SAN LUIS OBISPO HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OFFICER ELECTION CONTRACT Name: _________________________ Cell Phone #:________________________ Office Running For: _______________________________________ Current 2nd Period Class: _____________________Teacher:_____________________ Room #:_________ Current 3rd Period Class:_____________________ Teacher:____________________ Room #:_________ Current Grade Level: (circle one) 9 10 11 Current GPA From 2nd Trimester:___________ GPA Verified by Mrs. Wright (records):___________ Platform Statement/Resume: Attach a short resume/bio outlining your qualifications, achievements, etc. It should contain a platform statement outlining your reasons for running for student government. This platform statement will be available for all students at SLOHS to view. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Campaign Regulations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No handing out food or drink as part of campaigning. No campaigning within 100 feet of the polls. You must clean up all posters and campaign materials after the polls close. Use only blue painters tape on doors and windows. No negative campaigning against opponents. Campaign materials must be school appropriate, if you have a question if it is appropriate you may ask Mr. Johnson before hanging it up. Do not remove or alter any other candidate’s signs or campaign materials. If anyone from your campaign is involved in this, you may be disqualified from running for office. *If elected: I agree to attend the ASB Retreat. Full participation in ASB activities as required by my position. Enrollment in third period leadership call in all 3 trimesters. I have verified that the above student will be able to enroll in the ASB/Leadership class for all three trimesters for the 2014-2015 academic years. _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of your counselor date I have read and agree to abide by all the rules and requirements regarding the ASB elections/leadership class. I realize that if I cannot meet the requirements I will be required to resign my office. ____________________________________________________________________ Student Signature date I have read and support the rules and requirements affecting my son/daughters candidacy for ASB office. ____________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature date San Luis Obispo High School Class Officer Elections Petition for Candidacy NAME OF CANDIDATE: _______________________________________________ CLASS OF: (CIRCLE ONE) 2015 2016 2017 POSITION DESIRED: (CHECK ONE) CLASS PRESIDENT_______ CLASS VICE PRESIDENT________ CLASS SECRETARY/TREASURER_______ We, the undersigned, support the above named candidate for nomination to the Class Office checked above. Print Name Signature 1. _______________________________ _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ _______________________________ 7. _______________________________ _______________________________ 8. _______________________________ _______________________________ 9. _______________________________ _______________________________ 10. _______________________________ _______________________________ 11. _______________________________ _______________________________ 12. _______________________________ _______________________________ 13. _______________________________ _______________________________ 14. _______________________________ _______________________________ 15. _______________________________ _______________________________ 16. _______________________________ _______________________________ 17. _______________________________ _______________________________ 18. _______________________________ _______________________________ 19. _______________________________ _______________________________ 20. _______________________________ _______________________________ San Luis Obispo High School Associated Student Body Class Officer Application for Candidacy Letter of Reference Student Name: ______________________________________ Grade: _________ I am applying for the position of: (Check One) ______Class President ______Class Vice President ______Class Secretary/Treasurer The above named student is running for office in the SLOHS Student Government. Please write a brief letter of recommendation stating why you feel this student could effectively serve the student body. Submitted By: ________________________________________________ (Name) Relationship to applicant: _______________________________________ 2014 ASB CLASS OFFICER ELECTION PACKET MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the San Luis Obispo High School Associated Student Body shall be to create a fun, safe learning environment that encourages success; to ensure all students are equally represented, involved and heard; be a liaison between students, staff and the community; establish unity and trust between students, staff, and the ASB; thus encouraging school spirit and pride. Elections for next years ASB officers will be taking place soon. We are looking for energetic, creative and hard working students who would like to be part of their school’s leadership class. Criteria for these positions are located below along with a timeline of events and deadlines. Job descriptions are attached to this packet. No applications will be accepted after the deadlines. Commissioner applications and interviews will be held after the ASB elections. **ALL ASB CANDIDATES MUST HAVE AT LEAST A 2.5 GPA AND HAVE GOOD CITIZENSHIP STANDINGS.