Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Transplant Manual Title: Substance Abuse/Dependence and Transplantation Purpose: To provide a rational approach to evaluation and management of substance abuse and dependency issues in the context of liver transplantation Policy Statement: Individuals presenting with a history of substance abuse/dependency shall be evaluated by an interdisciplinary team including at least the following: a transplant physician, a transplant surgeon, a licensed social worker, and a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. At the time of evaluation, the patient must sign a Patient Responsibility Agreement pledging not to use alcohol, non-prescribed medications, or other illicit substances (including, but not limited to, heroin, opiates, amphetamines, marijuana, and cocaine) in the future. Patients must also agree to unlimited, random drug and/or alcohol screening both while awaiting transplantation and following transplantation. The evaluating committee will determine the patient’s suitability for transplantation and will make recommendations regarding rehabilitation or counseling prior to listing or as a condition of listing. All patients must satisfy the following requirements prior to listing: 1. Patients must demonstrate complete abstinence from all substances of abuse/dependence (illicit drugs and alcohol) through the pre-transplant period. They must have an abstinence period of at least three months prior to being listed for transplant. If a patient has not been abstinent for two years, active participation and successful completion of a relapse prevention program is required. The relapse prevention program must be reviewed and approved by the transplant social worker and/or psychologist. These criteria may be modified based on individual patient situations and will require a detailed explanation on the patient’s medical summary. All patients must be presented at the Liver Transplant Selection Committee meeting for approval for listing. 2. An approved relapse prevention program must have, at minimum, the following therapeutic and recovery goals: a. enhancing insight into past abuse/dependence b. increasing understanding of how abuse/dependency impacted current health status c. developing more effective coping and stress management skills d. enhancing the availability and stability of a rehabilitation support system in the patient’s natural environment e. identifying high-risk situations and developing an action plan to address them f. development of alcohol or drug refusal skills g. management of negative moods and depression h. implementation of strategies to maximize compliance with the transplant regimen and other modifications in lifestyle 1 i. development of effective strategies for coping with cravings and urges to use alcohol or drugs Patients will be encouraged to receive relapse prevention services by the clinical psychologist in the Transplant Center. Patients not wanting relapse prevention services in the Transplant Center must arrange for their provider to send a written summary of their treatment plan to the transplant social worker and/or psychologist for review. This review will determine the degree to which the relapse prevention services meet the foregoing criteria and whether additional services are required. 3. Patients receiving relapse prevention services outside of the Transplant Center are required to arrange for written monthly progress reports to be sent by their local provider to the transplant social worker or psychologist. This will ensure that patients are attending to policy requirements and will allow the Transplant Center to monitor treatment progress throughout the pre-transplant period. 4. Random toxicology and alcohol screens may be performed on all patients with a history of substance abuse/dependency. Such patients will be called randomly by a vendor contracted with BIDMC, at time intervals determined by the transplant team. These calls will be made in the morning and patients must then go their local lab by the end of the day. Results will need to be faxed to the Transplant Center within 24 hours of the phone call to the patient. “Testing for cause” alcohol/toxicology screens may also be requested if substance use is suspected or reported to the transplant team. 5. Patients receiving Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) are eligible for transplantation, provided the following conditions are met: a. MMT is being done under medical supervision and guidance; b. the patient meets the other foregoing criteria regarding participation in or successful completion of an approved relapse prevention program; c. monthly written progress reports are forwarded by the provider to the Transplant Center. 6. Patients must report all prescribed narcotics and sedatives to their transplant coordinator and/or transplant physician for review and approval. If misuse or abuse of prescribed narcotics is suspected, patients will be referred to the transplant social worker and psychologist for further evaluation. 7. If evidence arises and is verified that the patient has failed to maintain complete abstinence during the evaluation process, the patient’s evaluation period will be extended and the patient will be required to undergo reevaluation by the transplant social worker and psychologist. On the basis of this re-evaluation, the transplant social worker and psychologist will make a recommendation to the transplant team regarding a minimum abstinence period and/or the need for additional substance abuse/dependence treatment. If the patient with a positive toxicology finding is listed with UNOS, under the direction of the patient’s transplant physician the patient will immediately be inactivated from the UNOS waiting list. Following a required re-evaluation by the transplant social worker and psychologist, the patient will be placed on the agenda for the Liver Transplant Selection Committee, at which time the 2 evaluating team will reconsider the patient for transplant listing. In both circumstances as described, the patient must re-qualify for listing with UNOS. Patients and their referring physician will be notified of changes to the patient’s status during the evaluation period or after being listed with UNOS. 8. Patients will also be expected to maintain abstinence post-transplant. The transplant team may encourage and support participation in ongoing addictions and relapse prevention treatment as needed, as well as continue to administer random and “testing for cause” alcohol/toxicology screens. 