
Lifelike Avatars and Agents
through Modeling Communicative Behaviors
Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson
Proseminar Fall 1997
If Nicholas Negroponte's Media Lab has any say, we'll connect to the global
computer exactly the way we connect to each other, through full-bodied, fullminded conversation.
-Stewart Brand, The Media Lab
A face-to-face conversation is an activity in which we participate in a relatively effortless
manner, and where synchronization between participants seems to occur naturally. This is
facilitated by the number of channels we have at our disposal to convey information to
our partners. These channels include the words spoken, intonation of the speech, hand
gestures, facial expression, body posture, orientation and eye gaze.
Although this
interface between people consists of a number of elaborate biological devices that need to
be coordinated at the spur of the moment, we don't seem to be burdened by the
sophisticated control mechanisms. In fact, we are not even aware of the particular motion
or vocal parameters that constantly need to be fed to our conversational engine. After a
successful encounter with another human being, we leave with the general impression of
the transaction but without all the specifics of our communicative performance. We can
therefore say that our face-to-face interface with other people is usually invisible to us in
a similar way as the cones and rods in our eyes.
When we attempt to extend our capability to communicate with the world around us
through the use of technological devices, we are introducing a synthetic layer that often
places explicit constraints on our ability to conduct a natural conversation. This is true
for technology that mediates between people as well as technology that acts as an
interface to conversational computer systems or agents.
The last decade has seen efforts in virtual reality, ubiquitous computing and seamless
media to make technology disappear and have information sharing and manipulation play
the central role in a natural interaction among people and agents. But to even consider
having the interface taking a seat with the invisible retinal tissues, one has to fully
understand and alleviate the constraints that disrupt and hinder the flow of conversation.
Historically, studying interfaces from the perspective of the human user has been an
interest of the Media Lab. I believe that this area of study is necessarily in the province
of research in the Media Lab, for the field of Media Arts and Sciences is thought of as
exploring the technical, cognitive, and aesthetic bases of satisfying human interaction as
mediated by technology1.
State of the art
Transmission of presence
In 1980 the Architecture Machine Group demonstrated a
conversational abilities. The system was dubbed "Talking
Heads" and was basically a video conferencing system where
the live image of each participant was projected into the
hollow sculpture of a head. The sculpture could swivel and
pivot (Figure 1), to indicate gaze direction and nodding as
detected on the sender's end. If such heads were carefully
arranged around each participant, one could actually generate
From the MAS "General Information for Applicants" brochure
Figure1: A live video was projected
on a sculptured head that swiveled
a strong illusion of presence (Brand 1987). Although this approach has not been pursued
further as a practical solution to teleconferencing, many different videoconference
hybrids have attempted to extend beyond the basic
video and voice delivery.
Some support a shared
workspace, such as the ClearBoard system (Ishii and
Kobayashi 1992) (Figure 2) or add a sense of
continuous group awareness such as in the Portholes
project (Dourish and Bly 1992).
Figure 2: Two people working through
the ClearBoard
There are three main problems that make systems based on streaming video difficult to
use for transmitting presence. The first one is that it requires a lot of bandwidth to send a
high quality live picture at a frame rate that captures all conversational motion such as
quick glances or nods. Some research effort is going into finding ways to parameterize
human face motion so that only changes in particular face features need to be sent
(MPEG-4 for example) and we can also expect this problem to diminish as available
bandwidth increases.
But the second problem remains: the user on the transmitting end is living in a space that
is often drastically different than the space surrounding that user's image on the receiving
end. The user's behavior when interpreted on the receiving side does not always make
sense and can in some cases be misleading.
The third problem is scaling. This problem is in fact related to the second problem where
it is clear that combining video images of multiple people is going to cause a lot of
confusion unless the images of the participants are carefully placed around the room
(such as in the Talking Heads demo). But then you are stuck with a fixed number of
participants that all need to have exactly the same setup.
