Dr Guy Woodward (Senior Lecturer in Ecology) Correspondence Tel e-mail Web pages School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London E1 4NS. U.K. +442078823056(W) g.woodward@qmul.ac.uk 1. https://www2.sbcs.qmul.ac.uk/staff/guy_woodward 2. http://www.sbcs.qmul.ac.uk/staff/guywoodward.html a) Peer-reviewed journal papers (* denotes Woodward as Corresponding Author) 2001 1. *Woodward G. and Hildrew A.G. (2001) Invasion of a stream food web by a new top predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 70, 273-288. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2001%20Repr ints/Woodward%20and%20Hildrew%202001%20JAE.pdf 2002 2. *Woodward G. and Hildrew A.G. (2002) The impact of a sit and wait predator: separating consumption and prey emigration. Oikos 99, 409-418. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2002%20Repr ints/Woodward%20and%20Hildrew%202002%20Oikos.pdf 3. Ledger M.E., Crowe A.L.M., Woodward G. and Winterbourn M.J. (2002) Is the mobility of stream insects related to their diet?. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 154, 4159. 4. *Woodward G., and Hildrew A.G. (2002) Food web structure in riverine landscapes. Freshwater Biology 47, 777-798. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2002%20Repr ints/Woodward%20and%20Hildrew%202002%20FB.pdf 5. *Woodward G., and Hildrew A.G. (2002) Differential vulnerability of prey to an invading top predator: integrating field surveys and laboratory experiments. Ecological Entomology 27, 732-744. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2002%20Repr ints/Woodward%20and%20Hildrew%202002%20EE.pdf 6. *Woodward G., and Hildrew A.G. (2002) Body-size determinants of niche overlap and intraguild predation within a complex food web. Journal of Animal Ecology 71, 1063-1074. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2002%20Repr ints/Woodward%20and%20Hildrew%202002%20JAE.pdf 1 7. *Woodward G., Jones, J.I. and Hildrew, A.G. (2002) Community persistence in Broadstone Stream (UK) over three decades. Freshwater Biology 47, 1419-1435. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2002%20Repr ints/Woodward%2C%20Jones%20and%20Hildrew%202002%20FB.pdf 2003 – n/a 2004 8. Hildrew A.G., Woodward G., Winterbottom J.H. and Orton S. (2004) Strong density-dependence in a predatory insect: larger scale experiments in a stream. Journal of Animal Ecology 73, 448-458. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2004%20Repr ints/Hildrew%20et%20al%202004%20JAE.pdf 9. Petchey O.L., Downing A.L., Mittelbach G.G., Persson L., Steiner C.F., Warren P.H. and Woodward G. (2004) Species loss and the structure and functioning of multitrophic aquatic systems. Oikos 104, 467-478. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2004%20Repr ints/Petchey%20et%20al%202004.pdf 2005 10. Shorten, M., Woodward, G. et al. (2005) Kinematic analysis of swimming in Australian box jellyfish - Chiropsalmus sp.and Chironex fleckeri (Cubozoa, Cnidaria, Chirodropidae). Journal of Zoology, 267, 371–380. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2005%20Repr ints/Shorten%20et%20al%20Journal%20of%20Zoology.pdf 11. Brose U. et al. (2005) Body sizes of consumers and their resources. Ecology, 86, 2545-2546. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2005%20Repr ints/Brose%20et%20al%202005%20Ecology.pdf 12. *Woodward G., Speirs D.C. and Hildrew A.G. (2005) Quantification and temporal resolution of a complex size-structured food web. Advances in Ecological Research 36, 85-135. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2005%20Repr ints/Woodward%2C%20Speirs%20%26%20Hildrew%202005%20AER.pdf 13. *Woodward, G., Ebenman, B., Emmerson, M., Montoya, J.M., Olesen, J.M., Valido, A. & Warren, P.H. (2005) Body-size in ecological networks. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20, 402-409. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2005%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20el%202005%20TREE.pdf 2006 2 14. Brose U. et al. (2006) Consumer-resource body-size relationships in natural food webs. Ecology, 87, 2411-2417. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2006%20Repr ints/Brose%20et%20al%202006%20Ecology.pdf 2007 15. Woodward, G. & Warren, P.H. (2007) Body size and predatory interactions in freshwaters: scaling from individuals to communities. pp 98-117 in: Body size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems. Eds: Hildrew, A.G., Raffaelli, D. and Edmonds-Brown, R. Cambridge University Press. