ESP Test Licensing Policies for Junior College Levels in Taiwan--- A case study *Paul Juinn-Bing Tan National Penghu Institute of Technology, Taiwan Department of Applied Foreign Languages Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of English teaching and learning of the junior college students at National Penghu Institute of Technology (N.P.I.T.). The investigation was based upon the responses of N.P.I.T. students to a self-designed questionnaire prepared by the researcher. 250 questionnaires were given to 250 first year and second year junior college students at N.P.I.T.. There were only 233 of the questionnaires answered. The data collection was 93.5 ﹪ percent. Meanwhile there were 200 pieces (80%) of valid questionnaires as confirmed valid information. The G.E.P.T. test is being adopted in Taiwan for the evaluation of English teaching and learning, and it is improving the quality of Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan. It is noted that the results of the G.E.P.T. test will provide a very good mechanism for evaluating the quality of English language instruction so that when the Ministry of Education wants to make a decision about the licensing policy of colleges, they can make a decision based on the G.E.P.T. test scores. In this paper, students’ common opinions about the G.E.P.T. test are reported, and then a case study is discussed. Key words: G.E.P.T. (General English Proficiency Test), T.V.E. (Technical and Vocational Education), licensing policy, teaching evaluation, English teaching proficiency. 1 Background of the Study The social background: Taiwan has proclaimed the framework in working as the center of globalization in logistics, which is to face the challenges of globalization, and also is a member of W.T.O. Due to the experience of progressive movements of enlightened policies as a working Asian pacific operational center. Meanwhile the work of reconstruction for the new framework has to have special city governmental effort. The Chen Sui-ben Administration and Taiwan’s people seem to need to re-consider how to enhance and to organize the private sectors as well as public offices. City and state governments coordinate professionally to deal with public policies and international affairs working in unity, as one, to avoid the differentials in the policy’s applications. Due to the possibilities of mutual cooperative development and multi-challenges between cross straits relations (Taiwan and China), gets high priority resulting for the mainland Chinese officials to realize the importance of training government officials to be internationalized. Presently, The Taiwanese government seems to need to hold their own advantages- (i.e.) excellent human resources, especially human resources of positively good energy, professional websites and open exchange of democratic experiences to build up a strong base of international cooperation. For example, the officials’ consideration should be preparing now in order to extend the foundations of international training and globalization to the vital parts of city government in the central –southern Taiwan regions in order to meet the challenges of globalization in the spot light. To follow the trends of internationalization and globalization, Taiwan should 2 emphasize the development of language proficiency training and cultivate foreign language experts to cooperate with the domestic trades, businesses, financial institutions, service sectors and so forth, and to the development of international academic interpersonal communication. Taiwan officially acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002; causing domestic industries to be confronted with many tests and competitions. The educational industry also needs to face this inevitable challenge (2000, Technical and Vocational Education (T.V.E.), THE White Book of Ministry of Education P.6). T.V.E. plays an important role in Taiwan’s development. It’s objective is to cultivate experts at all levels during this economic development. Thus, we should emphasize the applied development of language proficiency training, cultivate foreign language experts and fulfill the licensing policy; these not only could help to promote the quality of experts, but also guarantee their careers and provide broader development. Being an economic ally powerful country, surrounded by sea, it would hinder Taiwan’s internationalization if foreign language experts were not cultivated. Especially since it is mandatory to establish an economic policy by the government to internationalize and liberalize. In order to promote the national developments quickly, we should cultivate applied foreign language experts. Therefore, it is necessary for our educational policy to improve the quality of English teaching and learning, and fulfill the licensing policy. 3 Statement of the problem It is of great urgency that we should improve the people's English level, which is the aim of the national TVE, because of the diverse society and the competitive job market (Yu-Hui Shih, Mao-Sung Lin, Chuan-Hsiu Hung, Shuo-Kuei Chou; Ming Chuan University 1999). TVE has been playing an indispensable and important role in Taiwan's economic development, that most of the talents are cultivated by technical and vocational schools. TVE needs to be comprehensively examined to fit the changes of the whole environment and we need to think how to construct a systematic execution…and so on. We also need to make students as the center of education, and think over things as we are students. However, now we lack a perfect licensing system so there are inequities pertaining to their effectiveness. Departments at N.P.I.T. Abbreviation Department of 1. AFL………….Applied Foreign Language 2. HM…………. Department of Hospitality management 3. Leisure………Department of Leisure Management 4. STM…………Department of Shipping Transportation and Management 5. MIS………….Department of Information Management 6. CSIE…………Department of Computer Science information Engineering 7. ECE………….Department of Electronic Communication Engineering 8. AQU…………Department of Aquaculture 4 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The major findings and Suggestions as follows: Conclusions A. The current conditions of English teaching 1. In teaching preparation, English teachers in STM generally did not emphasize the preparation of lessons beforehand, followed by HM. 2. In teaching practices, English teachers in HM generally did not emphasize the quality of teaching. 