An alternative to using streaming video is to use a graphical representation, or an avatar,
on the receiving end, directly or indirectly controlled by the transmitting user. Avatars
have been used in Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs) to represent soldiers in a
virtual battlefield (the majority of such projects are related to DARPA's SIMNET or the
various multi-player video games) or users in on-line chat systems.
The high-end
versions of such systems drive the avatar's motion by tracking the user's movements and
immerse the user in the avatar's world through head-mounted displays (thus solving the
space ambiguity presented above).
Tracking the user's facial expression and eye
movement is a hard problem and therefore even these high-end Virtual Reality systems
lack adequate fidelity for having a natural conversation.
Low-end avatar-based systems (such as all the commercial graphical chat systems)
usually require users to manipulate their avatars through keyboards, mice or joysticks.
This introduces a new problem: How do you control a fully articulated figure with button
presses, menu selections or stick movements? Furthermore, in light of the previous
discussion about the invisibility of the human interface, how can users possibly recreate
the appropriate communicative behaviors explicitly when most of what happens during a
conversation is spontaneous and even involuntary?
The issue that keeps coming up here is the one of behavior mapping. That is, given a
local user and some transmitted presence of that same user, how do we map the local
behavior onto the remote representation so that it can be appropriately interpreted on the
remote side?
This mapping should take into account variability in the number of
participants and should not require each user to master the art of puppetry.
I believe that the solution to this problem lies in how the image on the receiving end is
composed. The avatar should not mimic precisely what the user is doing, but use its
knowledge of the perceived social situation, the user's communicative intention and some
basic psychosocial competencies to automatically render appropriate communicative
behavior. This solution requires the development of computational models that describe
and predict communicative behavior. By researching the fields of conversation and
discourse analysis, linguistics, sociology and cognitive sciences, I believe we can
construct models that can help us attack the mapping problem.
Studies of human communicative behavior have
seldom been considered in the design of believable
avatars. Significant work includes Judith Donath’s
Collaboration-at-a-Glance (Donath 1995), where an
on-screen participant’s gaze direction changes to
display her attention, and Microsoft’s Comic Chat
(Kurlander et al. 1996), where illustrative comic-style
interaction (Figure 3). In Collaboration-at-a-Glance
the users lack a body and the system only implements a few functions of the head. In
Comic Chat, the conversation is broken into discrete still frames, excluding possibilities
for things like real-time backchannel feedback and subtle gaze.
For my Master's thesis here at the Media Lab titled "Autonomous Communicative
Behavior in Avatars" I built a working prototype of a Distributed Virtual Environment,
BodyChat (Vilhjálmsson 1997), in which users are represented by cartoon-like 3D
animated figures. Interaction between users is allowed through a standard text chat
interface. The new contribution of that work was that visual communicative signals
carried by gaze and facial expression were automatically animated, as well as body
functions such as breathing and blinking. The animation was based on parameters that
reflect the intention of the user in control as well as the text messages that were passed
between users. For instance, when you approach another avatar, you would see from its
gaze behavior whether you were invited to start a conversation, and while you speak your
avatar would take care of animating its face and to some extent the body (Figure 4). In
Figure 4: Facial expression is automatically generated to
accompany a text message in BodyChat
particular it animated functions such as salutations, turn-taking behavior and back
channel feedback.
Humanoid agents
An issue that is closely related to the transmission of presence is the construction of a
synthetic presence. In this case there is not a user on the other end of the line, but a
computer. As a number of researchers have pointed out, there are times when users may
benefit from a conversational system that allows them to have a face-to-face conversation
with an intelligent agent (Laurel 1990, Thorisson and Cassell 1996).
