Richard J. Finder, M.D., F.A.C.S. Jonathan L. Masel, M.D., F.A.C.S. (954) 961-7500 Patient:_______________________ Date:________________ Review of Systems Do you now or have you had any problems related to the following systems? Circle Yes or No. Constitutional Symptoms Fever Y N Chills Y N Headache Y N Other __________________________________________ Integumentary Skin rash Y N Boils Y N Persistent itch Y N Other __________________________________________ Eyes Blurred vision Y N Double vision Y N Pain Y N Other __________________________________________ Musculoskeletal Joint pain Y N Neck pain Y N Back pain Y N Other __________________________________________ Allergic/Immunologic Hay Fever Drug allergies Other __________________________________________ Ear/Nose/Throat/Mouth Ear infection Y N Sore throat Y N Sinus problem Y N Other __________________________________________ Neurological Tremors Y N Dizzy spells Y N Numbness/tingling Y N Other __________________________________________ Genitourinary Urine retention Y N Painful urination Y N Urinary frequency Y N Other __________________________________________ Endocrine Excessive thirst Y N Too hot/cold Y N Tired/sluggish Y N Other __________________________________________ Respiratory Wheezing Y N Frequent cough Y N Shortness of breath Y N Other __________________________________________ Gastrointestinal Abdominal pain Y N Nausea/vomiting Y N Indigestion/heartburn Y N Other __________________________________________ Hematologic/Lymphatic Swollen glands Blood clotting problem Cardiovascular Chest pain Varicose veins High blood pressure Psychologic Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel severely depressed? Have you considered suicide? Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Other __________________________________________ N N Other __________________________________________ Y Y Y N N N Other __________________________________________ Physician use only: (Comments/Notes) Answers 0-1 2-9 10+ Y Y Level of Service 1 or 2 3 4 or 5 Physician Signature: _______________________________________________