3. In teaching evaluation, apart from STM which seldom has tests, about 70 percent of teachers in each department would test the students’ learning achievements. 4. In teaching improvements, students in HM and AFL are not quite satisfied with English courses. 5. Besides PDCA, there are about 70 percent of students who hoped that the school could hold as many English activities and courses as possible. In addition, the schoolgirls’ percentages of approval were more than the schoolboys’. B. The fulfillment of language licensing policy 1. Pertaining to language licenses, most of the students in MIS did not understand its importance, and it is also worse in practice. Besides, in AFL, HM, LEISURE, CSIE and ECE, there were about 60 to 80 percent of students who did not understand the importance of Three-licensing policy. 5 2. Besides AFL, HM and STM, most of the students at the other five departments did not participate in taking the language licensing tests. In addition, there were about 40 percent of teachers who do not provide the information about English licensing tests in class. Suggestions The research Suggestions as follow: (A) For educators: First, concerning PDCA, it is generally good at teaching preparation and teaching practice. However, it still needs to strengthen its’ teaching evaluation system. We suggest that English teachers should take notice of the learning conditions of students more and adjust the instructional contents more flexibly to allow students to absorb more easily. Second, the educators should make the English courses livelier. In addition, the school also needs to hold many more English extracurricular activities to increase students’ interests in learning English. Also, it is easy to know the importance of English licenses since Taiwan has acceded to WTO. However, there is still about 60 percent of students who do not understand its importance. Thus, we suggest that English teachers as well as other departments should do their best to provide information about licensing tests in class. Third , the Ministry of Education, Taiwan should be responsible for 6 producing GEPT licensing policy for the specific skills. (B) Suggestions for current and future teachers, researchers and those who love pedagogy: 1. Recruit and channel professionally licensed foreign language teachers that possess an unselfish desire to help others, love in their hearts, courage to accept different responsibilities and have an unbiased attitude of others’ backgrounds and beliefs. The teacher shouldn’t be a clone from the past, autocratic, materialistic and selfish, just the opposite to prepare young learners to become responsible citizens for their own future fulfillments, not facilitators of the past. 2. Teachers ought not be intimidated nor inhibited to collaborate with researchers as piers and colleagues and visa versa researchers ought not feel that their position of power is compromised to unbiasedly listen to teachers’ criticisms as a valid natural resource to reform, transform the classroom into a place of enjoyment for learners to acquire skills and attitudes needed for participating in a democratic society. Researchers work for the students together, cooperatively and not solely for the purpose of the project. 3. Researchers ought to enlighten corporations, small and large businesses and government agencies to close the gap between remote areas, towns, cities, counties provinces and states and countries that it benefits everybody, socially and economically, not to have a blind eye, ignoring citizens of remote areas. The citizens everywhere have the same 7 needs. Insufficiently educated people stunt the economy’s growth in an ever increasingly competitive world market. Unable to be productive members of society, their being denied education for a brighter future only creates bitterness for those who have a better life. Other social problems occur from being denied benefits as others such as moral decay, crime, family abuse, depression, anxiety, increasing uncertainty and suffering of the young and old. It is imperative pedagogies propagate the financial attractiveness to develop the remote areas’ human resources for a brighter future of all citizens, not just those on the top, whose political platforms often echo for social reforms for education of the young but heartily just want to get rich quick, ignoring the rest of the society, that they have been entrusted to serve. Purposely denied brighter futures ethically and morally is wrong and should not be handled apathetically nor ignored and tolerated Ethics and morals are to protect children and adult citizens’ human rights. 4. 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Co. TOEFL ETS IELTS 1.British Consulates 2. UCLES GMAT ETS 1.Listening, 1. Listening 1.Listening 1. Listening 1.Analytic Reading 2. Reading 2.Reading 2. Reading Writing 3.Grammar 3. Oral test 2.Measure- 4.Writing 4. Writing ment of 2.Writing, Oral Test (After pass step PhonePass American Ordinate Co. & consultativ e Professor of Dr. Brent Townshend & Dr. Jared Bernstein 1. Test of Listening ETS 3.IDP Contents GRE Subject Speaking s Reading 2. Genera Quantities l Test 1, then you 3.Language & 3. Writin could join step Literature g 2) Ways Unified test Open up Unified test Unified test Unified test enterprise- Unified Open up test enterprise- training Time Twice a year training Once a month Mon. to Fri. At least three rd (Every level) Mon. to Fri. & Mon. to rd & the 3 Sat. times each the 3 Sat. Fri. & the each month each month 3rd Sat. month No limits each month Limits Limits in Limits in Limits in testing date, testing date, numbers of Limits in Limits in Limits in No limits in testing date, testing date, testing date, testing location numbers of numbers of numbers of numbers of date, people & people & people & people & people & numbers of location location location location location people & location Career Suitability ● ● ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ● Oral Test ● ╳ ╳ ● ╳ ╳ ● 15