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2007%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%26%20Warren%202007%20BES.pdf 16. *Woodward, G. & Layer, K. (2007) Pattern and process in the Lochnagar food web. Eds. N. Rose. Lochnagar: The Natural History of a Mountain Lake. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research. 231- 252. Springer. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2007%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%26%20Layer%202007%20Lochnagar%20food%20web%20 %28Chapter%2011%29.pdf 2008 17. *Yvon-Durocher, G., Montoya, J.M., Emmerson, M.C. and Woodward, G. (2008) Macroecological patterns and niche structure in a new marine food web. Central European Journal of Biology, 3, 91-103. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2008%20Repr ints/Yvon-Durocher%20et%20al%202008%20CEJB.pdf 18. McKie, B.G., Woodward, G., Hladyz, S., Nistorescu, M., Preda, E., Popescu, C., Giller, P.S. and Malmqvist, B. (2008) Ecosystem functioning in stream assemblages from different regions: contrasting responses to variation in detritivore richness, evenness and density. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77, 495– 504. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2008%20Repr ints/McKie%20et%20al%202008%20JAE.pdf 19. *Woodward, G., Papantoniou, G., Edwards, F.E. and Lauridsen, R. (2008) Trophic trickles and cascades in a complex food web: impacts of a keystone predator on stream community structure and ecosystem processes. Oikos, 117, 683-692. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2008%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20al%20Oikos%202008%20online%20version.pdf 2009 20. Reuman, D.C., Mulder, C., Banasek-Richter, C., Cattin Blandenier, M.F., Breure, A.M., Den Hollander, H., Knetiel, J.M., Raffaelli, D., Woodward, G. and Cohen, 3 J.E. (2009) Allometry of body size and abundance in 166 food webs. Advances in Ecological Research, 41, 1-46 . http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Reuman%20et%20al%20%282009%29%20%20Allometries%20in%20food% 20webs%20-%20Advances%20in%20Ecological%20Research.pdf 21. Vaughan, I.P., Diamond, M., Gurnell, A.M., Hall, K.A., Jenkins, A., Milner, N.J., Naylor, L.A., Sear, D.A., Woodward, G. & Ormerod, S.J. (2009) Integrating ecology with hydromorphology: a priority for river science and management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19, 113-125. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Vaughan%20et%20al%202009%20Ecohydromorphology%20Review%20%2 0-%20Aquatic%20Conservation.pdf 22. *Hladyz, S., Gessner, M.O., Giller, P.S., Pozo, J. & Woodward, G. (2009). Resource quality and stoichiometric constraints in a stream food web. Freshwater Biology, 54, 957–970. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Hladyz%20et%20al%202009%20Freshwater%20Biology%20online%20early .pdf 23. * Woodward, G. (2009) Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and food webs in freshwaters: assembling the jigsaw puzzle. Freshwater Biology, 54, 2171-2187. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%282009%29%20Biodiversity%20%26%20food%20webs%2 0Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 24. *Ings,T.C., Montoya, J.M., Bascompte, J., Bluthgen, N., Brown, L., Dormann, C.F., Edwards, F., Figueroa, D., Jacob, U., Jones, J.I., Lauridsen, R.B., Ledger, M.E., Lewis, H.M., Olesen, J.M., Van Veen, F.J.F., Warren, P.H., & Woodward, G. (2009). Ecological networks - beyond food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78, 253-269. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Ings%20et%20al%20%282009%29%20%20JAE%20Ecological%20networks .pdf 25. Reiss, J., Bridle, J., Montoya, J.M. and Woodward, G. (2009) Emerging horizons in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24, 505-514. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Reiss%20et%20al%202009%20TREE.pdf 26. Montoya, J.M., Woodward, G., Emmerson, M.C., and Sole, R.C. (2009) Press perturbations and indirect effects in real food webs. Ecology, 90, 2426-2433. