
NHS Teen LifeCheck case study
Community for Health activity
The City School in Sheffield is committed to promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle to all
pupils, by helping them to make informed healthy choices and to take responsibility for their long
term health.
To help with this aim, on 1st July 2009, the City School suspended all normal classes for their year
eight pupils and instead held a special enrichment day entitled ‘Healthy Mind/ Healthy Body’. The
day was split into a number of different sessions which taught pupils about healthy nutrition and
exercise and encouraged them to review their own wellbeing. NHS Teen LifeCheck played a large
part in this day, by teaching the young people to evaluate their health and set realistic goals.
Pupils had the chance to watch food demonstrations and take home recipes for fresh, tasty food.
They also had Tai Chi and skipping sessions which providing them with information and advice about
the importance of exercise for increasing healthy well being.
After a healthy and nutritious lunch buffet, pupils were put into groups so that they could
individually produce a ‘healthy change plan’. Memory sticks produced by the Sheffield Teen
LifeCheck team contained a healthy change template and the young people were able to use tips
and advice they had picked up during the day to create a realistic plan for how they would improve
their day-to-day health and lifestyle.
Pupils were given a quiet time to reflect on what they had learnt and to fill in an NHS Teen LifeCheck.
Michelle Bridges from City School, Sheffield said of NHS Teen LifeCheck:
“This tool empowers young people to take greater control of their health by raising awareness of risk
taking behaviour, signposting further services and supporting behaviour changes by setting ‘SMART’
health improvement goals. As a recent recipient of the National health Schools Award this activity,
along with the other tasks on offer, was considered to be a crucial element of the day.”
At the end of the day, each pupil received a certificate of participation and awards were presented
to those students who had made a maximum effort and positive contribution to the day.