End Permian Extinction Major Paleozoic extinction events Late Ordovician Fransian-Fammenian (Late Devonian) End Permian Mass extinctions: >40% of existing genera go extinct Extinction occurs in a short time interval Occurs in many phyla Ordovician Increase in oxygen isotopes, disappearance of tropical reef builders Though to be caused by glaciation and global cooling Devonian Increase in oxygen isotopes Increased photosynthesis by plants (invading the land at this time) Caused decrease in CO2 in the atm. Global cooling End Permian 2 pulses, over 80% of all genera extinct Rugose and tabulate corals Trilobites Most Therapsids Many foraminifera Many Ammonoids Many Brachiopods Deposition of black shales (anoxic basin situation) Widespread marine regression=drying out of continents and loss of ecological niches Volcanism (Siberian Traps and S. China) CO2 and SO2 global warming Change in salinity in the oceans? (many evaporate deposits) Shutting down of ocean circulation = anoxic basin = death to marine organisms Extraterrestrial impact?