Many research groups around the world are looking
into the various aspects of natural conversational
interfaces, but only a few have actually constructed a
fully animated multi-modal interface agent. The first
system to fluidly employ speech, gaze and some gesture
in the interaction with a humanoid agent is Gandalf
(Figure 5), a prototype agent built on top of an
Figure 5: A user interacting with
Gandalf, a humanoid agent
architecture called Ymir. The architecture is based on a
computational model of psychosocial dialogue expertise and supports the creation of
interfaces that afford full-duplex, real-time face-to-face interaction between a human and
an anthropomorphized agent (Thorisson 1996).
Other multi-modal agent research
projects include the Persona project at Microsoft Research (Ball et al. 1995) and the
Multi-modal Adaptive Interfaces project at the Media Lab (Roy and Pentland 1997).
Future contribution
Future transmission of presence
Building autonomy into an avatar that represents a user brings up many interesting issues.
With the BodyChat system described above, I introduced an approach rather than a
solution. This invites further research, both to see how well the approach can be applied
to more complex situations and how it can be expanded through integration with other
methods and devices. The following two sections elaborate on two different aspects of
expansion. The first deals with the capabilities of the avatar and the second with the
monitoring of the user’s intentions.
Avatar behavior
The MS thesis only started to build a repertoire of communicative behaviors, beginning
with the most essential cues for initiating a conversation. It is important to keep adding to
the modeling of conversational phenomena, both drawing from more literature and,
perhaps more interestingly, through real world empirical studies conducted with a
particular domain in mind. Behaviors that involve more than two people should be
carefully examined and attention should be given to orientation and the spatial formation
of group members. The humanoid models in BodyChat are simple and not capable of
carrying out detailed, co-articulated movements. In particular, the modeling of the arms
and hands needs more work, in conjunction with the expansion of gestural behavior.
User input
An issue that did not get a dedicated discussion in my thesis, but is nevertheless
important to address, is the way by which the user indicates intention to the system.
Because, only when the user's intention is clear, can the avatar automatically select the
most appropriate behavior for the given situation. BodyChat makes the user point, click
and type to give clear signals about intention, but other input methods may allow for
more subtle ways. For example, if the system employed real-time speech communication
between users, parameters, such as intonational markers, could be extracted from the
speech stream. Cameras could also gather important cues about the user’s state. This
gathered information would then be used to help constructing the representation of the
user’s intentions. Other ways of collecting input, such as novel tangible interfaces and
methods in affective computing, can also be considered.
Future humanoid agents
Clearly creating a synthetic communicative character is a major undertaking and the
current state-of-the-art only represents the first brave steps in that direction.
objective with Gandalf was primarily to demonstrate that a fully reactive multi-modal
interaction loop between a user and a character was possible and that communicative
non-verbal behaviors were crucial to making that interaction fluid. But the interaction
itself was limited to a few canned question-response pairs and only a few recognized and
generated behaviors.
We have already started work on the next generation of a humanoid agent where the
emphasis will be on allowing a more flexible conversation through expanded
understanding and generation modules. We are also replacing a cumbersome user body
tracking suit with computer vision allowing people to walk right up to the agent and start
interacting without having to dress up in the agents eyes. Another expansion involves
giving the agent a full upper body with gesturing arms, whereas the earlier version only
had the head and a floating hand showing. All these improvements work towards the
goal of allowing life-like interaction with the agent.
Alongside the technical improvements, we keep building up our repertoire of
communicative behavior models, acquired through literature research, empirical studies
and iterative design.
Presence in Cyberspace
In the novel Neuromancer, Science-fiction writer William Gibson let his imagination run
wild, envisioning the global computer network being a large distributed virtual
environment, much like a parallel dimension, into which people could jack via neural
implants (Gibson 1984). This was a shared graphical space, defying the laws of a
physical reality, allowing people to interact with remote programs, objects and other
people as if they were locally present. This novel stirred many minds and is frequently
referred to as the origin of the term Cyberspace. Although we are currently using
monitors and keyboards to jack into the Internet, shared three dimensional worlds are a
reality and provide a compelling space for interaction.