9. All patients with a current or recent (less than 2 months) history of nicotine dependence will be encouraged to meet with the transplant psychologist to evaluate the need for smoking cessation and/or relapse prevention services. All transplant patients will be strongly advised to quit smoking and will be provided with the resources to do so. Patient Responsibility Agreement General Statement There are not enough donated organs for every person who needs, or could benefit from, a transplant. Transplant programs, such as The Transplant Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, try to make sure that a transplant will benefit each recipient and that the organs donated by others at the time of their death are used responsibly. This means that we select patients who are medically, emotionally, and financially able to follow the many requirements of a successful transplant. Patients with a history of substance abuse or dependency, whether or not this was the cause of their organ failure, must show their commitment to a healthy lifestyle by following the recommendations of the transplant team both before and after transplantation. Responsibility Agreement I, _________________________________, wish to undergo evaluation for transplant. By undergoing evaluation, I agree to the following conditions of participation in the transplant program: 1. I understand that I have a disease that may involve alcohol or substance abuse. I accept abstinence from alcohol and/or drugs as a long-term goal for my medical and mental health. 2. I understand that at least 3 months of out-of-hospital abstinence is required before transplant listing. Abstinence is defined as “no use under any circumstances” and pertains to alcohol and other drugs of dependence or abuse. Continued lifetime abstinence may improve the chance that I will experience positive health outcomes. Therefore, I understand that the transplant program expects continued lifetime abstinence. I agree to adopt this as an expectation for myself as well. 3. I agree to participate in a behavioral health assessment by the transplant psychologist. I understand that my primary caregiver is expected to participate 3 in this evaluation as well. 4. I understand that participation in a relapse prevention program is required for those who have been abstinent for less than 24 months. I understand that such treatment may include, but is not limited to, support groups, individual therapy, inpatient, outpatient, residential, and/or community-based programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. I will work with the transplant team to decide which type of treatment is best for me. 5. If participating in a relapse prevention program, I agree to give the transplant program monthly written reports (usually in the form of a letter by the treating professional) of my progress in treatment. I will allow my primary physicians to discuss my treatment plan and progress with significant others in my life, including concerned family members. I consent to the sharing of medical records among all of my inpatient and outpatient providers, specifically including psychiatric and substance use records. 6. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow up with my medications, medical, psychiatric, psychological, and/or addictions appointments. It is also my responsibility to adhere to any other treatment or diet recommended by my physicians and the transplant team. 7. I understand that use of any prescription narcotics or sedatives must be preapproved by the transplant physician. 8. I agree to undergo random urine and/or blood screens for substance use as requested by the transplant program. 9. I agree to inform the transplant team if I relapse and use substances of abuse. 10. Substance use during the evaluation process or while listed for transplantation will be examined promptly by the transplant team. I will be required to participate in another evaluation by the transplant social worker and psychologist. Following this evaluation, the transplant program might require a longer abstinence period before I can be re-considered for transplant listing. They might also require me to participate in another substance abuse treatment program. If I am on the transplant list, any non-approved substance use will result in being moved immediately from active to inactive listing status. I will have to be re-evaluated by the transplant social worker and psychologist. Based on these evaluations, the transplant team may decide to place me back on the transplant list, require more substance abuse treatment before re-listing, or remove me from the transplant list permanently. Signatures I understand that this agreement is a part of the transplant evaluation process. My signing it does not guarantee my acceptance by The Transplant Center at Beth Israel Deaconess as a transplant candidate. I understand that not following this agreement may compromise my status as a transplant candidate. I have read this policy and the transplant social worker or psychologist has reviewed it with me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions. These questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I agree to follow what is in this policy. I have been given a copy of this 4 policy for future reference. Patient _________________________________________ Date____________ I have explained the policy to the patient and have answered all questions. Transplant Social Worker ______________________ or Psychologist Vice President Sponsor: Approved by: x Liver Selection Committee Requestor Name: Original Date Approved: Next Review Date: Revised: Date____________ Dianne Anderson, Sr. VP PCS Douglas W. Hanto, MD, PhD and Michael Curry, MD Co-Chairs Michael Curry, MD 2/02 1/08 3/06 Eliminated: 5