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Montoya%20et%20al%20%282009%29%20Ecology%20%20Press%20perturbations%20%26%20indirect%20effects.pdf 2010 4 27. Riipinen, M., Fleituch, T., Hladyz, S., Woodward, G., Giller, P.S. and Dobson, M. (2010) Invertebrate community structure and ecosystem functioning in European conifer plantation streams. Freshwater Biology, 55, 346-359. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Riipinen%20et%20al%202009%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 28. Larranaga, A., Layer, K., Basaguren, A., Pozo, J. and Woodward, G. (2010) Consumer body composition and community structure in a stream food web is altered by pH. Freshwater Biology, 55, 670–680. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Larra%C3%B1aga%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Consumer%20body% 20composition%20v%20pH%20F-%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 29. Woodward, G., Christensen, J.B., Olafsson, J.S., Gislason, G.M., Hannesdottir, E.R. and Friberg, N. (2010) Sentinel systems on the razor's edge: effects of warming on Arctic stream ecosystems. Global Change Biology,16, 1979-1991. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2009%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20al%202009%20Global%20Change%20Biology.pdf 30. *Rawcliffe, R., Sayer, C.D., Woodward, G., Grey, J., Davidson,, T.A. & Jones, J.I. (2010) Back to the future: using palaeolimnology to infer long-term changes in shallow lake food webs. Freshwater Biology, 55, 600–613. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Rawcliffe%20et%20al%20%282009%29%20Palaeo%20food%20webs%20%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 31. Yvon-Durocher, G., Woodward, G., Jones, J.I., Trimmer, M. & Montoya, J.M. (2010) Warming alters the metabolic balance of ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365, 2117-2126. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Yvon-Duroher%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Metabolic%20balance%20%20Phil%20Trans%20Roy%20Soc%20B.pdf 32. *Woodward, G., Perkins, D.M., Brown, L.E. (2010) Climate change in freshwater ecosystems: impacts across multiple levels of organisation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365, 2093-2106. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Climate%20change%20in%20 freshwater%20ecosystems.%20Phil%20Trans%20Roy%20Soc%20B.pdf 33. *Perkins, D.M., Reiss, J., Yvon-Durocher, G. and Woodward, G. (2010) Global change and food webs in running waters. Hydrobiologia, 657, 181-198. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Perkins%20et%20al%202010%20Global%20change%20and%20food%20we bs%20in%20running%20waters%20-%20Hydrobiologia.pdf 34. *Layer, K., Hildrew, A.G., Monteith, D. and Woodward, G. (2010) Long-term variation in the littoral food web of an acidified mountain lake. Global Change Biology , 11, 3133-3143. 5 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Layer%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20%20Global%20Change%20Biology%20%28online%20early%20version%29.pdf 35. *Layer, K., Riede, J.O., Hildrew, A.G. and Woodward, G. (2010) Food web structure and stability in 20 streams across a wide pH gradient. Advances in Ecological Research, 42, 265-301. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Layer%20et%20al%20%282010%29%2020%20food%20webs%20across%2 0a%20pH%20gradient.%20Adv.%20Ecol.%20Res..pdf 36. *Hladyz, S., Tiegs, S.D., Gessner, M.O., Giller, P.S., Risnoveanu, G., Preda, E., Nistorescu, M., Schindler, M. and Woodward, G. (2010) Leaf-litter breakdown in pasture and deciduous woodland streams: a comparison among three European regions. Freshwater Biology, 55, 1916-1929. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Hladyz%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Litter%20processing%20in%20pa sture%20v%20deciduous%20streams%20-%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 37. Olesen, J.M., Dupont, Y.L., O'Gorman, E.J, Ings, T.C., Layer, K., Melián, C.J., Troejelsgaard, K., Pichler, D.E., Rasmussen, C. and Woodward, G. (2010) From Broadstone to Zackenberg: space, time and hierarchies in ecological networks. Advances in Ecological Research, 42, 1-71. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Olesen%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20%20Advances%20in%20Ecological%20Research.pdf 38. *Woodward, G., Benstead, J.P., Beveridge, O.S., Blanchard, J., Brey, T., Brown, L., Cross, W.F., Friberg, N., Ings, T.C., Jacob, U., Jennings, S., Ledger, M.E., Milner, A.M., Montoya, J.M., O'Gorman, E.O., Olesen, J.M., Petchey, O.L., Pichler, D.E., Reuman, D.C., Thompson, M.S., Van Veen, F.J.F., and YvonDurocher, G. (2010) Ecological networks in a changing climate. Advances in Ecological Research, 42, 72-138. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Ecological%20networks%20in %20a%20changing%20climate%20-%20Adv%20Ecol%20Res.pdf 39. *Perkins, D. M., McKie, B.G., Malmqvist, B., Gilmour, S.G., Reiss, J. and Woodward, G. (2010) Environmental warming and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning in freshwater microcosms: partitioning the effects of species identity, richness and metabolism. Advances in Ecological Research, 43,177-209. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Perkins%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20BEF%20and%20metabolism%20-%20AECR.pdf 40. Purdy, K.J., Hurd, P.J., Moya-Laraño, J., Trimmer, M. and Woodward, G. (2010) Systems biology for ecology: from molecules to ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research, 43, 87-149. 6 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Purdy%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Systems%20biology%20for%20eco logy%20-%20AECR.pdf 41. *Reiss, J., Bailey, R.A., Cássio, F., Woodward, G. and Pascoal, C. (2010a) Assessing the contribution of micro-organisms and macrofauna to biodiversityecosystem functioning relationships in freshwater microcosms. Advances in Ecological Research, 43, 150-176. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Reiss%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20B-EF%20in%20microcosms%20%20AECR.pdf 42. *Woodward, G., Blanchard, J., Lauridsen, R.B., Edwards, F.K., Jones, J.I., Figueroa, D., Warren, P.H., and Petchey, O.L. (2010) Individual-based food webs: species identity, body size and sampling effects. Advances in Ecological Research, 43, 211-266. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Woodward%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Individualbased%20food%20webs%20-%20AECR.pdf 43. Yvon-Durocher, G., Allen, A.P., Montoya, J.M., Trimmer, M. and Woodward, G. (2010) The temperature dependence of the carbon cycle in aquatic systems. Advances in Ecological Research, 43, 267-313. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/YvonDurocher%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Freshwater%20carbon%20cycle%2 0and%20warming%20-%20AECR.pdf 2011 44. Yvon-Durocher G, Montoya JM, Jones JI, Woodward G, Trimmer M (2011) Warming alters the fraction of primary production released as methane in freshwater mesocosms. Global Change Biology, 17, 1225-1234. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/YvonDuroher%20et%20al%20%282010%29%20Warming%20alter%20Distribution%2 0of%20Biomass%20in%20Freshwater%20Ecosystems%20%20Global%20Change%20Biology.pdf 45. Brown, L., Edwards, F., Milner, A., Woodward, G., Ledger, M. (2011) Food web complexity and allometric-scaling relationships in stream mesocosms: implications for experimentation. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 884-895. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Brown%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Experimental%20food%20webs%2 0-%20J%20Anim%20Ecol.pdf 46. Demars, B., Woodward, G. et al. (2011) Temperature and the metabolic balance of streams. Freshwater Biology, 56, 1106-1121. 7 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Demars%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Temperature%20dependence%2 0of%20respiration%20-%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 47. *Yvon-Durocher G, Montoya JM, Trimmer M and Woodward G (2011) Warming alters the size spectrum and shifts the distribution of biomass in freshwater ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 17, 1681-1694. 48. Yvon-Durocher, G., Reiss, J., Blanchard,J., Ebenman, B., Perkins, D.M., Reuman, D.C., Thierry, A., Woodward, G. and Petchey, O.L. (2011) Across ecosystem comparisons of size structure: methods, approaches, and prospects. Oikos, 120, 550-563. 