the interstitial fluid and finally through the capillary walls. The processes that allow this
movement are_____________, simple______________ and various forms of __________
16. In tubular______________some substances are moved from the peritubular capillary
surrounding the nephron tubules and back into the filtrate of the tubules. The amount
filtered out may exceed the amount filtered at the glomerulus. Both active and passive
____________are involved with moving these substances back into the tubules.
Make a list of the substances reabsorbed back into the blood and secreted back to the
(See p. 465 in text)
Substances reabsorbed
Substances Secreted