Ph.D. 2002, University Soil-landscape modeling, relating soil of variability to landscape characteristics. WisconsinMadison David Brown Assistant Professor, LRES Scott Creel Ph.D. 1991, Behavioral endocrinology; conservation Professor, Purdue biology; population biology; social ECOLOGY University evolution; biology of carnivores. Paul C. Cross Wildlife Research Biologist, USGS NRMSC Ph.D. 2005, University Wildlife disease; epidemiological of modeling; population dynamics California, Berkeley Asst. Professor, PSPP Ph.D. 1995, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Stephan Custer Professor, Earth Sciences Ph.D. 1976, Geology, Ground water, streams, snow, and water University quality; GIS modeling of Montana, Missoula Robert Garrott Ph.D. 1980, Ecology; population dynamics; Professor, University management; and conservation of ECOLOGY of mammalian species. Minnesota Daniel Goodman Applied mathematical demography; Professor, Ph.D. 1972, evolutionary demographic theory; ECOLOGY Ohio State environmental statistics; environmental modeling. Cathy Cripps Professor, Lisa J. LRES & Graumlich BSI Robert Gresswell Research Biologist, USGS NRMSC Ph.D. 1985, University of Washington Study of the basic and applied aspects of higher fungi, particularly in extreme environments such as the alpine life zone and high-elevation smelter-impacted sites Interaction of climatic variation at multiple scales, ecological processes, land-use and social factors in governing change in mountain regions. Ph.D. 1994, Salmonid habitat relationships; effects of Oregon fire on aquatic ecosystems; ecology of high State mountain lakes University Ph.D. 1993, Affiliate South Applied fisheries science; population Christopher Associate Dakota ecology; predator-prey interactions; Guy Professor, State fisheries management. ECOLOGY University Andrew J. Professor, Ph.D. 1984, Effects of natural disturbance and land use Hansen ECOLOGY University on vertebrate diversity; landscape ecology of and management; computer simulation of Tennessee forest dynamics; conservation biology. Economics of hunting and the conservation of habitats as a result of that economic input. Also, changes in mountain environments, primarily caused by human activities. These activities include grazing impacts, fire suppression, forestry, subdivision placement, and recreation. Katherine J. Hansen Professor, Earth Sciences Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder Jeffrey L. Kershner Director, USGS NRMSC Ph.D. 1991, University of Aquatic ecology and fisheries California, Davis Professor, William P. LRES & Inskeep TBI Soil chemical processes important in PhD. 1985, agricultural systems and environmental University sciences; fate and mobility of chemicals in of the environment, and mechanisms of Minnesota chemical adsorption, precipitation and dissolution in natural systems. Michael Ivie Professor, PSPP Ph.D 1985, Systematics of the Coleoptera and insect Ohio State conservation biology. University Professor, PSPP Ph.D. 1986, The Univ. of TexasAustin Matt Lavin Molecular systematics and biogeography of the plant family Leguminosae. The emphasis of my research is on the phylogeny, biogeography, and systematics of the plant family Leguminosae, including the cultivated species. Assistant Ph.D. 1999, Conservation genetics; evolutionary Steven Professor, Arizona biology; wildlife and fisheries Kalinowski ECOLOGY State management. Billie L. Kerans Behavior; ecology and evolution of Associate Ph.D. 1989, freshwater macro-invertebrates; assessing Professor, Ohio State the impact of human disturbances on ECOLOGY freshwater ecosystems. Rick L. Lawrence Associate Professor, LRES Ph.D. 1998, Oregon State University Teaching and research programs in the use and application of remote sensing technologies in managed and natural ecosystems. Clayton B. Professor, Marlow ARNR Identification and definition of the Ph.D. 1978, processes that create and maintain riparian University ecosystems. Interactive processes between of herbivory and vegetation with specific Wyoming emphasis on water quality/erosion patterns. Lucy Ph.D. 2005, Quantitative analysis of hydrological data Assistant Marshall Bruce D. Maxwell Professor, LRES Professor, LRES Professor, Timothy R. LRES & McDermott TBI University of New South Wales, Australia and processes, with emphases on uncertainty analysis probabilistic modeling, and risk analysis in water resources planning and hydrology. Agroecology and weed biology research on the design and development of Ph.D. 1990, nonchemical weed management strategies Oregon for annual and perennial weeds in cereals, State row crops and forage cropping systems; University crop-weed competition, weed population dynamics and identifying measures of ecosystem integrity. PhD. 1989, University of Minnesota Soil microbiology, focusing on plantmicrobe interactions, biological transformations in soils, and microbial diversity in extreme thermal soils. Wild trout management; fish-habitat Thomas Professor, Ph.D. 1984, relationships; winter ecology; conservation McMahon ECOLOGY Arizona biology of salmonids. Brian McGlynn Assistant Professor, LRES Ph.D. 2002, State University of New York