The idea of being able to jump into an extra dimension that breaks loose of geological
constraints has been appealing to a variety of people.
For example, multi-national
companies that would like their employees in different locations co-operate on a project
would definitely benefit from systems that facilitated conversational flow and natural
feedback in a virtual meeting through intelligent avatars. Another large market that
would embrace technologies that advance the transmission of presence is the
entertainment business. On-line gaming is already a phenomenon spreading like wildfire,
but sadly the only mode of communication supported by most current systems is the roar
of a gun poised to kill. This is even true for games that encourage team play! These
games already provide captivating virtual worlds to inhabit and they often represent users
as avatars, adapted for the environment and the particular game requirements.
Empowering these avatars with communicative abilities would provide for a much richer
experience and allow for a much wider range of on-line recreational activities.
This paper has discussed how a machine should be able to imitate human communicative
behavior, both to facilitate communication between humans and to allow them to have a
face-to-face conversation with an autonomous agent. Whereas humans are dynamic and
spontaneous and interface effortlessly and seamlessly with each other, a machine is only
capable of carrying out behavior that has been explicitly coded into it beforehand. If we
want that machine to provide an interface that is as invisible and natural as our own
conversational mechanisms, we need to empower it with a range of important behaviors
we take for granted in people. Because we take these behaviors for granted and because
they are mostly invisible to our consciousness, we need to methodologically study human
interaction to unveil what goes on. Fields such as conversation and discourse analysis as
well as cognitive sciences give us important tools for conducting this search for patterns
in conversational behavior. Combined with engineering disciplines, computer science
and visual design, we can expect a fusion that gives birth to a new generation of
machines that come closer to having a social awareness than any previous systems. The
MIT Media Lab is a place that nurtures a fusion of this sort and is therefore the perfect
(Ball et al. 1995)
Ball, G., Ling, G., Kurlander, D., Miller, J., Pugh, D., Skelly, T.
Stankosky, A., Thiel, A., Dantzich, M., Wax, T. (1995). Lifelike
Computer Characters: the Persona project at Microsoft Research.
Unpublished technical report
(Brand 1987)
Brand, S. (1987). The Media Lab: Inventing the future at MIT. Viking.
(Donath 1995)
Donath, J. (1995). The Illustrated Conversation. Multimedia Tools and
Applications, 1, 79-88.
(Dourish and Bly 1992)
Dourish, P. and Bly, S. (1992). Portholes: Supporting Awareness in a
Distributed Work Group. Proceedings of Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '92), ACM SIGCHI,
California, 3-7 May 1992
(Gibson 1984)
Gibson, W. (1984). Neuromancer. New York: Ace Books.
(Ishii and Kobayashi 1992)
Ishii, H. and Kobayashi, M., ClearBoard: A Seamless Media for Shared
Drawing and Conversation with Eye-Contact. Proceedings of
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '92),
ACM SIGCHI, Monterey, 3-7 May 1992, pp. 525-532
(Kurlander et al. 1996)
Kurlander, D., Skelly, T., Salesin, D. (1996). Comic Chat. Proceedings of
(Laurel 1990)
Laurel, B. (1990). Interface Agents: Metaphors with Character. The Art
of Human-Computer Interface Design. Ed. Laurel. B. Apple
Computer, Inc.
(Thorisson 1996)
Thorisson, K. R. (1996). Communicative Humanoids: A Computational
Model of Psychosocial Dialogue Skills. Ph.D. Thesis. MIT Media
(Thorisson and Cassell 1996)
Thórisson, K.R., J. Cassell (1996) Why Put an Agent in a Human Body:
The Importance of Communicative Feedback in Human-Humanoid
Dialogue. (abstract) In Proceedings of Lifelike Computer
Characters '96, Snowbird, Utah, 44-45.
(Vilhjálmsson 1997)
Vilhjálmsson, H. H. (1997). Autonomous Communicative Behaviors in
Avatars. MS Thesis MIT Media Lab.