49. *Hladyz, S., Ǻbjörnsson, K., Giller, P.S. and Woodward, G. (2011) Impacts of an aggressive riparian invader on community structure and ecosystem functioning in stream food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 453-452. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Hladyz%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Rhododendron%20invasion%20%20J.%20Appl.%20Ecol..pdf 50. Ledger, M.E., Edwards, F.K., Brown, L.E., Milner, A.M. and Woodward, G. (2011) Impact of simulated drought on ecosystem biomass production: an experimental test in stream mesocosms. Global Change Biology, 17, 2288-2297. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Ledger%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Impacts%20of%20drought%20on %20secondary%20production%20in%20stream%20mesocosms%20%20Global%20Change%20Biology.pdf 51. *Reiss, J., Bailey, R.A., Perkins, D.M., Pluchinotta, A. and Woodward, G. (2011) Testing effects of consumer richness, evenness and body size on ecosystem functioning. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 1145-1154. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Reiss%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20%20BEF%20and%20body%20size%20-%20J.%20Anim.%20Ecol..pdf 52. *Hladyz, S., Ǻbjörnsson, K., Cariss, H., Chauvet, E., Dobson, M., Elosegi, A., Ferreira, V., Fleituch, T., Gessner, M.O., Giller, P.S., Graça, M.A.S., Gulis, V., Hutton, S.A.,Lacoursière, J., Lamothe, S., Lecerf, A., Malmqvist, B., McKie, B.G., Nistorescu, M., Preda, E., Riipinen, M.P., Rîşnoveanu, G., Schindler, M., Tiegs, S.D., Vought, L.B.M., and Woodward, G. (2011) Stream ecosystem functioning in an agricultural landscape: the importance of terrestrial-aquatic linkages. Advances in Ecological Research, 44, 211-276. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Hladyz%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Terrestrialaquatic%20links%20and%20stream%20ecosystem%20functioning%20%20Adv.%20Ecol.%20Res..pdf 8 53. Friberg, N., Bonada, N., Bradley, D.C., Dunbar, M.J., Edwards, F.K., Grey, J., Hayes, R.B., Hildrew, A.G., Lamouroux, N., Trimmer, M., and Woodward, G. (2011) Biomonitoring of human impacts in freshwater ecosystems: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Advances in Ecological Research, 44, 2-68. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Friberg%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Biomonitoring%20in%20freshwate rs%20-%20Adv%20Ecol%20Res.pdf 54. *Layer, K., Hildrew, A.G., Jenkins, G.B., Riede, J., Rossiter, S.J., Townsend, C.R., and Woodward, G. (2011) Long-term dynamics of a well-characterised food web: four decades of acidification and recovery in the Broadstone Stream model system. Advances in Ecological Research, 44, 69-117. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Layer%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20%20Broadstone%20Stream%20foo d%20web%20over%204%20decades%20of%20research%20%20Adv%20Ecol%20Res.pdf 55. Gudmundsdottir, R., Gislason, G.M., Palsson, S., Olafsson, J.S., Schomacker, A., Hannesdottir, E.R., Friberg, N., Woodward, G., and Moss, B. (2011) Effects of temperature regime on primary producers in Icelandic geothermal streams. Aquatic Botany, in press. 56. Forster, J., Hirst, A.G., and Woodward, G. (2011) Growth and development have different thermal responses. American Naturalist, 178, 668 -678. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Forster%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20%20Temperture%20dependence %20of%20growth%20%26%20development%20-%20Am.%20Nat..pdf 57. Gilljam, D., Thierry, A., Edwards, F.K., Figueroa, D., Ibbotson, A.T., Jones, J.I., Lauridsen, R.B., Petchey, O.L., Woodward, G. & Ebenman, B. (2011) Seeing double: size-based versus taxonomic views of food web structure. Advances in Ecological Research, 45, 67-134. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Gilljam%20et%20al%20%282011%29%20Seeing%20double%20%20size%20versus%20taxonomy%20in%20food%20webs%20%20Adv.%20Ecol.%20Res..pdf 58. Perkins, D.M., Yvon-Durocher, G., Demars, B.O.L., Reiss, J., Pichler, D.E., Friberg, N., Trimmer, M. & Woodward, G. (2011) Consistent temperature dependence of respiration across streams contrasting in thermal history. Global Change Biology, in press https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Re prints/Perkins%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20Temperature%20dependence% 20of%20respiration%20-%20Global%20Change%20Biology.pdf 2012 59. Thompson, R.M. Dunne, J. And Woodward, G. (2012) Freshwater food webs – towards a more fundamental understanding of biodiversity and community dynamics. Freshwater Biology, in press. 