MODULE TITLE European Tourism Field Project Module Code Semester of Delivery State whether module is Mandatory, Elective or Option Level (4/5/6/7) Credit Points Assessment Pattern: Components & Weighting Pre-Requisite Modules (if applicable) Breakdown of Student Learning Hours by Type* 19-5T03-00S 1 and 2 Mandatory/ Elective: According to route Module Leader & School Module Banding Will Module be offered via Blackboard? Date of Original Approval Date of Next Review 1 5 20 100% Coursework The Tourist or The Tourism System 24 hours workshop 1 week field visit self-study Nicola Foster School of Sport and Leisure Management C Yes RATIONALE Throughout this module, students investigate tourism in a specific destination region, namely Barcelona and its surrounding region of Catalonia (North East Spain). Barcelona is a cosmopolitan city that has witnessed dramatic growth in tourism since hosting the 1992 Olympic Games. Catalonia has a highly developed tourism industry and is particularly known for its coastal resorts. This module is unique in the sense that students undertake an educational field visit to the region and thereby have the opportunity to gain practical experience and insight into tourism within Catalonia. Students develop both academic and professional skills through an organised programme including day excursions to rural, coastal, historic town and urban destinations, presentations from Catalan tourism industry representatives, and group projects and activities. Students carry out assessed preparatory work in advance of the field visit to develop critical awareness of tourism in Catalonia. 2 SUMMARY OF AIMS The overarching aim of this module is to investigate the development of tourism in Barcelona and the surrounding region of Catalonia, located in north-east Spain, through preparatory activities throughout semester 3 one, an educational field visit to the destination and a series of workshops taking place throughout semester two. ANTICIPATED LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: 4 explain the development of tourism in Catalonia as well as interpret and evaluate future development prospects (KU, C); review and investigate the supply-side of the Catalan tourism industry and its effective management (C); examine and compare urban, coastal and rural destinations and their products (C); recognise and assess the effects of internal, external and competitive business environments operating within the Catalan tourism industry (S); discuss the demand-side of the region's tourism industry (C); identify and apply the impacts of tourism to the Catalonia region (KU, C); practise fieldwork research skills during the visit to Catalonia (K). LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY AND METHODS, INCLUDING RESOURCES The main strategy for teaching and learning on this module is an educational field visit to Catalonia. The module is also taught through a series of workshop sessions during semester two and some preparation meetings and work throughout semester one. The field visit component of the module involves an organised programme of daily excursions, industry speakers and group work activities, encouraging students to put theory into practice and to develop professional skills. Group tasks are based upon observational work and tourism fieldwork research methodologies. Regular feedback sessions throughout the field visit concentrate on group discussions and informal presentations. A small proportion of the module is taught in semester one and content focuses on preparing students for the field visit (which takes place towards the end of this semester). During semester two, a series of interactive, student-led workshops are held and these concentrate on developing students' first hand knowledge and experience of tourism in Catalonia. This module encourages student-centred learning through an interactive web site and CAL project, designed by CTTC staff. 5 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK STRATEGY AND METHODS The learning outcomes are 100% coursework assessed through use of two formative assignment components and one summative piece of work. All coursework components are based on tourism development and the tourism industry within Catalonia. The first assignment involves teamwork and students undertake investigative research into the field study region. This assignment has a dual purpose in that it encourages students to develop an awareness of the field study region in advance of the field visit, and it develops their group working skills. Students are given formative feedback on assignment one before the field visit takes place. In turn, students use the knowledge that they have acquired, through completion of this assignment, throughout the field visit. The main foci of the second and third assignments are the fieldwork and observational activities that students conduct whilst within Catalonia. Students draw upon their fieldwork experience for assignment two and work in teams to design and present short break holiday brochures for specific tourism products and market segments. The third assignment is essay based and summative in nature. It concentrates on students' fieldwork experience in conjunction with their theoretical awareness of tourism at the field study destination region. This summative assessment provides students with the opportunity to illustrate their wider understanding of tourism issues in Catalonia. 6 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Student achieving a pass in this module will demonstrate: 7 the ability to present work to degree standard at level two; in-depth knowledge of tourism issues affecting the field visit region; that wider research and self-study has taken place; the ability to critically evaluate relevant theory, issues, concepts and examples; effective working with others in team based assignments; correct referencing techniques where appropriate in assignments; verbal and written skills in effectively communicating ideas. INDICATIVE CONTENTS, READING LIST AND RESOURCES Indicative content The following curriculum will be covered within the module: the evolution of tourism in Catalonia, current developments and future prospects; the supply-side of the Catalan tourism industry and its effective management; urban, coastal and rural tourism destinations and products; business environments operating within the Catalan tourism industry; the demand-side of the region's tourism industry; environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political impacts of tourism within Catalonia; fieldwork research skills. Reading list and resources Ashworth, G.J. and Dietvorst, A.G.J. (Eds.) (1995), Tourism and Spatial Transformations: Implications for Policy and Planning, CAB International. (Chapter 3: Priestly, G.K. Evolution of tourism on the Spanish coast) Barke, M., Towner, J. & Newton, M.T. (Eds.) (1996), Tourism in Spain: Critical Issues, CAB International: Wallingford. (This book contains many relevant chapters to the module). Cococossis, H. and Nijkamp, P. (Eds.) (1995), Sustainable Tourist Development, Athenaeum Press Ltd. (Chapter 13: Priestly, G.K. Problems of tourism development in Spain) Law, C.M. (Ed.) (1996), Tourism in Major Cities, International Thomson Business Press. (Chapter 5: Priestly, G.K. City Tourism in Spain: a recently discovered potential) Pompl, W. & Lavery, P. (Eds.) (1993), Tourism in Europe: Structures and Developments, CAB International: Wallingford. (Chapter 14: Albert-Pinole, I. Tourism in Spain) Richards, G. (Ed) (1996), Cultural Tourism in Europe, CAB International. (Chapter 15: Maiztegui-Onate, C. and Areitio Bertolin, M.T. Cultural Tourism in Spain) Williams, A. & Shaw, G. (1998), Tourism and Economic Development European experiences, Third edition. Wiley. (Chapter 3: Valenzuela, M. Spain: from the phenomenon of mass tourism to the search for a more diversified model) Priestly, G.K., Edwards, J.A. and Coccossis, H. (Eds) (1996), Sustainable Tourism? European Experiences. CAB International. (Chapter 5: Morris, A. Tourism and local awareness: Costa Brava, Spain. Chapter 7: Priestly, G.K. Structural dynamics of tourism and recreation-related development: the Catalan coast) Smith, V.L. (Ed.) (1989), Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, University of Pennsylvania Press. (Chapter 10: Pi-Sunyer, O. Through native eyes: tourists and tourism in a Catalan maritime community) Garcia, S. (1991), Urbanisation and the Functions of Cities in the European Community. European Institute for Urban Affairs. Hughes, R. (1992), Barcelona. Harvill/Vintage. Jensen-Butler, C., Schachar, A. and Van Weesep, J. (Eds) (1997), European Cities in Competition. Aldershot: Avebury. (Chapter 7:Sanchez, J. Barcelona: the Olympic city) Sharpe, L. J. (Ed) (1995), The Government of World Cities: The Future of the Metro Model, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Chapter 3:Grimaldos, A. and Ferrer, C. The Barcelona Metropolitan Area) 8 MODULE BANDING OTHER THAN A C