Clifford Montagne Associate Professor, LRES Soil-landscape relationships, including Ph.D. 1976, geology, landscape ecology, landscape Montana inventory, soil genesis and classification, State and holistic resource management of University agricultural and non-agricultural soils Bret E. Olson Professor, ARNR Livestock use on the landscape on winter range; prediction of winter nutrient needs Ph.D. 1987, for livestock; grazing recommendations for Utah State controlling noxious weeds. Develop University effective grazing recommendations for minimizing grasshopper outbreaks. Duncan Patten Research Professor, LRES Dynamics of plant communities and Ph.D 1962, ecosystems; desert to subalpine spruce-fir Duke communities including riparian ecosystems University that link the altitudinal zones together. John C. Priscu Professor, LRES Ph.D. 1982, University of California, Davis Bruce Statistician, Ph.D. 1982, Quantitative population ecology; animal Study of watershed hydrology and determination of the controls on stream water sources, flow paths, and age using tracing and landscape analysis techniques. Microbial biogeochemistry in aquatic systems emphasizing the roles of nitrogen and phosphorus in microbial growth. Life associated with Antarctic ice and its relationship to global change and astrobiology. Pugesek USGS NRMSC Bowling behavior; life history evolution; waterbirds; Green State applied statistics University Lisa Rew Assistant Research Professor, LRES Ph.D. 1993, University of Reading, Britain Spatial distribution & dynamics of nonindigenous/weed populations & how to detect, map & model such populations, both in agricultural and natural systems. Adam Richman Assoc. Professor, PSPP Ph.D. 1991, Univ. of NebraskaLincoln Population and evolutionary genetics of self-recognition systems, island biogeography, evolutionary community ecology. David W. Roberts Ph.D. 1984, Professor, U. of Vegetation ecology, ecological modeling, ECOLOGY Wisconsin- multivariate analysis of ecological data. Madison Jay J. Rotella Ph.D. 1990, Ecology; population dynamics; habitat Professor, University relationships; and management of avian ECOLOGY of Idaho species. Mark L. Skidmore Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences Ph.D. 2001, University Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of of Alberta, Glaciated Systems Canada Richard Sojda Wildlife Biologist, USGS NRMSC Ph.D. Colorado State University Associate Professor, ARNR Rangeland ecology and management with an emphasis on grazing ecology of Ph.D. 1989, livestock and wildlife, forage intake, forage New quality, grazing behavior, cattle and sheep Mexico grazing, and livestock - wildlife State interactions. Rangeland vegetation University monitoring techniques, forage utilization and improvement practices. Professor, ARNR Ph.D. 1971, University of Wyoming Shrub Ecology & Management; shrubs and their role in range ecosystems to benefit management opportunities for a variety of rangeland resources. David M Ward LRES Ph.D. 1975, University of Wisconsin Microbial diversity, ecology and evolution. Fundamental studies of microbial population biology and community ecology in relation to principles of macroecology. David K. Weaver Associate Professor, LRES Chemical ecology and behavior, biological Ph.D. 1990, control, plant-insect interactions, and McGill spatial ecology. Plant and insect University semiochemical interactions Bok F. Sowell Carl Wambolt Wetland and waterfowl ecology; public land management; artificial intelligence; decision support; wind energy and radar ornithology Physiological; community and ecosystem Professor, Ph.D. 1969, T. Weaver ecology of the Northern Rocky Mountains; ECOLOGY Duke long-term field experiments. Research Molly A.H. Fishery Webb Biologist, USFWS Ph.D. 2000, University of California Davis Reproductive physiology of fishes; physiological ecology; effects of temperature and contaminants on reproductive function of fishes Cathy Whitlock Professor, Earth Sciences Ph.D. 1983, University of Washington Quaternary environmental change; vegetation, fire, and climate history of the western U.S. and southern South America; climatic variability through the Cenozoic; data-model comparison of past climatic change David W. Willey Research Assistant Professor, ECOLOGY Ph.D. 1998, Ecology; population dynamics; habitat Colorado relationships; and management of avian State species. University Professor, PSPP & TBI Utilizing viruses to understand viral diseases and as model systems to explore Ph.D. 1987, cell biology; combining biochemical and Univ. of genetic approaches with the tools of Californiamolecular and structural biology to Davis examine the interplay of viral and host gene products Asst. Professor, LRES PhD. 1991, University of Minnesota Mark Young Cathy Zabinski Below-ground ecology of weed-invaded systems, metal-contaminated sites, and recreation-impacted high elevations sites; restoring impacted areas on both disturbed and undisturbed natural systems impacted areas Affiliate Ph.D. 1984, Applied aquatic ecology; effects of Alexander Professor, University hydropower and reservoirs on fish V. Zale ECOLOGY of Florida populations; fisheries management.