9 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Re prints/Thompson%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20Freshwater%20food%20web s%20review%20-%20Freshwater%20Biology.pdf 60. Hagen, M., Kissling, W.D., Rasmussen, C., de Aguiar, M.A.M., Brown, L.E., Carstensen, D.W., Alves-dos-Santos, I., Dupont, Y.L., Edwards, F.K., Genini, J., Guimaräes, P.R., Jenkins, G.B., Jordano, P., Kaiser-Bunbury, C.N., Ledger, M., Maia, K.M., Marquitti, F.M.D., McLaughlin, O., Morellato, L.P.C., O’Gorman, E., Trøjelsgaard, K., Tylianakis, J.M., Vidal, M.M., Woodward, G. and Olesen, J.M. (2012) Biodiversity, species interactions and ecological networks in a fragmented world. Advances in Ecological Research, 46, in press. 61. Dossena, M., Grey, J., Montoya, J.M., Perkins, D.M., Trimmer, M., Woodward, G. and Yvon-Durocher, G. (2012) Warming alters community size structure and ecosystem functioning. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B., in press. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Re prints/Dossena%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20Warming%20laters%20comm unity%20structure%20and%20ecosystem%20functioning%20%20Proc%20Roy%20Soc%20B.pdf 62. Lauridsen, R.B., Edwards, F.K., Bowes, M.J., Woodward, G., Hildrew, A.G., Ibbotson, A.T., Jones, J.I. (2012) Consumer-resource elemental imbalances in a nutrient rich stream. Freshwater Science, in press. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Repri nts/Lauridsen%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20Stoichiometry%20in%20a%20strea m%20food%20web%20-%20Freshwater%20Science.pdf 63. Yvon-Durocher, G., Caffrey, J.M., Cescatti, A., Dossena, M., del Giorgio, P., Gasol, J.M., Montoya, J.M., Pumpanen, J., Staehr, P.A., Trimmer, M., Woodward, G., Allen, A.P. (2012) Reconciling differences in the temperaturedependence of ecosystem respiration across time scales and ecosystem types. Nature, in press. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Repri nts/YvonDurocher%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20Global%20patterns%20in%20ecosyste m%20respiration%20-%20Nature.pdf 64. Woodward, G., Brown, L.E., Edwards, F.K., Hudson, L.N., Milner, A.M., Reuman, D.C., and Ledger, M.E. (2012) Climate change impacts in multispecies systems: drought alters food web size-structure in a field experiment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, in press. 65. *Woodward, G., Gessner, M.O., Giller, P.S., Gulis, V., Hladyz, S., Lecerf, A., Malmqvist, B., McKie, B.G., Tiegs, S.D., Cariss, H., Dobson, M., Elosegi, A., Ferreira, V., Graça, M.A.S., Fleituch, T., Lacoursière, J.O., Nistorescu, M., Pozo, J., Risnoveanu, G., Schindler, M., Vadineanu, A., Vought, L. B.-M., Chauvet, E. (2012) Continental-scale effects of nutrient pollution on stream ecosystem functioning. Science, in press. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Re prints/Woodward%20et%20al%20%282012%29%20%20Continental%20scale% 10 20effects%20of%20nutrients%20on%20ecosystem%20functioning%20%20Science.pdf b) Peer-reviewed Book Chapters 1. Woodward G., Thompson R., Hildrew A.G. and Townsend C.R. (2005) Pattern and process in food webs: evidence from running waters. In Aquatic Food Webs: An Ecosystem Perspective, Oxford University Press. 2. Montoya J.M., Emmerson M.E. and Woodward G. (2005) Indirect effects in complex food webs. In de Ruiter P.C., Wolters V. and Moore J.C. (eds), Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change., San Diego: Academic Press. 3. *Woodward G., Emmerson M.E., Olesen J.M., Valido A., Warren P.H. and Ebenman B. (2005) Body-size determinants of pattern and process in ecological networks. In de Ruiter P.C., Wolters V. and Moore J.C. (eds), Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change., San Diego: Academic Press. 4. Emmerson M.E., Montoya J.M. and Woodward G. (2005) Allometric scaling and body-size constraints in complex food webs. In de Ruiter P.C., Wolters V. and Moore J.C. (eds), Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change., San Diego: Academic Press. pp 167178. 