OÙ VAS-TU ? Objectives: 1. Pupils learn how to say where they are going in the town 2. The verb ‘aller’ 3. Revision of time and using the phrase ‘Je rentre à…’ 4. The verb ‘rentrer’ 5. Pupils learn to name transport and say how they are going somewhere 6. Pupils learn to participate in a conversation to say where they are going, who with, when they will be back and how they are getting there Year group: Year 8 Slide 1 Slides 2-7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Click/touch the board to introduce the question ‘Où vas-tu?’ to pupils. Click/touch the board to teach pupils how to say where they are going in the town, first with a picture prompt, and then with the written phrase. Pupils match up picture prompts to the correct phrase. Click/touch the board and arrows will appear to reveal the correct answers. Pupils put the place into the correct column according to gender in their exercise books or on a mini whiteboard. Click/touch the board each word will appear in the correct column to check answers. Click/touch the board to reveal a colour-coded explanation of the structure ‘Je vais au/à la/à l’/aux…’ Pupils fill in the gaps in each sentence. Click/touch the board to reveal answers, which are colour-coded according to gender. The verb ‘aller’. Pupils unscramble the letters to spell a part of the verb ‘aller’. Click/touch the board to reveal answers. Pupils fill in the gaps with the correct part of the verb ‘aller’. Click/touch the board to reveal each answer. Introduce the question ‘Tu rentres à quelle heure? Click/touch the board to introduce the response ‘Je rentre à…’. Then click/touch the board to reveal a set of times. Pupils work out how to say they will be back at each time. Click/touch the board to check answers. Pupils match up the subject pronouns with correct part of the verb ‘rentrer’. Click/touch the board for the jumbled up parts of the verb to disappear, and then for the correct part to appear alongside each subject pronoun so that pupils may check their answers. Introduce the question ‘On y va comment?’. Click/touch the board to introduce the 4 modes of transport with the picture prompts. Click/touch the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation of the language. Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20 Slide 21 Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24 Pupils match up the pictures and the phrases. Click/touch the board and arrows will appear to reveal the correct answers. Introduce another 4 modes of transport, see slide 17. Pupils complete the gaps with the words that are in the box at the bottom of the slide. Click/touch the board and each word in the box will move up into the correct gap. There is a round of applause on this slide when the exercise is complete. Click/touch the board to revise the question ‘On y va comment?’, introduce the question ‘Tu y vas comment ?’ and reveal a set of picture prompts with questions. Pupils work out answers using ‘On y va..’ and ‘J’y vais…’ correctly. Click/touch the board to reveal answers. Introduce the conversation line by line and practise through repetition work as a whole class, in groups and with individuals and then pupils may work on the conversation with a partner. The symbol prompts down the side help pupils to remember what each line means and as they progress, will enable them to start to remember how to say the conversation without the written version in front of them. Click/touch the board and the instructions appear. Click/touch the board again to remove the instruction off the slide. Pupils say each line of the conversation according to the symbol prompt. Click/touch the board to reveal if they have said the line correctly. Pupils practise saying the conversation and change all the details that are underlined.