** Elected ASB Class Offices: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer Election Timeline April 29 Pick up ASB election packets in Activities office and complete packet. Turn in the completed packet to Mr. Johnson or put in his box * * THE SOONER YOU COMPLETE THE ELECTION PACKET, THE SOONER YOU CAN BEGIN TO CAMPAIGN. Check with Mr. Johnson to be sure you qualify to run for ASB office. ** READ THE ATTACHED PAPER ON CAMPAIGN RULES! May 8 LAST DAY to turn in ASB Class Officer Packets, (election contract, petition to nominate and letter of recommendation) due by 3: 30 PM in the ASB office or to Mr. Johnson. May 12 Filming of Speeches before School May 12 Hall of candidates during Break and Lunch May 13,14,15 Presentation of Speeches on TNN May 15-16 ASB elections online at May19 Announcement of ASB Class Officers TBA. CLASS OFFICERS 2014-2015 The following positions are open for next year’s sophomore, junior, and senior classes. CLASS PRESIDENT CLASS VICE-PRESIDENT CLASS SECRETARY/TREASURER General Responsibilities: 1. The class President shall have the power to call and preside over all class meetings. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all class committees, School Advisory Council, and shall be a non-voting member of the Student Congress. 2. The class Vice-President shall, in case of a vacancy in the office of class President, assume all the responsibilities of that office. 3. The class Secretary/Treasurer shall keep written minutes of all class meetings and conduct official correspondence carried on in the name of the class. He/she shall assume the duties of class President in the absence of all other class officers. They shall keep a record of all financial transactions carried on in the name of the class. He/she shall assume the duties of class President in the absence of all other class officers. 4. As a team, the class officers are responsible for organizing all Homecoming activities for their class. They are also responsible for fundraising events to provide income for class activities and decorating for rallies. Class officers are required to represent their class with their class advisor at all school elections. Year-Specific Responsibilities: SOPHOMORE OFFICERS: The primary goal of Sophomore officers is to begin raising money for Junior Prom. Sophomores will work to sell PE clothing with their advisor at registration day and during the year. The first and second trimesters of leadership class are required. JUNIOR OFFICERS: Junior officers plan Prom. Junior officers are responsible for raising funds for Prom. Prom is a fundraiser for your senior year. Junior officers are required to be in the leadership class all three trimesters. SENIOR OFFICERS: Senior officers organize graduation activities including Senior Showcase, Senior Picnic, and Graduation Ceremonies. Senior officers are required to be in the leadership class all three trimesters. SAN LUIS HIGH SCHOOL ASB ELECTIONS Campaign Rules & Suggestions 1. Do not use masking tape or duct tape. Use only blue painters tape. 2. Make quality posters, and make sure they stay up. The life expectancy of a campaign poster is 20 minutes. A suggestion is to put tape in the corners of a poster, punch a hole in the taped area and attach the poster with zip ties to fences etc. 3. When taping campaign flyers up, tape all four corners, make it look neat. Any campaign flyers that are “rolling up” and cannot be read will be removed by the ASB Director, Administration, and or Chair of the Elections Committee 4. There are other forms of advertising other than posters, use them. 5. Be creative, it shows what kind of officer you will be. 6. Be positive, no negative campaigning. 7. No posters are to be hung off the second story balcony, on trees, the cement, on the ground, on the steps, on the railings, on the picnic benches, recycling bins, garbage cans, interior walls along the admin hallway and the locker areas in the administration building. You cannot use dry erase markers on windows. Where to post campaign materials: Bulletin boards Along the fence in the parking lot as you walk onto campus (fences off the football field…see # 2 above “yard sign” style signs on grass …careful figure out when sprinklers go on In teachers rooms; you must ask permission. Teachers do not have to allow you to hang a campaign sign in their room Interior halls in math wing, science wing, foreign language wing and English wing Locker rooms, provided permission by PE staff Interior walls/hallways of gym Staircases, up at least half way up the staircase, preferably of sight from bottom floor CAMPAIGN MATERIAL IS A REFLECTION ON YOUR CAMPIGN AND OUR SCHOOL…QUALITY GOES A LONG WAY!