5. *Woodward, G. & Warren, P.H. (2007) Body size and predatory interactions in freshwaters: scaling from individuals to communities. pp 98-117 in: Body size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems. Eds: Hildrew, A.G., Raffaelli, D. and Edmonds-Brown, R. Cambridge University Press. 6. *Woodward, G. & Layer, K. (2007) Pattern and process in the Lochnagar food web. Eds. N. Rose. Lochnagar: The Natural History of a Mountain Lake. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research. 231- 252. Springer. 7. *Woodward, G., Friberg, N. and Hildrew A.G. (2010) Science and non-science in the biomonitoring and conservation of fresh waters. In de Carlo, F. & Bassano, A. (eds): Freshwater Ecosystems and Aquaculture Research. Nova Science Publishing. 277-288. ISBN: 978-1-60741-707-1. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Re prints/Woodward%2C%20Friberg%20and%20Hildrew%20%282010%29%20%20Biomonitoring%20Nova%20Book%20Chapter.pdf c) Special Issues / Thematic Volumes as Volume Editor 1. Woodward, G. (2010) Ecological Networks (Thematic Volume: ed. G. Woodward) Advances in Ecological Research, 42. 436pp. AER Vol 42: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Advances%20in%20Ecological%20Research% 20Vol.%2042%20-%20Ecological%20Networks.pdf 11 2. Woodward, G. (2010). Integrative Ecology: From Molecules to Ecosystems (Thematic Volume, ed. G. Woodward) Advances in Ecological Research, 43, 330pp. AER Vol 43: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/AECR%20Vol%2043%20Integrative%20Ecolo gy.pdf 3. Woodward, G. (2011) Ecosystems in a Human-modified Landscape: a European Perspective. (Thematic Volume, ed. G. Woodward) Advances in Ecological Research, 44, 374pp. AER Vol 44: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Advances%20in%20Ecological%20Research% 20Vol%2044%20-%202011.pdf 4. Jacob, U. and Woodward, G. (2012 commission) Global change and multispecies systems: Part I (Thematic Volume: eds. U. Jacob and G. Woodward) Advances in Ecological Research, 46, in press. d) Special Issues / Thematic Volumes Commissioned as Series Editor 1. Belgrano, A. and Reiss, J. (2011) Body size in ecosystems (Thematic Volume: eds. A. Belgrano and J. Reiss) Advances in Ecological Research, 45, in press. AER Vol 45: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/AECR%20Volume%2045%20%20Body%20size%20in%20multispecies%20systems.pdf e) Editorial Prefaces/Commentaries 1. Woodward, G. (2010) Ecological networks: simple rules for complex systems in a changing world? Advances in Ecological Research, 42, xv-xviii. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%282010%29%20AECR%20Ecological%20Networks%20Pre face.pdf 2. Woodward, G. (2010) Preface - Integrative ecology: from molecules to ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research, 43, xv-xvii. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2010%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%282010%29%20AECR%20Integrative%20Ecology%20Pref ace.pdf 3. Woodward, G. (2011) Linking ecological theory to reality: measuring and mitigating human impacts in Europe's heavily modified ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research, 44, xvii-xxiv. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%282011%29%20AECR%20Vol%2044%20Ecosystems%20i n%20a%20Modified%20Landscape%20Preface.pdf 12 4. Woodward, G., Andersen, K.H., Belgrano, A., Blanchard, J., and Reiss, J. (2011) Body size and the (re)unification of ecology. Advances in Ecological Research, 45, in press. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2011%20Repr ints/Woodward%20%282011%29%20AECR%20Vol%2045%20Body%20Size%2 0in%20Multispecies%20Systems%20Preface.pdf f) Knowledge Transfer: Civil Service and Government Sectors 1. *Woodward, G. (2010) Linking the levels of organisation: identifying simple rules that underpin complex natural systems. Public Service Review: Science and Technology, 1, 19. 2. *Woodward, G. (2010) The global greenhouse. Public Service Review: Science and Technology, 1, 20. 3. *Woodward (2012) Sentinel system. Pan European Networks. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11776666/Woodward%20reprints/Reprints/2012%20Re prints/Woodward%20%282012%29%20Pan-European%20Network%20%20Arctic%20Biodiversity%20Horizon%20Scanning.pdf 13